Aura question.

So, I was running along and chanced upon this aura that made me run super fast. I know it sounds noobish but I couldn't find it anywhere in the wiki. The yellow one on the far right is the one in question. I know the green is haste but that wouldn't increase my ms that much.
Last bumped on Oct 8, 2017, 1:10:33 PM
Never seen this buff before. It doesn't seem to be from a skill gem aura.
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The icon looks like the critical aura, which I believe can be granted by an Elreon relic, or if you can somehow take advantage of enemy auras (Dominating Blow, Inspired Learning, Summon Spectre, Headhunter, that-one-prophecy-where-you-steal-a-rare's-abilities), it's also an enemy aura.

My guess would be the Prophecy where you steal an enemy rare's abilities once you kill it. You probably grabbed that aura as well as the enemy's speed mod at the same time.
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Last edited by adghar#1824 on Oct 7, 2017, 6:41:33 PM
Could indeed be an aura temporarily picked up from a monster, seeing the icon colour.
The effects of monster buffs are often more pronounced, and the monster haste seems to have +75% move speed.
That's quite significant.
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Last edited by UnDeaD_CyBorG#7056 on Oct 8, 2017, 6:32:26 AM
It turns out it was from a map that had a sextant mod somewhere along the lines of "contains packs of monsters that convert after kill" and they were totems. Small stone looking ones that when killed granted two random aura. One set I saw was for purity and regen and the other was haste and the yellow aura. I still don't know what the aura was but at least now we know where it came from.

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