Chamber of Sins lvl2 inaccessible

Ref. number 1 258 349 586

As title states - I can't access Chamber of Sins lvl2.
I have killed Maligaro and received a key from Silk (Obsidian key).

Quest "The Master of a Million Faces" states:
- You can now access the Chamber of Sins Level 2
- Use the Obsidian Key to access the Den

The problem here is that there is NO energy field over the entrance anymore (it were here when I entered for the first time).
Still there are no clickable entrance either.

I've tryed to reset the instance, no luck. Can't continue to play as this blocks character progression completely.
Last bumped on Jun 8, 2018, 1:45:13 AM
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Are you sure you've explored the entire zone?
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Yep, its not the first time when I'm doing this quest.

If you'll take a closer look at the screens provided you'll notice that I'm standing nearby the plate which should be an entrance to lvl 2.
Also there is no barrier / web above me.
After 2 more instance resets it finally spawned an instance with working entrance to lvl 2.
It sure looks like you're in the wrong place. I've always seen it much farther north from the corner you're in. There are places that look exactly like your picture that are never meant to actually be stairs down. I'm curious if you actually fully explored the area like Sarno asked or if you just stopped looking when you found the spot you thought the stairs should be.
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So, fun fact: there are at least three, and possible four, directions that the path down can spawn.

It will always spawn in the direction you travel when you walk out over the waypoint, though. (That fact confirmed by a GGG employee, even.)

It also ... randomly spawns in the same place every time enough that it is really easy to assume there is only one location. In my case, I assumed it was always "west" of the chamber, until I figured out it did actually move.
hmm...3rd time clear and no entrance spawning yet :)
Last edited by aymanzone1#5690 on Jun 8, 2018, 1:42:36 AM
aymanzone1 wrote:
hmm...3rd time clear and no entrance spawning yet :)

Bug report number??? So if it truly is bugged, GGG can at least find and fix the issue.

Read the stickies so you know how and what should be posted. Also, don't necro 6 month old threads.
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