[3.0] Goo-Gasm CwC Blight Dark Pact Build.
Hey guys my name is Nuie i love the shadow class but have struggled to make a build that was unique to me i finally managed to succeed in doing so and am happy to bring you guys my favorite build this league the Goo-Gasm.
Basic Description:
This build combines the strengths of various chaos skills to turn take each weakness of the skills individually and protect them as a cohesive unit.The name is derived from the purple gooish look given from casting blight as well as the spasm effect given off from casting dark pact on yourself thus we have the Goo-Gasm
230% increased life duel play style to deal with maps and content that are not so melee friendly Fast area clear and high single target dps Visually satisfying to watch Fun to play especially once you get your cwc setup and can flamedash and pop things Cons:
Single Target Damage sees a drop if you are not able to use blight to boost the damage / or have shit aim and miss your essence drain(i suffer from this sometimes) . it is an evasion based build so i know not everyone is comfortable with that though it has numerous forms of extra defenses and large forms of life regen. You become somewhat more vulnerable if your golem dies for some reason so make sure to keep your eye on your little buddy. Lastly this build does not have capped fire res from the skill tree so you will want to craft that on at least one source for maps even with arctic armor i never like to run with uncapped resses. Leveling Tips:
During leveling before you get your golem and i found it useful to run vitality in combination with grace instead of arctic armor however after getting my golem switching to arctic armor gave made things feel much more comfortable especially when dealing with abberath. this build damage starts a little slow at early levels so i actually leveled with frost blades and viper strike for single target up until i got access to essence drain at level 12 then i switched over to a wand and leveled that with contagion however that gives really easy clear and i ended up very under leveled heading into some of the new acts so i would definitely recommend farming a bit in dried lake if you experience this. lastly i leveled grabbing very little of the actual health nodes involved with the build however if you are feeling to squishy the tree offers plenty of health options that you can grab first instead of focusing more into damage you will have plenty of damage either way so grab whatever makes you feel comfortable. lastly do not switch into your cwc setup until you have enough life regen in order to out sustain the damage from dark pact you can test this just sitting in an area like your hideout or the beginning of any area and just casting blight to see if your health is sufficiently sustained.
Pantheon Setup and Bandit Choice:
Bandit: Help Alira, the mana regen and res are invaluable to the build Pantheon choices: Major: Soul of the Brine King stops us from getting stunned while channeling Minor: Soul of Tukuhama gives us increased defenses while we stand still which we will do while channeling also if you capture the soul for it you will get extra life regen from it so its wonderful. Unique Items Involved:
Unique Flasks Involved:
Passive Tree:
Poe Planner:www.poeurl.com/bAP0
Path of Building:https://pastebin.com/b5YdqddY Skill Setup:
Specialty skills granted by build:* Harbringer of Focus, lvl 22 Blight Helmet:Contagion, Increased Area , Void Manipulation, Efficacy body armor:Essence Drain, Void Manipulation, swift affliction, Decay, Efficacy, Controlled Destruction gloves:*blight, cast while channeling, dark pact, void manipulation, efficacy boots:spell totem, wither, faster casting, efficacy/increased duration Wand:grace, arctic armor, (enlighten if you want but not necessary) Shield:flame dash, faster casting, enduring cry ring:summon stone golem Video Guide: Last bumped on Oct 11, 2017, 3:03:35 PM
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