New Beacon of Ruin|Minimum Threshold Q

Assume 100% crit.

Chill & Shock have a base duration of 2 seconds.

But to ACTUALLY become shocked or chilled, the ailment must be at least 1% effective, which means the lightning damage(for shock) or the cold damage(for chill) must have dealt .2% or .33% of the target's maximum life, respectively, to apply the ailment.

The new Beacon of Ruin states:

"Shocks from your Hits always increase Damage taken by at least 20%"


"Chills from your Hits always Slow by at least 10%"

My question is, does this "minimum" damage of .2% and .33% still apply? Or does automatically gaining 10/20% effectiveness supersede the minimum threshold?

The application, or example, would be if I could add 1 lightning and 1 cold damage to my spells, and hit a critical strike, would this one single damage (very clearly NOT .2% or .33% of a mobs health) cause a base duration 2 second shock and chill (at 10% slow and 20% increased Damage taken)?
Last bumped on Mar 3, 2018, 12:38:54 AM
You still have to actually chill/shock, meaning that the threshold still applies.
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Thanks for the quick reply! Happy hunting.
viperesque wrote:
You still have to actually chill/shock, meaning that the threshold still applies.

Actually, Mark_GGG pretty much directly contradicts this. As long as you deal 1 cold damage, you will always chill.
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
viperesque wrote:
You still have to actually chill/shock, meaning that the threshold still applies.

Actually, Mark_GGG pretty much directly contradicts this. As long as you deal 1 cold damage, you will always chill.

I'm aware of that post, but to me it appears to support what I said. Hmm.
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Last edited by viperesque#7817 on Mar 2, 2018, 1:30:50 PM
Huh? Here is the entire chain of comments:

yaviumDuck wrote:
In other words, if I fail to hit the minimum percent of a monsters max hp, will the chill of 10% be applied or not?

taggedjc wrote:
I believe as long as you are dealing damage that can chill, you will chill, since the 10% is higher than the minimum required slow of 1%.

Mark_GGG wrote:
This is correct. It works out the base magnitude for the chill by comparing the amount of damage dealt (that can chill) to max life, and then if that magnitude is below 10%, it becomes 10% instead.

Mark is pretty much directly confirming the statement in the first post.

The second part of Mark's post refers to a situation where you have zero cold damage, and thus can't apply chill at all.
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Mar 2, 2018, 1:34:04 PM
People are misunderstanding Viper.

Abel: the thresholds still apply as normal. As Viper said, you still have to deal enough initial damage to get that basic Chill/Shock, the pithy nothing one that increases damage/reduces speed by 1%. What NuBeacon does is (presumably) put an override in place that forces the value to jump up to a minimum threshold of effectiveness if it would otherwise be below that threshold.

If it did anything else, such as requiring more damage in the first place, Beacon of Ruin would be directly nerfing any character that takes it. All it does is boost weak Shocks or Chills up to less-weak Shocks or Chills, which is quite handy against big lardass bosses with more health than is good for them.
I think we need some clarity on what "damage that can chill" means in this context. It's pretty ambiguous when I think about it.
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viperesque wrote:
I think we need some clarity on what "damage that can chill" means in this context. It's pretty ambiguous when I think about it.

I read "damage that can chill" as "cold damage", accounting for special cases like Soul Taker or Elemental Conflux, which make other damage types able to chill; or Three Dragons and Elemental Focus, which make cold damage not able to chill.

In either case this should be pretty easy to test once the servers go live.
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Mar 2, 2018, 1:41:31 PM
based on what Mark said, a hit with ANY amount of relevant damage will be able to cause the chill/shock, even if it normally wouldn't reach the 1% threshold.

He simply stated that if the magnitude is below the 10% chill/20% shock, it'll instead be set to those values. 0% magnitude is below 10% or 20%.

What i'm more curious about is how 'increased effect of chill/shock/ailments' will work... is increased effect applied before the 'upgrade' to these minimums are applied, or after?

I.e. say my hit would normally have 8% chill, but i've got 50% increased chill effect... do i chill for 12% (from 8 being increased by 50% and then compared to the minimum 10) or do i chill for 15% (from 8 being compared to and subsequently upgraded to the minimum 10, and then increased by 50%)?
Last edited by Shppy#6163 on Mar 2, 2018, 1:54:15 PM

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