[3.2] Juggernaut - Tectonic Slam - 1.1 mil DPS - Crit - Stormwall/Hegemony's Era **UPDATED** 3/4/18


This is my first build on the forums, please be patient with me.

If you have anything you would like to discuss, please do not message me in game or send me private messages on the forum, post here and I will check frequently and do my best to stay caught up. This benefits everyone using this guide, also I would like time to play the game just like you guys. :)


Update 1 - 3/4/2018 @ 10:30PM PST
I made a ton of changes to the guide tonight, way more than I care to list out in detail.
Please be sure go completely through the guide and each leveling tree again to get the best picture.

--Changed the Body Armour that is required to Belly of the Beast
--Changed the boots that are required to Death's Door
--Added Stormwall staff as a very viable staff and moved Hegemony's to the expensive list
--Changed all leveling trees to make the leveling process moother
--Changed the final trees to reflect more DPS and more life
--Added information for Jewels to show the top specs that will benefit the most
--Added leveling items and put in much more information on how to level
--Streamlined the guide in many ways

Unless there are any full on game breaking mistakes I will not update or change anything for at least a week, and that is only if needed. I would like to play the game and level my character as well :)

I saw another build for something very similar to what I am doing here and had planned on building that and then after many hours of playing with it I found a much better way to do it. This build has quite easily over 1 million DPS using the new Tectonic skill released with 3.2 and Bestiary League.

Here is a Pastebin for Path of Building that includes the gear, gems and trees. There is enough information in Path of Building that you can use it almost entirely for leveling and finishing off your character. Be sure to look in each section and each drop-down available. I have spent at least 4 hours total just making sure it has as much information as is possible for it to have.
Path of Building is your friend and not as hard to use as you might think!



Here is a document I create and use to have something to quickly glance at and know when and where to get each gem needed along with other information:


Gem Setup

Body Armour:
Tectonic Slam
Melee Physical Damage
Elemental Damage with Attacks

Concentrated Effect
Elemental Focus (5L)

Ruthless (6L)

Ancestral Warchief
Melee Physical Damage

Concentrated Effect
Ruthless (5L)
Increased Critical Damage (6L)

Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
Blood Magic

Immortal Call (LVL 3)
Increased Duration
Cast When Damage Taken (LVL 1)

Summon Lightning Golem

Herald of Ash
Blood Rage


Skill Trees and Ascendancy

Ascendancy Class: Juggernaut

Ascendancy Points, in order:
Unflinching > Unyielding > Undeniable > Unbreakable

Leveling Trees:

22 Skill Points

50 Skill Points - 2 Ascendancy Points

70 Skill Points - 4 Ascendancy Points

100 Skill Points - 6 Ascendancy Points

112 Skill Points - 8 Ascendancy Points

121 Skill Points - Level 100!

I have not decided yet, I will play with them and see what is best but for some of them will be situational. I will update this later. Suggestions are always welcome!



I keep getting asked over and over (via PM on the forums and whispers in game mostly) "Why did you put a point into Resolute Technique when you have a crit build????" If those people had taken the time to look they would have realized that in later trees of the build we refund the passive for RT. We are taking RT early on to make leveling easier and smoother, once we get high enough to get a good crit staff we take it off.

--To make leveling and linking better you can have ready a Goldrim, Wanderlust, Tabula Rasa and any other uniques you like to start leveling with.

--Start with Molten Strike and put Ruthless with it, you get these in the first zone you start in when you enter the game with a new character. Get the best 2H weapon you can find that will carry you to level 13.

--At level 12 get Sunder and and at level 13 get a Limbsplit.

--At level 28 grab Tectonic Slam and swap out Sunder with it.

--At level 31 get a Wideswing, then at level level 34 you can swap that with a Reaper's Pursuit if you wish. Also at level 58 you can swap again for a Kaom's Primacy.

--At level 60 you can grab a Storwall, spec out of Resolute Technique and start going crazy!

