WHY my Elder do NOT move on the Atlas?

Why they dont move south on Siege ?? I did quite a few others map but they dont move?
GGG have change how they behave on atlas?

edit:DUNNO why i cant upload the image...

i ll go mad on this game

Anyway the elder are stuck in a part of the atlas and they dont expand, why?

edit2: image

Last edited by ThoryX#1076 on Mar 25, 2018, 4:15:39 PM
Last bumped on Mar 26, 2018, 3:39:37 PM
They only move into shaper areas when you complete ones adjacent to elder areas.
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mark1030 wrote:
They only move into shaper areas when you complete ones adjacent to elder areas.

Elder does have a chance to expand its area on its own, whenever you complete a map. Occasionally I even see him take over Shaper-owned maps, though it could also be that the Shaper just left that map, and Elder occupied the then-free map in the same turn.

ThoryX wrote:
Why they dont move south on Siege ?? I did quite a few others map but they dont move?

Just to be sure: You did kill the bosses in those maps you did, right? That's what triggers the Atlas update.

How many maps have you completed in the period you're talking of? I've seen Elder not moving into a free space for 5 turns, it's chance-based.

Also, I don't know if the Elder area does still expand after the Elder and its guardians has spawned - I'm not that far yet. ;) Perhaps someone else can clarify?
Psyringe wrote:

How many maps have you completed in the period you're talking of? I've seen Elder not moving into a free space for 5 turns, it's chance-based.

I think I did around 5 maps.

Elder's influence expand even after the guardians are spawned. The only things that is different in this is that the Guardians and the Elder spawned on not completed maps.

If they don't move I'm f*****
Last edited by ThoryX#1076 on Mar 26, 2018, 2:16:17 AM
Oh, are you trying to move the Elder or Guardians themselves? That can't happen, the only way to get them out of a map is to kill them. Only the influence (the grey blob on the Atlas) can move.
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Mar 26, 2018, 2:20:30 AM
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
Oh, are you trying to move the Elder or Guardians themselves? That can't happen, the only way to get them out of a map is to kill them. Only the influence (the grey blob on the Atlas) can move.

of course i'm trying to move the influence. I need to do a ping pong with shaper influence on Siege
ThoryX wrote:
Psyringe wrote:

How many maps have you completed in the period you're talking of? I've seen Elder not moving into a free space for 5 turns, it's chance-based.

I think I did around 5 maps.

Elder's influence expand even after the guardians are spawned. The only things that is different in this is that the Guardians and the Elder spawned on not completed maps.

If they don't move I'm f*****

Elder hasn't moved onto a free map for 5 turns before in my games. It's unusual, but not impossible. I suggest to simply keep doing maps, most probably he'll move eventually. I'd focus on Shaper-controlled maps that are far from the Elder's area, e.g. Jungle Valley in your screenshot. That might help to spawn a Shaper area elsewhere, preferably on The Siege, and then you can ping-pong.
Last edited by Psyringe#7951 on Mar 26, 2018, 7:12:09 AM
Psyringe wrote:
mark1030 wrote:
They only move into shaper areas when you complete ones adjacent to elder areas.

Elder does have a chance to expand its area on its own, whenever you complete a map. Occasionally I even see him take over Shaper-owned maps, though it could also be that the Shaper just left that map, and Elder occupied the then-free map in the same turn.

They can totally kick each other out of maps when they touch; if the shaper manages to cut the elder influence in half, only one side will survive the separation, which can be a rather dramatic change. That usually happens unsolicited if the shaper just kicks the elder off that one map in the middle, and ouch!

You can search for all the "bug, elder influence suddenly dropped" threads to find reports of this. ;)

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