Spell cascade does not support gems
Maybe not a bug, but something seems inconsistent
When using gems that can normally by supported by spell cascade: Spell cascade can support skills that are supported by: cast while channeling Spell cascade cannot support skills that are supported by: cast on crit, cast when damage taken, cast when stunned, or gems socketted into kitava's thirst Triggered spells sometimes can and cannot be cascaded, why? These gems are not "used by totems, traps, minions, vaal skills," etc. I suspect maybe because when cwcing you are still targetting a location but with other triggers they might be auto aimed at monsters but a target still has a location... Last bumped on Feb 19, 2018, 8:57:13 PM
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Also worth noting that poet's pen triggers can also be cascaded. I dont own any cospri's or mjolnir so idk if they can be supported either, but whatever the case stuff is arbitrary af and even less balanced.
This stuff makes no sense. |
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Have you asked in the mechanics thread biyte?
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!" |
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Spell Cascade is not supposed to be able to support any triggered skills. There are limitations that prevent Cast While Channelling from making supported skills count as triggered in the way other trigger effects do (because it also supports the channelled skill), which we hope to fix in fuutre. I'm not sure what would be up with Poet's Pen, but have noted it down.
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Unless I'm missing something the support gem description doesn't say that. Maybe it should be amended to :
" |
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