[3.1] S A M U R A I J U G G - ONI-GOROSHI FrostBlades & MeatBallz - All Content With One Hand
![]() CURRENTLY WORKING ON https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2126409 Hello, This build is based on one amazing sword Charan somehow managed to get into the game for small sum of 10 000 dollars (i think at least). It's deadly but also looks beautiful: ![]() INFO - for the most recent endgame trends for the build check "Current Gear" section. In case of questions leave them here.
- Why Juggernaut ? - High damage mitigation via fortify and endurance charges, high accuracy almost completely fixes accuracy needs till very high lvls - Why Molten Strike ? - It's potentially the best single target "melee" skill (potentially because ballz have to land on the boss) - Why Frost Blades ? - Some may find MS clearspeed slow. And its easy to swap between those skills when you use only one hand. - Why Acrobatics ? - Despite high maximum resistances elemental damage is still a threat. Dodge/Spell Dodge works on both physical and elemental attacks/spells. Block was out of question because of One Hand playstyle. - Why Oni-Goroshi - Because it's a amazing sword with huge potential. It opens up many options like Kaoms Heart Armour or two main skills. It has not only good damage but decent attack speed and great critical strike chance base. Her Embrace buff is just OMG good when it comes to immunities and damage. Because it's CHEAP or can be farmed easly. - Why Alira ? - Resists are always good to have more of. Critical Strike Multipler is a desired stat. Mana regen helps while lvling. - Why Perserverance Belt ? It frees one flask slot, has synergy with Fortify, allows to generate Enduring charges while mapping, has good defensive stats. Onslaught without flask is great.
Explanation why i run purities
Xophs makes majority of dmg auras sub optimal (Herald o Ash/Anger are ok tho). But the more dmg based items you will want later to push on the build capping ress will be harder and harder.
Having purities helps me with: - defence - resistances, max resistances, watchers eye, ele weakness overcap - more offensive items possible - mitigation of high % extra ele dmg (maps, izaro) If someone is not convinced or wants to run more dps: Rare Amu: Hatred + Herald of Ash Xophs: Anger + Herald of Ash
Farming Oni-Goroshi yourself
This method takes some time but thats how i and many people obtained this item: - Start 3-4 new characters and level them within first game zone Twilight Strand without leaving it (DO NOT ENTER CITY -> Relog to next character after killing Hillock) - It takes around 90 second before the instance will reset on character (thats why 3-4 characters - to be able to rotate through them) - It may take some time (around 1h+ per character play time) to get them to lvl 7 in first zone - At lvl 7 you rush to the Hillock boss only - skipping every other mob - At lvl 7 there is a chance Hillock will be actually a UBER Hillock weilding Oni-Goroshi, which will be dropped after you kill him. This method allows you to farm not only 1 sword but up to 4, 2 additional ones can be sold for some start money.
Required Gear
x2 (on low level) x2 - 2x Oni-Goroshi for FB clearspeed and MS single target - Peverseance - GREAT belt comparable in both survivability and dmg to very expensive Stygian Vises (and its cheaper) - Kaom's Way - required after you decide to take a hold of Her Embrace buff (additional regen and Enduring Charge) - 2x WildFire Jewel (Molten Strike TreshHold Jewel)
Gem Links / Gear Choices
Main Skill:
With Xoph's Blood Amulet
Rare Amulet
!Important! Fire damage on any your gear is required to proc Her Embrace in case of rare amulets (Jewels are a pretty good place for fire dmg). In case of Rare Amulet look for: - Critical Strike Multipler - Life - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Resistances - Fire Damage X - Y (if you dont have fire dmg on jewel) - Phys Damage X - Y - Reduced Mana Reserved (Shaper) - Extra Chaos Damage from Non-Chaos Damage (Elder) - Attack Speed (Elder) - ANY ADDITIONAL MOD THAT CAN BENEFIT YOUR SURVIVABILTIY OR DMG FrostBlades: ![]() Fire Pen if you are running "Her Embrace" buff, Elemental Focus otherwise. MoltenStrike: ![]() Immolete if you are running "Her Embrace" buff, Elemental Focus otherwise. Rest of Links: 4L - Purity of Fire - Purity of Lightning - Arctic Armour - EnlightenLv3 (if no enlighten drop AA for some time) (4L - alternative with Vitality Watchers Eye - Purity of fire - Vitality - AA - Enlighten3) 4L - Whirling Blades/Leap Slam - Fortify - Faster Attacks - Blood Magic 4L (Buffs can be not linked) - Summon Ice Golem - Ancestral Protector - Enduring Cry - Vaal Lightning Trap
