[3.0] Rippling Thoughts Blade Flurry CWC Glacial Cascade EZ mode facetank end game bossing/mobbing
![]() *Build updated on 10/23/17. Build updates and changes are located at the end of this post* **Added a Question and Answer section located on the first post beneath this post** ***I am daily working on making improvements to the build, so if you are following the build, please check back here daily for updates*** Boss kills/build videos
Minotaur map/Kill in 27 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR5zG6tVHQc
Chimera kill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7T1QDvxoi8&feature=youtu.be Hydra kill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZyF_z9KkuM Phoenix kill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgXDNsc1vRs&feature=youtu.be Phoenix in 53 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bcgnbd0R2O4&feature=youtu.be T15 Core map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpKkMTEC_7g&t=3s T15 Dark Forest maphttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SW7vRqlKcA&feature=youtu.be T15 Beachhead map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zURn9QY3v0I Build Introduction
This is My first attempt at writing up a build of any kind, but I felt that it was the right time to do so. I've always wanted to make a build that would actually be able to handle the "end game" content, at the same time, be survivable, and more than anything, be user friendly. I've gone through My share of streamer builds, invest in it, and not be able to carry that same success over in My hands more times than I'd like to admit. With this build, you most definitely can face tank bosses such as The Minotaur!
Build Mechanics
My build is centered around the three AMAZING new items introduced in the 3.0 Harbinger expansion to inflict some serious damage, survive while doing so, and have a lot of fun in the process. This build really excels with FAST mobbing, AND bossing, so you won't have to worry about having TWO different characters to get the job done!
I wanted a lot of survivability, specifically something that would really bolster My life return since I wanted take advantage of Vaal Pacts great survivability coupled with the great Berserker ascendancy nodes. I decided to use Cast While Damage Taken, that way I could get some life leech from damage spells, get some debuffs on the enemies, and mitigate some damage with Molten shell. Using this concept is pretty important for this build, since you will spend most of your time with your feet firmly planted, channeling Blade flurry -> Glacial Cascade. Last but most importantly, we derive a TON of defensive capability, and the reason that we can tank just about anything is the Harbinger of Focus from the shield:
Grants Summon Harbinger of Focus Skill: Summons an immortal Harbinger minion. While you are channelling, the minion will occasionally cast a buff on you that reduces the Damage you take, and makes you avoid all Stuns and Ailments.
The Unshattered Will is a buff that lasts 4 seconds, with a cooldown of 8 seconds, and grants the following benefits: Immunity to status ailments Stun immunity 20% damage reduction Here's the Pastebin of My build at level 100
The passive skill tree at level 100 My Character (HarbingerLegacy) on poe's site Equipment & gem links
The heart and soul of this build involves:
The Rippling Thoughts http://poe.trade/search/matitetubarumi 8 Chaos orbs The Tempest's Binding http://poe.trade/search/ehaozikanikimo 1 exalted Orb for the base, 3ex to 5ex with enchant http://poe.trade/search/oatehubokomomi The Unshattered Will http://poe.trade/search/agokorikohakik around 11 Chaos orbs The Rippling Thoughts *Required* Not only is this a great weapon for this build because of its mods, but it is in my opinion, one of the easiest ways to apply multiple curses at the same time, and consistently because of the "trigger level 20 Storm Cascade when you Attack" mod. Every single time you attack, it will apply your curses when you socket the Curse on Hit gem in it. For a great increase in damage, I suggest socketing:
The Tempest's Binding *Required* This helmet is one of the very best unique helmets in the game. You get a decent amount of life (up to 80) all resist (up to 15), and a 6 link setup, in a helmet! A required enchant to really maximize the dps of this build is the "40% of Glacial Cascade physical damage converted to cold damage" enchant. However, all hope is not lost if you cannot afford the enchant, there is a budget alternative! It is:
The amazing benefit of this helmet for this build, is that We will yield more life return from the CWDT setup because of the "Socketed Gems are supported by level 18 Ice Bite, and Level 18 Innervate". In this gem setup you will run a max level CWDT setup:
