3.0 Stun Stun Stunlock Bow Pathfinder


Hi, welcome to one of my favorite builds.

This build can do all content in the game and is fun to play.
Its also very unique in that not many people have tried to make a stun bow build.
I hope you can enjoy it too!

This build focuses on doing lots of damage up close with a bow and stunlocking enemies.

Stun is a short debuff that stop enemies from attacking or moving and even cancels their animation sequences.

When you Stun then multiple times in a row they become stunlocked and unable to attack you. This makes difficult boss kills easy.


Abyss T15 Stunlock Kaom

Here is a short montage I made.


The video is a little bit loud. Sorry!

Here is a Rare Shrine map Piety

Shaped Strand Unidentified rare Beyond mod

Ghosted Atziri

Colosseum T15



+ Satisfying (stunlock up to T15 bosses)
+ Fun
+ Safe (80 max all res with flasks, 40 dodge 40 evade 30 spell dodge) Freeze and chill from pathfinder nodes help keep you safe, but most of all STUN! stun stops almost all enemies!
+ Strong


- Expensive
- You must pay attention to flask and positioning at all times


Pathfinder Ranger


Ascendency points

Bandits: You could really choose any of them, if you want to go crit you can go alira. I did the 2 extra points



In the first 30 levels focus on getting damage nodes and at least one point in acrobatics, also pick up the life nodes, if you want to level up with Shrapnel Shot you can get the jewel sockets first to use the threshold jewels. Use the one in the ranger area and the one in-between ranger and duelist.

Other than that just get damage and life outlined.

You can get point blank at anytime you want, I would wait until you got chinsol set up first.

only get vaal pact if you have a vintars.

you can get the scion health wheel at anytime.

don't skip the flask nodes, they are important!



I also use a Fertile mind, because I don't have enough INT.


The way Shrapnel Shot works is that there are two parts,

an arrow and a cone. they both do damage.

Under all the right conditions such as cursed enemy, and you are in their face. with your flasks up with 3 frenzy charges you do about

460k dmg!!!

Granted that isn't the case all the time. so its more like 300k.


This build is surprisingly safe.
My gear isn't fully optimized and I am only lvl 92 . you could get 5k+ life.
I have 4.7 and I think that's fine.

Lets talk about the Defenses. there are a lot.
Evasion is around 40%
Dodge is 40%
Spell Dodge is 30%
Fire, Cold, Light, Rez is almost always at 80%/81% max because of flasks.
Taste of hate converts Cold damage to Phys on to 81% cold rez so phys damage is reduced by a lot.
Vinktars plus Vaal pact give us instant leech. which is wonderful.

We also get Chaos resistance from atziri's flask.

On top of all this. We have a 30% chance to freeze/chill enemies.

and then the coup de grace. STUN

STUN will save you a lot, it turns scary bosses into defenseless kittens.

If a big hit does get through, it gets mitigated, then you leech it back.

So the build I currently and running uses a Ashrend, for the free added fire gem. (it gives our primary skill an extra link, 6L to a 7L) Using Ashrend gives more offensive capabilities but lowers our defense.

It is entirely possible to choose other forms of defense like

Queen of the forest/kintsugi/rare/Perfectform.




We use this item for the 100% more damage at close range.


This gives up the stun duration and reduced stun threshold to stun enemies.
Corrupting one for 1+ arrows will take a while, but a regular one is fine too.


This build needs accuracy and this item fits the bill.
You could also use a rare with life and accuracy and rez if you need too.


I think this item is very under rated.
We use this item for the Added fire damage link in the armour to make our 6L to a 7L
If you are poor you can have use this to have a pseudo 6L.
It basically gives elemental attack builds 30% more damage.
it also has a bit of life.

This can be switched out to more defensive options like QotF or a rare even.


Just some rare gloves with life rez and attackspeed.
Its really nice to get Commandment of spite!


We use these boots because they give ups flat damage and reduced stun threshold.
aim for 10% reduced stun threshold


if you are rich get a +1 curse amulet for a second curse.

otherwise go for life flat damage and resistance/ int


rare rings with damage life and rez


This belt is important because you need the stun threshold mod and flask mod.


Main DPS Setup

Main damage
6L - ShrapnelShot -Stun PhystoLight -LightPen -PPAD -ElementalDamage
5L ShrapnelShot -Stun PhystoLight -LightPen ElementalDamage

You can switch stun to damage on full life, if they are unstunable.
In a five link I would drop PPAD.

Secondary damage -

6L attack totem- Shrapnelshot - Phys to light- Light Pen- Stun - PPAD

I use a attack totem to help stun lock enemies and push them back to me.

if you throw a totem behind the boss and you attack from the front they bounce back and forth.

CWDT Setup

CWDT-INC Duration - Immortal call- vaal haste/vaal rain of arrows/vaal grace

Immortal call procs to stop burst damage.

I am testing out vaal rain of arrows and it is good against melee bosses or bosses that run around alot.

but normally you should use vaal haste.

another option is vaal grace if you dont feel safe.

Mobility Setup

Blink arrow + faster projectiles. (you dont really need faster attacks)

Aura Setup

Hatred - Herald of Ash

we use these for the extra elemental damage.

The herald of ash secondary effect is a nice bonus


Frenzy - Curse on hit - Elemental weakness - Warlords mark.

Frenzy helps us get charges, can also apply curses.

Elemental weakness because we do lots of different elemental damage. and warlords mark for stun extra leech if our vinktars is down.


We dont have space for a golem, but you could sub out the vaal skill for a golem


For this build I leveled with Shrapnel shot.
I recommend it because it will help you understand positioning and how to use the skill.
I went straight for the jewel nodes. and put the jewels in.

Last edited by laothunder#7095 on Oct 1, 2017, 9:25:53 AM
Last bumped on Oct 1, 2017, 8:25:09 AM
I know I'm being a buzzkill but your montage video lost half its pixels.
"If they actually showed gameplay with it zoomed out and then zoomed it in for the real one I think there would be actual riots in the street. I think that people would burn the building down."
IlluminaBlade wrote:
I know I'm being a buzzkill but your montage video lost half its pixels.

Yeah I think I edited something in YouTube and it ruined the quality, I'll reupload in the morning. Thanks for telling me

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