In case of Rare Chest you have a bit more space when it comes to sockets, which allows you to run additional Quality of life features like: 3L - Vengance (20% quality) - Enduring Charge On Melee Stun - Stun 2L - Vaal Haste - Increased Duration +1 socket for your choosing. Keep in mind you can "shuffle" gems a bit to be more in like with what you like or what your gear options give you, for example if you have: - 6L rare Elder/Shaper Armour you can socket one Main Skill there or some utility gems - 6 Socket Elder/Shaper Armour (can use for example on kill 5% regen one or 10% phys taken as elemental damage) - ... any more options that come to your mind and you have a hold of those items As to other gear choices: Boots - Life, Resistances, Chaos Resistance, can be either Eva or Arm Ring - INTELLIGENCE (a lot to cap Purity of Lightning Requirement - 155 int on lvl 20), Life, Resistances Tested - its possible to drop Kaoms and comfortably run Her Embrace still on high lvl. So can count as x2 for a ring. Helmet - INTELLIGENCE (with conjunction with ring), Life, Resistances, can be either Eva or Arm Try to balance resists in a way that either all resistances are equal or cold is the smallest and fire is the highest (Because of Wise Oak). Flasks: - One Curse Immunity - Best if on 6sec duration flask - One Shock Immunity - same as previous - One Bleed Immunity - Best if on Life Flask with "Increased Recovery Rate" - One Diamond, One Basalt, One Ruby (can be Dying Sun) - If you use Xophs Blood Wise Oak would be the best last slot. - If you use Rare Amulet Atziri's Promise will work great as a last slot. Expensive replacement for Ruby flask: Enchant: - Additional Molten Strike Projectiles period
Look for: Normal jewels with: - Critical strike multipler(one handed, with fire skill, with elemental skills, global) - % increased damage (fire,area,projectile,physical,with one handed weapons,generic damage) - % attack speed (with swords, with one handed weapons, simply attack speed, attack and cast speed) - % maximum life Abyss jewels with (Murderous Jewel): - X to Y fire damage (either to sword attacks or flat, in case of rare amulet its a really good option to get fire damage on jewels) - % critical strike damage - Flat Life (not % just flat life) - increased attack speed if you have dealt a critical strike recently - damage penetrates X% elemental resistance if you have not killed recently Expensive but i think worth it upgrade (Half of lightning coil): or
PoB Link
Remember to switch "Configuration" to simulate: MS - Boss Fight FB - Clearing Maps
Xoph's Blood
Rare Amulet
Current Gear
![]() Explanation: 1 - Unyielding - Makes lvling portion of the game a lot easier by providing additional damage and survivability (regen + fortify effect) 2 - Undeniable - Around 30-40's lvl Accuracy starts to become an issue. This one is an easy fix to that. 3 - Unflinching - On the way to Unrelenting and also increases survivability a lot (Remember to use Enduring Cry). 4 - Unrelenting - More damage and easier to sustain Enduring charges generation
Lvling Section
Gems setup for leveling:
MoltenStrike Leveling
No Her Embrace: ![]() With Her Embrace: ![]()
FrostBlades Leveling
No Her Embrace: ![]() With Her Embrace: ![]()
Good Leveling Uniques
In no particular order. Good because they help solving some critical needs during lvling and are cheap.(Things like: Leech, Resistances, Movement Speed, Regeneration, Dmg Mitigation, Ailments etc.) Hrimsorrow gloves for full conversion - makes ele scaling easier. PRO-TIP: Use Enduring Cry to keep your charges UP all the time - they are a life saviour.
Lvl ~50 Tree
One WildFire jewel is granted by completing story quests. Buy a second one (they are VERY cheap). I would suggest lvling with Molten Strike and 2 WildFires + Ancestral Call if you cannot afford two swords.