Help Alira. You will need this for the crit and for the resists since you will be wearing a lot of uniques with little to no resists on them.

Leveling Uniques:




In the end there are some unique items that you MUST have, the build is centered around them and you will want to get them as soon as you can. On the way to getting them, however, you can pick up some others or even some magic gear to get you into maps and making some funds.

Be sure to look in the items section of Path of Building as I put some optional stuff and some stuff that is best in slot.

I will replace these links with interactive links once I own the items myself....


Stormwall is a perfectly viable staff for this build.
Even if you never get Hegemony's you will do fine with this one

Hegemony's is is the BiS although it can be very expensive and as the league goes on
it has been getting more and more expensive every day. Get it if you can!

Body Armour:

Belly of the Beast is our BiS for this build.


Abyssus is BiS and is the only helm I would consider.

Death's Door, Crusader Boots

Death's Door is BiS and are the only boots I would consider.

Oskarm, Nubuck Gloves

Oskarm is BiS for this build and the only gloves I would consider.




For the 3 that can be crafted on, I have not chosen what to put on them yet, I will update soon when I have.



% Increased Maximum Life
Critical Multiplier with Fire Skills
Critical Strike Multiplier with Elemental Skills
Increased Damage

In that order of importance, just try to get maximum life first than get the next best thing you can afford then when you can afford better just keep adding to it and getting better ones.


I would like to thank Camdalf for putting the idea into my head and I would very much like to thank those in Lifting's guild and KittenCatNoodles guild (Especially Elgosso and Xenogard) for helping me to make sure I did not screw this up too terrible.

This is my first build guide and my first full build I have put together, I hope you enjoy it.

Keep in mind, and this is important, if Tectonic Slam turns out to be a bust or they nerf it do not panic. This build can very easily be converted to a number of other builds very easily and with very little cost.

Last edited by SimplPrimate#4988 on Mar 10, 2018, 1:05:15 PM
Last bumped on Jun 7, 2018, 12:37:31 PM
Well, I'm first so I'll try it :))

Do you think that you can kill everything with this jugg?
Last edited by KaroruKitsune#5321 on Mar 2, 2018, 9:20:22 PM
Leveling this build now-should work well late game
KaroruKitsune wrote:
Well, I'm first so I'll try it :))

Do you think that you can kill everything with this jugg?

At this point with no-one really knowing how TS will work I have no clue, I can promise at this point it will be one hell of a mapper and likely great for uber lab. Other than that I need to play it, gear it and test.
Awesome, ya I think it will be epic late game with all the uniques. It will likely be a bit rough before getting the staff and helm for sure. I keep hearing people say that TS sucks and it's not worth using but there is no way anyone knows that for certain at this point.
How do you deal with mana issues? I'm running our of mana pretty fast, and I have the only mana leech node that you take on the tree.
Nice build, i'll try this out.
Saw your post on that obnoxious guys buildthread. Leveling this right now!

Level 45 as of now. Found The Stormheart to be a pretty nice leveling staff, will carry you 15+ levels.

Getting enough int for a staff upgrade at around level 45-50 is a pretty big problem though.

Edit: I recommend buying a Blood Reaper axe at level 45 and then waiting as long as possible with speccing into staff nodes.
.~*sweep is the meta*~.
Last edited by Jerkixx#7817 on Mar 3, 2018, 5:02:12 AM
SimplPrimate wrote:
KaroruKitsune wrote:
Well, I'm first so I'll try it :))

Do you think that you can kill everything with this jugg?

At this point with no-one really knowing how TS will work I have no clue, I can promise at this point it will be one hell of a mapper and likely great for uber lab. Other than that I need to play it, gear it and test.

"Tectonic Slam
Melee Physical Damage
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Concentrated Effect
Elemental Focus (5L)
Physical to Lightning (6L)"

I am new to this game so I have one more question because you seem to know more. How can I build damage from the elements since the last one is PtL. And I know that at the beginning I will not have 6 links

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