The Nameless Forest (Unearthed Hideout)
No one knows what great civilization once ruled over these lands, but their cities and monuments crumbled to ruin long ago. The broken statues and shattered walls that mark their graves have now been overgrown by lush foliage and thick trees. Its original name lost to history, the region is now known only as the Nameless Forest.
To the south, verdant rainforest covers every inch of land, with only fragments of what must have once been colossal statues to mark that humans once dwelt here. Miles to the west, jungle gives way to more temperate woods growing amidst the walls of what must have been a vast city. Several armed travelers make camp for the night in one gutted building, while the witch of the forest observes them through the mists. To the east, through the thickest of the jungle, hides a shrine to a forgotten pagan goddess. Two women in search of religious inspiration search the enchanted ruins, where gateways to another world are said to sometimes appear. Last bumped on Mar 9, 2018, 8:17:23 PM