[Ice Cross], a cold-themed movement skill

Please note: It's getting late here as I write this up, so I figured I'd post this design a bit early. I have not finished filling in all the details, so tomorrow I will be editing in more explanation and analysis when time permits.

Ice Cross
Spell, Movement, AoE, Channelling, Duration, Cold
Radius: 20
Mana Cost: __
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Damage Effectiveness: __%

Requires Level __, __ INT, __ DEX
Channel to race forward with exponential momentum, leaving a track of slick ice in your wake. Nearby monsters are pulled across this path for a short time. Turning is limited to a 160 degree cone. Release to create a ramp and jump into the air for a brief duration before crashing down with explosive force. Area of effect and damage is magnified by your accrued momentum. If you begin channeling again while airborne, you will instead glide a short distance forward over terrain before landing to resume skating. Colliding with terrain stops the channel and causes the same explosion as crashing without becoming airborne.
Per 1% Quality:
0.5% increased Cast Speed
Deals (_-_) to (_-_) Cold Damage
+10 to Radius for each Stage
50% more Spell Damage for each Stage
30% increased Movement Speed
Second and third stages each grant 100% more Ice Cross Movement Speed
Track duration is 3.0 seconds
Airborne duration is 0.8 seconds

Place into an item socket of the right colour (blue) to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Skill functions and interactions
Stages: Momentum stacks up to 3 stages, and bonuses per stage start on the second. A stage is gained every 3 casts. By stage three, Ice Cross has 40 radius, 100% more spell damage, and 120% increased movement speed.

Airborne: The camera zooms out, giving a wider view of the area. You are immune to ground effects during this time, but cannot use any skills other than Ice Cross. You can choose to fall in order to deal damage, or preserve your momentum stacks by channeling again.



Pulling Monsters/Ice Track:

Terrain Collision:

Cast While Channeling Support:
Theme: Ice Cross is meant to complete the set of elemental movement spells, sitting alongside Flame Dash and Lightning Warp as the cold incarnation.

Fantasy: When you think of cold and movement, what comes to mind? Ice skating, skiing, snowboarding, bobsledding. These are all extremely fast over a long distance on a low-friction surface. Advanced skiing can have you weaving through forests and even jumping off cliffs. I wanted a skill that could capture the adrenaline rush of this.

If you're familiar with X-Men's Iceman, you might recall one of his signature moves being the continuous creation of ice slides he can rapidly skate across. There's also this scene from "The Incredibles" animated movie with the character Frozone acting like Iceman.

Airborne: I wanted to allow skill usage while airborne, like an action hero suspended in the air in slow-motion, raining down lead justice. It would be a crazy usage of the camera zoom-out for a range advantage. However, I had balance concerns, such as spamming it for the ground effect immunity.
vs. Shield Charge: Ice Cross is slower than Shield Charge until it reaches stage three. 30%/60%/120% increased movement speed compared to 75% increased movement speed from the get-go. This gives Shield Charge a significant short-distance advantage.

vs. Charged Dash:
Use cases
To be added
Last edited by Hercanic on Oct 3, 2017, 4:29:24 PM
Last bumped on Jul 4, 2018, 12:17:49 AM
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Something like this would be awesome. I just think it's weird that there are other elemental based movement skills, but none for ice. Hell I'd take an ice clone or anything. This skill you have outlined is perfect though. Guess for now, RIP elemental fantasy.
Game have cold themed movement skill - Illusory Warp... but he tied to unique item Star of Wraeclast.
E = mc^(OMG)/wtf
Diagram(s), pls. :]

1st thought: It seems better than Charged Dash. You start somewhere, channel, and end up somewhere else that you've "steered" to... Your proposed skill just seems, well, better.

I realize you haven't filled out your "vs. Charged Dash" spoiler yet, but my point stands :P
- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <

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