--- T15 Kitava https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ8ij3vuTJk -max resistances vulnerability chaining projectiles --- T8 Elder Guardian - Eredicator https://youtu.be/gxJn2R7uKyE --- T11 Elder Guardian - Constructor + Extra Lich from Abyss https://youtu.be/OEC39VY3kMI --- T11 Elder Guardian - Purifier https://youtu.be/3K3-LyE5iL0 --- T10 Elder Guardian - Enslaver https://youtu.be/a4UpY3ukEgc --- T10 Yellow Elder Fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj_RwUWPHS0 --- T15 Abyss Lich Fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFSUcj_AMZM --- T14 Crimson Temple Boss Fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUatRk_xuFI --- T15 Reef Boss Fight https://youtu.be/YXNpbBlTbyU --- T16 Hydra Fight - Pain in the ass boss for tanks... https://youtu.be/_fBVu_I2GeQ --- Uber Lab - Bosses Argus https://youtu.be/fmNINP-XRmQ Last Phase - Reflect Hurts >< https://youtu.be/KbC-N_-kkBs --- T15 Carcass Boss Fight https://youtu.be/2OtetyDsoco - 96% extra lightning - 40% ele res - Possessed Foe --- Xoph's Domain https://youtu.be/mJeRCwHdHnw --- T16 Minotaur - Corrupted to Unidentified :/ https://youtu.be/v5wG9A3NFV8 --- Shaper - I have to learn to avoid some stuff... https://youtu.be/mEXahrffNwo
Boss Screens
Bandits - Alira PRO-TIP: Because targeting with skills like MoltenStrike and FrostBlades is painful in PoE, i would recommend you to bind "Attack In Place" Input Key in Options to some digit on NumPad while holding NumLock and releasing it after. That way you will be attacking in place all the time without having to hold any button. PRO-TIP2: In case of FB falling behind a bit because of some high Tier Map Mods like - very high resistance/50% more life etc - switch to MoltenStrike and still faceroll through content (swap Fire Pen for Ancestral Call). Questions? IGN: PojzonAbyss IGN: PojzonAbyss [3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766 [3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9 [2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired] Last edited by eragon1111#0889 on Apr 4, 2018, 5:38:59 PM Last bumped on Apr 8, 2018, 2:01:05 AM
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Looks fun and interesting, is this Shaper viable? - YES Frost blades for clearing, molten strike for bosses? - YES Why Xoph's Blood is so expensive - Gated Breaches, Avatar of Fire, Covered in Ash mod IGN: PojzonAbyss [3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766 [3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9 [2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired] Last edited by eragon1111#0889 on Dec 25, 2017, 5:15:07 AM
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Why is that Xoph's amulet so expensive?
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" Its very expensive because of three things: - Breaches are very gated now by Zana 8 - It gives Avatar of Fire keynode - It gives ASH debuff to enemies tho hit you which means they take 20% incrased fire dmg (x1.2 multipler) IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766 [3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9 [2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired] |
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I don't know if you are taking full advantage of Oskarm. Unless you are solely using it for the curse on hit. Also is covered in ash not an additive not multiplier? Its been a while but I forget if its on a monster if its multiplier. Generally more = multiply - increased = additive.
I plan to attempt to switch to this sword as soon as I can get it. I am also going jug, but going a different route. I have had a late start to the league due to work keeping me busy. I haven't even had a full change to builder it, but the idea is scale accuracy as much as I can. It will significantly increase crit and my attack speed. I also plan to use cyclone. Shooting for over 20k Accuracy (100 AS, 200 Crit).
https://poeplanner.com/AAsAAPkACxEAAHnG2FhjPfyMz_ZIXz8UIO8OUEebWDH7f-PBBHloP_zoZgixqW534wHchNlHfr02ZU2-p2SjYSGE79rBdO0FLS5T029676LqEuFDMUz_Tioj028nmmpbr90NcsOrC8wGwBpvO3gNtfI1kti9_gr-j03jplc64fJFtz6DzDwtg1_Grgthr2xo8jzvGF3wH6IABLPE9nKp9zLqGHasz37467vtkc7z3WhlFHHZfIIHG6oQ8PJagTrBB9d-Yxesqlnznz4t0ho4kFUnLzrYMol35YnYaFjXlq2N8kGSfeXPmG_cI63xfXOtCcse0jjAAQbGXaTd1QAAAAAA Required Items I want to use are - Marlyens Fallacy, Abyssus, Oskarm. This should net around 500+ Crit Multiplier. Gems - Cyclone, Melee Physical, WED, Added Fire, Fire Pen, Critical Strikes Still working on gems. Possible switches for added fire are conc, faster attacks, accuracy (increased crit and accuracy) Still have to put it through POB. Let me know what you think. Ill follow yours and once I get some time starting tomorrow hopefully ill finally drop the sword and let you know how mine goes. |
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" Problem with scaling accuracy is that its pretty inefficient. Oskarm in my build gives me around 9% Total DPS. Its worth it because its overall a really good offensive/defensive item. I could switch to Rare gloves which would give more raw dmg but such gloves are a lot more expensive than Oskarm and i would lose on defences and free Assassins Mark. I think Oskarm are best with around 10k accuracy. After that its not efficient to stockpile it. Many people i've talked with actually have seen it the same way. Im leaving doors open for people tho. Thats why i said those swords make the build really flexible when it comes to gear. IGN: PojzonAbyss [3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766 [3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9 [2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired] Last edited by eragon1111#0889 on Dec 23, 2017, 10:04:12 PM
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Possible to do this build with the same tree without a xoph?
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What other options for amulet please? Xoph is too expensive xD
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" Yes, you dont have to change much because either way majority of your dmg will be Fire Damage. Xophs is there just for synergy with fire damage (full conversion and its a good chase item for this build) In case of FrostBlades without xoph i woulf swap Cold To fire to Added Fire Damage but i have to test it in PoB for highest optimisation. Im gonna update the build ASAP with Budget version because thats what i was running most of the time. IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766 [3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9 [2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired] |
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what are your ascendancy choices and order?
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