[3.1] Windripping Shrouder - Jewel Abuser 3.1 MF Viable (NOT TOO BUDGET)

Hello fellow PoE community, first time meeting you and hope that this build I shared can help!

Let's begin!


Weapon section:

This is a must-have for this build because of its decent base with decent MFing.
If anything you want to substitute with,

get The Tempest for the attack speed and increased lightning damage, but that would lead to a different gem setup which will be explained later.

You will want a Rigwald's Quills eventually for clear speed and damage boost, projectiles fork is really powerful to have

Before you can get it, get Drillneck instead for piercing

or any shaper item with +1 arrow and damage boost, if they're corrupted they're super cheap to get

Armour section:

It is important for this build to have a bunch of survivability on your armors since Ranger does not always get large life pool like Scion could.The followings are what I am currently using:

Starkonja's Head is arguably the best option for our build since it has attack speed, crit chance, huge base life and evasion rating. But if you want to do it to the extreme, you can use the Rat's Nest for even more clear speed, or Devoto's devotion for more movement speed. The Enchantment you want to get is Tornado shot's +1/+2 secondary projectiles, since this version of Windripper does not rely on Barrage (It is strong and the best single target but I do not want it)

Arguably the BiS for all attack-based build, it straight up gives 10% more damage to the build, and has a maximum of 2 abyssal sockets, which is our main source of damage.

Rings & Amulets:
Use Ventor if MF, good quantity and res is our aim here, we don't have enough Resistance on tree and other gear. Other options are Diamond rings with life and res rolls, or Opal ring with life and elemental damage with attacks.
For Amulets you can use this

for shocking, we do mostly elemental damage and this is a huge damage boost to bosses.(15% more damage)
Other options are amulets which can fix your intelligence problem and resistance problems.

This is the expensive one you can get for +2 frenzy charges and dodge chance, with all charges up you can have up to 69% dodge chance and 45% spell dodge. Monsters can rarely hit you and you can have CwDT for security. Also, more frenzy charges= more movement speed, perfect for this clear speed meta.

This is the Essence of this build, it allows 37% Elemental Penetration, and gives 1% life per Abyssal Jewels socketed, fixing both our survivability and bossing, with this beauty, I am able to clear most maps' bosses excluding t16, which I have not tried yet, easily even with Mirage Archer which is supposed to be a mob clearing skill.

Jewels that you would want to have are :

One good Murderous jewel to socket in gloves, all other jewels should be Searching eye with flat elemental damage ( or resistances and life if you're struggling)

With that being said, you should also use

for two more sockets.

Skill Set-up:
Movement skill: Blink Arrow with Faster attacks
Main skill: Tornado shot - Ice Bite - GMP - WED - Mirage Archer/added cold/added lightning
Auras: Wrath
Buffs: Herald of ice - Curse on Hit - Assasin's mark - Innervate
Defensive set-up: CwDT - Increased Duration - Immortal Call - Vaal Haste/Vaal Grace if no Darkray


Leveling is quite easy with

More updates coming soon !
Shaped Channel run : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mghZuUrNws
Last edited by Suzu520 on Jan 12, 2018, 3:25:42 PM
Last bumped on Jan 20, 2018, 1:51:41 AM
Update: bubonic trail is a huge dps downward if you're using one socket since you lose out 2 frenzy charges and I'm using ice bite for my TS. So realistically you should be using double frenzy charge set up , or when you can get bubonic trail with +1 frenzy charge at least. IF you're really looking for maximum output, 2 socket bubonic with +1 frenzy is our BiS, also Bisco's collar with +1 frenzy if you have the currency that is.

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