The Unshattered Will *Required* A great shield that provides up to 26% to all resistances, up to 80 life, additional block chance (with up to 50 mana gained when you block) is great for defenses with the mods alone, but the real reason that I chose to use it is the "Grants Summon Harbinger of Focus Skill" that the shield gives you. When you summon this minion, it is immortal(never dies or goes away), and when you are channeling, it will occasionally cast a buff on you that reduces the damage you take(20% damage reduction!), and makes you avoid ALLstuns, AND ailments! I cannot begin to tell you how amazing, and seriously underappreciated this shield really is! The amount of defense/damage mitigation that you receive from it goes above and beyond any other shield in the game period (disclaimer: In My very humble opinion). It is because of this shield, that you will be face tanking bosses. The gems that you will be socketing in this shield are:
First Ring *Recommended* This is a great source of damage, but more importantly a source of life leech, and mana leech, not to mention, resistances as well. http://poe.trade/search/imekookinasori (around 1.5 ex) *Budget Option* For a budget price, this ring works out really nicely for us. 10% additional chance to freeze, and a decent amount of added cold damage when we chill enemies! http://poe.trade/search/imatarutowomon (around 10 chaos) *Strongly Recommended* The Taming is pretty expensive at the moment, but it's worth the price because we receive such a HUGE damage increase from it, get an additional 10% chance to freeze, shock, and ignite, and get up to 40 % all resists from it! It is definitely Our BIS ring, next to a Essence of Hatred crafted Opal ring. http://poe.trade/search/oneyahamahadon (currently around 8 Ex) *Strongly Recommended* Another great option is to just double up on Hatred Essence crafted Opal rings. That way you can get more life infused, as well as another source of resistances, if you are struggling for them. Second ring *Strongly Recommended* A Hatred Essence crafted Opal ring is so amazing for us. With up to 25% elemental damage, and an additional amount of cold % damage from Hatred Essence, this is a very powerful ring. Getting one with life, and resistances really makes this ring shine! Amulet *Recommended* You will want to prioritize getting Spell damage first, and then cold damage secondary. The reason being is that the spell damage will boost all of Our spells, versus Cold damage only boosting the cold spells. Next, shoot for as much life + strength(since we get +1 life per 2 strength) as possible to really help prevent getting one shotted. There really isn't a good unique amulet alternative that would provide us both damage and life, so a rare amulet is definitely our best option. Body Armor/Armour: *Recommended* I would recommend using a rare 6 linked chest with as much life as possible, along with the resist(s) that you need. Socketed in the chest will be, in order of importance (in the event that you cannot afford a 6 link):
The reasoning behind using Blade flurry is definitely the mana cost. We also deal some elemental damage with Blade Flurry, so that's a nice bonus as well. As the build has evolved (I am constantly trying to make improvements) I shifted from using: added cold damage, and cold penetration, in favor of Controlled Destruction, and Elemental Focus. As the build has evolved, and improved the need for an overabundance of elemental/cold penetration has dwindled since we are getting penetration from 4 sources, the dual curse setup in Rippling Thoughts, Frost Bomb, the passive tree, and the Wise oak. The benefit of freezing enemies, and killing for the explosion from Herald of Ice for mobbing purposes was needed, but I realized that we can freeze enemies with the level 20 Storm Cascade that procs, each time we attack, so using elemental focus was a great increase/improvement for us. You can swap in Concentrated effect for bosses, and Increased Area of Effect for mobbing. I only spent 99 chaos on this chest, here's a link to the recommended mods (with dex/int requirements for easy coloring)on Poe.trade: http://poe.trade/search/ionamkoworusim Gloves: *Strongly Recommended* I wanted to have another CWDT setup, and the best case scenario for me was to use/buy a pair of gloves (preferably Fingerless silk gloves because of the spell dmg) with the Essence of Hysteria https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Essence_of_Hysteria crafted on them. You will get an additional 175 to 225 additional fire damage added to the spells in these gloves! That equates to quite a bit of extra damage added to our lower level spells that will be going off all the time, which equates to life coming in consistently! You definitely want to get as much life as possible, and if you need it, a resist or two on there as well. I wanted to use area of effect spells that fired as many missiles as possible. Apart from the damage/life leech concept, the utility gem in the setup is Arc(used for its 20% chance to shock, that will proc constantly) That being said, these are the socketed gems, and the levels that you need to have them at (optimally 20% Quality gems of course):
