PoE Trade API Questions


The "X-Rate-Limit-{Method}" format is a comma delimited list (,) of rate limiting rules, which themselves are delimited by colons (:). In this case there is only one rule so there are no commas.

Each rule is made up of three parts: request limit, interval (in seconds), timeout (in seconds). For the trade limits, this means that you will be rate-limited for 60 seconds if you make more than 20 requests in 5 seconds.

The "X-Rate-Limit-{Method}-State" format is similar (comma delimited then colon delimited), except shows the state for your connection.

It's made up of: current hits, interval (the same as above), active timeout (in seconds). For the example you gave this means that you've made 2 requests towards the 5 second interval and are currently rate-limited for 0 seconds (ie. you're not limited).

Other headers related to rate-limiting include:

The "X-Rate-Limit-Policy" header shows the policy that's active on the API endpoint (searches/exchange queries use the same policy) so requests to either of these endpoints will contribute to the same rate-limit rules.

The "X-Rate-Limit-Rules" header is just a comma delimited list of methods (as in "X-Rate-Limit-{Method}").

We also provide a "Retry-After" header that gives the time you're rate-limited for in seconds (if you are rate-limited).

Including your session ID:

Including your session ID ("logged in") will change how certain policies track your limits. In the case of the trade search policy, logging in will rate-limit you based on your account instead of your IP (with the same limits) and the rate-limit based on your IP will allow double the requests per interval. You can see this change in the headers if you try making requests with your session ID.

I hope that helps! Good luck with your program.
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