3.1 Poet's Pen Cold Berserker

After running an Inquisitor version i wanted to try another one as Berserker since there were quite a few requests and questions in my Inquisitor guide about the Berserker i made this one as well. If you have further questions feel free to ask!


There are alot of possible variations depending on your budget.
My current setup is rather expensive but it works quite well even with lower investment.
The build does not require a 6L so a kaom's heart is a good choice but not madatory still having 5k life without any chest equipt so you can use a belly or just any chest with life res or what ever you prefer.


Poet's Pen - Trigger socketed Skills on ATTACK this is where our main source of damage comes from!
Skills have a 250ms cd so you want to stay below certain treshholds below 4 attacks with 2 spells (1 per wand) below 8 attack with 4 spells (2 per wand).
Two of the same skill share their cool down so we need 2 or 4 diffrent ones.
It doesnt matter with which weapon you attack while dual wielding both trigger at the same time.


The Jewel is quite nice to get penetration since its quite hard to get it elsewere.

Same goes for the Amulet, penetration helps a lot with bosses.

Essence of Insanity crafted gloves to get closer to the 8 APS we aim for.

Devotos provides a nice boost to movement and attack speed, try to get one with glacial cascade enchant.

Just a nice boost to your HP pool.



2x Frozen Trail Saves a gem slot on Frostbolt

Explained in the recommended section.

Examples for rare jewels, basicly attack speed/spell dmg/life

Keep in mind not to go over 8APS otherwise you'll lose dps with this gem set up!


That's pretty much my standart set up i run with small variantions - besides bleed/freeze removal and diamond flask it's up to you what set up you prefer.


Poet's Pen #1
Frostbolt - Ice Nova - Controlled Destruction

Poet's Pen #2
Glacial Cascade - Arctic Breath- Controlled Destruction

Frenzy - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Blood magic - - Faster Attacks

Frost Bomb - Spell Cascade - Increased Area



Kill All


I'm using Brine King and Gruthkul, that been said they are very minor you can take what ever you prefer.


The Last one is either War Bringer or cloaked in Savagery havent decided yet, needs further testing. Both are good in different situations.


1 - 12 Freezing pulse + Fire Trap / Molten Strike + Ancestral call
12 + Equip Poet's Pen Freezing pulse + Forstbolt + barrage
28 + swap freezing pulse for glacial cascade
(Add supports as they become available if you dont go for crit early on take controlled destruction for inc crit strikes and swap them later on)



-Solid Life Pool (can take quite big hits)
-quite fast
-Solid sustain (leech/VP)

-Can't do Reflect

Last edited by Shareware#6897 on Dec 27, 2017, 9:32:48 AM
Last bumped on May 22, 2018, 3:16:33 PM
Love it~
Thank-you for the guide!
Maybe a stupid Question but why do we skill Elemental Equilibrium? We only do cold damage or?
In the Templar version we have cold to fire but here i cant find where we deal anything besides cold. What am i forgetting?
tkberlin wrote:
Maybe a stupid Question but why do we skill Elemental Equilibrium? We only do cold damage or?
In the Templar version we have cold to fire but here i cant find where we deal anything besides cold. What am i forgetting?

Thats not elemental equilibrium what i skilled, thats elemental overload.
Last edited by Shareware#6897 on Dec 27, 2017, 9:06:30 AM
Double post sry.
Last edited by Shareware#6897 on Dec 27, 2017, 9:06:01 AM
Ah on your character you didn't skill it but in the skilltree you skilled both. I guess its a leftover.

And huge thanks for the build, really fun so far. Very fast leveling.
Last edited by tkberlin#1233 on Dec 27, 2017, 9:14:13 AM
tkberlin wrote:
Ah on your character you didn't skill it but in the skilltree you skilled both. I guess its a leftover.

And huge thanks for the build, really fun so far. Very fast leveling.

I'll fix it, if its on pob i was running the EE ring with flame totem for testing, thats maybe the reason whyits there.

edit: fixed
was testing this one.
Last edited by Shareware#6897 on Dec 27, 2017, 9:34:00 AM
Its not better to use lightpoachers helmet instead of devoto
Kupsik84 wrote:
Its not better to use lightpoachers helmet instead of devoto

i prefer the movement speed since the area coverage is already quite good.

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