**Budget Friendly Alternative to getting the "40% of Glacial Cascade physical damage converted to cold damage" enchant on The Tempest's Binding**
Belt *Recommended* Get a rare belt with as much life as possible IE: str + life, and resists. Poe.trade link (Just add desired resistances): http://poe.trade/search/onisaokookasin Boots *Strongly Recommended* These boots are the best in slot for the damage that they provide, and the extra critical strike chance for spells which helps us proc Elemental Overload. Definitely the best Enchant of course, would be the "Adds 45 to 68 cold damage if you've been hit recently" to really round out the damage from these boots. Socketed in these boots are:
Get Yourself at least one "Insta" recovery Life Flask. It could be your saving grace :D You should focus on getting all three elemental resistances equal 75/75/75 so you will receive the damage, and defense bonus to all three elements that this flask provides. This is a great flask that provides extra damage, and more importantly, provides an additional source of life leech. This gives us 40% increased damage, and removes Freeze and chill on use. **This will be your upgrade from the Sulphur Flask** Much needed Physical damage reduction (I get around 26% physical damage reduction from this flask when active) and removing burning. Jewels
The mods that we are looking for on jewels are: increased physical damage %, increased cold damage or spell damage, max life %, and increased area damage. You can use jewels with 5% chance to freeze with freeze duration if you'd like to, three out of five of the jewels that I'm currently using have that mod on them. The trade-off of not having the freeze chance on the jewels, reduces your frenzy charge generation % a bit, and some of your defensive capability versus mobs. Major and Minor gods
Major god suggestion
![]() Taking Soul of Solaris helps bump up our defenses vs physical damage against bosses, and vs area damage against mobs, AND bosses. You can prioritize getting Lady Stormflay, and Suncaller Asha since we are usually up close to enemies, especially when bossing. Minor god suggestion
![]() The reason I took Soul of Yugul with the Captured Asphyxia, is more reduced reflected damage taken (25%), and 50% chance to bounce freezes back to the enemy. More importantly, the Asphyxia Minor god gives us the 5% reduced cold damage "if we've been hit recently" couple that with taste of hate, and that bumps up our defense that much more. Leveling Guide I suggest leveling with Glacial Hammer up until level 38, when you can equip your main Cast While Channeling setup in the Tabula Rasa. The reasoning behind using Glacial Hammer with that threshold jewel, is that you deal splash damage, that is the same as your single target damage. It is incredibly powerful in comparison to the Meta "Sunder". If you look at the tool tip of Sunder, you will see that it says "Shockwaves deal 60% less Damage 15% & less Attack Speed". When you factor that, compared Glacial Hammer with its Threshold jewel, there is no comparison. Below I made a list of suggested equipment to make your leveling experience a little easier, and fun. You can make changes wherever you'd like to fit your play style. Once you reach level 20, and beyond (before level 38) You will be able to buy improvements to your mace weapon, since Glacial Hammer requires a mace (or staff). Once you reach level 38, you can switch over to your main 6 link gem setup in your body armor. I will list some suggested items for the equipment slots that will get you by, until you reach the required level to equip your end game items.
Equipment/Gems/Skill Suggestions
Suggested starter Gear to get you going, and equipment improvements as you level.
Goldrim Leather Cap http://poe.trade/search/oyohuterarinou (1 chaos) Use this for more resistance defense vs elemental boss fights **Once you hit level 8, switch to this helm**
Asenath's Mark Iron Circlet http://poe.trade/search/huanatamganoko (1 alchemy) This is a great leveling helmet. It really boosts your damage, and movement speed. **Once you hit level 39, switch to this helm**
