Female Armour skins
Is it just me or does most of the armour either hide most of the feminin parts of female characters or just out right make the character look manly?
To me the only differenece I can see when they are put on different classes is that they change it to fit the size model of the class. Not asking for skimpy skins, I want at least female classes to feel like I'm playing a female character. In some cases just adding a female looking helmet skin would help. I actually like that there is no skimpyness. Though introducing female skins I guess would pose same problem we already have now with the skins, that they look manly but now also that some look female. Unless they would make a female version of everyskin which I believe they won't. Or to look at it through a different angle, solve the problem of not being able to choose gender by just choosing a armour skin that fits your liking. In case of the argument that female armours aren't protective and well some of the helms and other armour skins already there aren't that so that is another discussion, "if such armour skins should be in the store" because there already are. In the case of me missed all these well looking female skins, then I would want there to be better showcasing because I can't find them. Think this would not only bring more female players but also more players buying skins. Their revenue is basically based on stash tab and armour skins. So ignoring gender that in the real world statistally care more about looks makes me want to question it. For fun argue against myself, do we really need to highlight female looks more? doesn't the real world do that enough already...? At last but not least,for the people that know more about the lore that explains this or that this would go against? Would be glad to hear feedback! Thanks! Last bumped on Sep 27, 2017, 1:37:21 PM
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