Can't capture puruna, the challenger

Hi! I captured the forgotten soldier and then nassar but now i can't capture puruna. the icon that shows a possible boss capture has disappeared. If i run the map with a vessel it says that i can't capture that map boss. I saw other posts in here from other people having problems tryin to capture bosses on maps with elder influence or elder guardians on. Maybe i tried to capture puruna once with elder influence or guardians on plateau and bricked the capture, but i can't remember!

Here you can see that i clearly have no puruna bonus active in my pantheon and the icon on plateau disappeared and i can't capture those totems that keep fighting each other until we beat them off.

i'll keep that vessel empty :<

thank in advance for your efforts, GGG! I love you and PoE <3 <3 <3
Last bumped on Apr 30, 2018, 10:57:43 AM
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my bad. I just realised that i typed in the search panel for puruna and it highlights plateau and atoll -.- and puruna is the one from atoll lol how can I delete this post I feel baad

Last edited by Episodio#3559 on Apr 30, 2018, 11:09:12 AM

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