Doedre's Scorn Lunaris Circlet http://poe.trade/search/oaausahokahika (1 alchemy) You can use this to boost your elemental damage. You can further boost your damage output by using a curse to increase the elemental damage by 10-20% per curse used. Lochtonial Caress Iron Gauntlets http://poe.trade/search/amasinatusenak (1 Chaos) You could use these until level 8 if you have them laying around, or have the extra currency. **Once you hit level 8, switch to these gloves**
Hrimsorrow Goathide Gloves http://poe.trade/search/oyokitasonakot (1 Alchemy) These gloves are really good because they convert 50% of your physical damage to cold, and with Glacial Hammer converting 50% as well, you now convert 100% of your physical damage to cold. When you hit level 15 and start using the threshold jewel(see below) the splash damage from the jewel will now deal the 100% of your damage. That's going to go a long way when clearing out packs. You can continue to use these gloves after you've started using your CWC setup in your body armour. Wanderlust Wool Shoes http://poe.trade/search/oyomamitonaris (1 chaos) These boots are simply amazing for leveling, movement speed, mana regen go a long way early on. **Once you hit level 42, switch to these boots**
Mutewind Whispersteps Serpentscale Boots http://poe.trade/search/arohahanahamit (1 chaos) http://poe.trade/search/usenitoyaihana (10 chaos to 2ex for the adds cold dmg enchant) You can buy the lower level adds cold damage if you don't have the currency for the higher level enchant, or if it is unavailable. Tabula Rasa Simple Robe http://poe.trade/search/haroramitazazu (14 chaos) This is the "Go-to" leveling item, because you can maximize your damage output at level 1. *Socket these gems in your Tabula*
*Socket these gems in your Tabula once you reach level 38*
Meginord's Girdle Heavy Belt http://poe.trade/search/asametahigonas (1 chaos) This belt is great, and the physical damage goes right to boosting our cold damage, and we get some good life out of the deal as well. You can use this belt until you feel the need to get more life, and resistances for more survivability. Gorebreaker Spiked Club http://poe.trade/search/omesitotarerio (1 alteration) This weapon might be a little slow, but it packs a really powerful punch with Glacial Hammer Weapon upgrade at level 20
Spine of the First Claimant Iron Sceptre http://poe.trade/search/azahoogaharoki (1 fuse) Since you'll be freezing consistently, this weapon's 40% increased damage really helps out a lot. Weapon upgrade at level 38
Mightflay Flaying Knife http://poe.trade/search/otenikeraagoya (1 alchemy) nice physical damage on this, and once you hit level 38 you can now use the end game CWC setup in the Tabula Rasa. Weapon upgrade at level 50
Heartbreaker Royal Skean http://poe.trade/search/asiamaukuikamk (1 alchemy) This is a great weapon that will tide you over until you start using The Rippling Thoughts. Great spell damage, and your spells will have culling strike! Lycosidae Rawhide Tower Shield http://poe.trade/search/atarizowimahiu (8 chaos) This shield will get you all the way to level 38 when you start using your CWC Glacial Cascade. The benefits to using it are:
#1 Your attacks cannot miss.
#2 When you socket in the shield You will deal 250 to 300 damage every time you block an attack! #3 A nice amount of life, and armor early on. Early leveling amulet, and ring suggestions Elreon - to mana cost of skills ring http://poe.trade/search/asitokoikonhen (1-2 chaos) Setting up Glacial Hammer as a 5 link will cost quite a bit of mana. Getting yourself either 1 or 2 of these rings will help out quite a bit early on so you can spam "G.H." as much as you'd like! Karui Ward Jade Amulet http://poe.trade/search/ahakinamimekit (1 Alchemy) I usually go for this ammy, simply because of the 10% movement speed early on, really helps out a lot. Getting 20-25 dexterity, and +100 accuracy is great at low levels as well. Suggested gems for leveling
I used Glacial Hammer right from the start, linked with as many gems, to boost my damage as much as possible.
Body Armor/Armour Suggested threshold jewel for leveling
Once you hit level 15, You'll socket this into the first jewel socket that you'll be allocating at that level. This will enable you to deal splash damage to turn Glacial Hammer into an aoe.
Suggested movement/mobility gems
Suggested mana reservation gems
Leveling passive tree for every 10 Points Gained
10 Points
20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 60 Points 70 Points 80 Points 90 Points 100 Points 110 Points 116 Points 123 Points (Level 100) Bandits
Kill every last one of them. Those two extra points go a long way for us.
![]() ![]() You will be taking Crave the Slaughter + Aspect of Carnage + Pain Reaver + Cloaked in Savagery (I strongly suggest that You take Pain Reaver first, and then Cloaked in savagery first) Please feel free to ask any questions, in game, here, or PM, and I'll be more than happy to answer them. Thank you for your time :D **10/7/17 update** Switched The Unshattered Will gems to: Shield Charge + Faster Attacks + Fortify (Faster attacks in place of Lightning Golem for better mobility) Switched The Tempest's Binding gem back to Frost Bomb from Glacial Cascade(for the utility, and debuff) and removed level 20 Arc, and replaced with level 20 Vortex (for more damage/chill/life return). Switched Mutewind Whispersteps gems back to Added Ice, Ice Bite (for frenzy charge generation and damage), Herald of Ice, and Hatred instead of Arctic Armour (for more MUCH more damage increased (53k dps increase for me with the current gear shown above) IF you need more defense, then you can still use Arctic Armor for the additional layers of defense IE: (fire damage % reduction, and Physical damage % reduction) *Changed the Socketed gems in the gloves to: level 8 Blade Vortex(for the bonus given to it by Hatred) + Level 4 Bladefall + Level 8 Arc *Updated the leveling guide, equipment/gem suggestions, and every 10 point, 10 to 123 skill point passive tree progression links. *Added Phoenix, and Minotaur fast kill videos. *added Upgrade suggestion from Sulphur flask, to Taste of Hate. *Updated to My current (10/7/17) level 93 passive tree, removed some life nodes, added the skittering runes curse effect node, and the Amplify Area Damage node. *added god and minor god suggestions. **10/21/17 update** *Made changes to the passive tree to benefit more from the cold status effect utility, and increased the damage at the same time.* **10/23/17 update** *tweaked the level 100 passive tree, added/changed the passive tree 10 point increments from 40 to 116 points. I also made changes to the main Blade Flurry CWC Glacial Cascade setup: As the build has evolved (I am constantly trying to make improvements) I shifted from using: added cold damage, and cold penetration, in favor of Controlled Destruction, and Elemental Focus. As the build has evolved, and improved the need for an overabundance of elemental/cold penetration has dwindled since we are getting penetration from 4 sources, the dual curse setup in Rippling Thoughts, Frost Bomb, the passive tree, and the Wise oak. The benefit of freezing enemies, and killing for the explosion from Herald of Ice for mobbing purposes was needed, but I realized that we can freeze enemies with the level 20 Storm Cascade that procs, each time we attack, so using elemental focus was a great increase/improvement for us. The LORD will march forth like a mighty Warrior, He will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout his battle cry and crush all his enemies. Last edited by mezion7#1788 on Oct 24, 2017, 2:50:34 PM Last bumped on Nov 27, 2017, 11:13:02 AM
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Question: For the skill tree you have taken Elemental equilibrium, does this mean we cant have any added ice damage in our gears? Our hit will deal lightning damage from Rippling Thought and this gives enemies -50 resistance to cold? Answer: I was doing some testing with Elemental Equilibrium, and I was misinformed about how the lightning damage from our weapon worked in regards to adding added elemental(fire, cold, ice) damage. On Path of Building I configured it with Elemental Equilibrium, and noticed that there were some inconsistencies with the information that I received about how the triggered spell didn't allow added spell damage, and what the numbers showed in PoB. Apparently the level 20 Storm Cascade that is "triggered when we attack (every time we attack with Blade Flurry) that is on The Rippling Thought's, will receive any added cold spell damage from our gear, from Hatred, and from Herald of Ice. Therefore, we cannot take Elemental Equilibrium. I DID add Elemental Equilibrium to the tree, and then removed it on the same day. All of the Passive tree links, and the level 100 Path of Building link reflect a tree without Elemental Equilibrium. In future updates, I will be better about implementing those changes in the Build guide. For the first time ever in a league, This has been the only character that I've used. I will be continuously be working to improve the build for the rest of this league, and will continue to work on it in the next league as well. Question: "Why did you choose CwC over selfcast? It is just for autotargeting purpose only? Seems like you could output much more damage with free two sockets." "Oh and getting BBB on RT will be pain in the ass! =D" Answer:Below I will list the reasons why I went for Blade Flurry + CWC, it is a integral part of the build, and you'll see why. 1)You get a HUGE defense bonus from the Harbinger of Focus that you summon. That definitely plays a role in us being able to tank Minotaur, and other end game bosses. Here's the information taken from poe.wiki regarding the Harbinger of Focus
Grants Summon Harbinger of Focus Skill: Summons an immortal Harbinger minion. While you are channelling, the minion will occasionally cast a buff on you that reduces the Damage you take, and makes you avoid all Stuns and Ailments.
The Unshattered Will is a buff that lasts 4 seconds, with a cooldown of 8 seconds, and grants the following benefits: Immunity to status ailments Stun immunity 20% damage reduction 2)I don't have to invest in passive nodes stacking Cast speed %, or using Faster Casting/Spell Echo gems to get the close to the same cast speed (in Temporal Chains maps we will still cast Glacial Cascade at the same rate). 3)We receive an up to 70% damage increase to channeling skills from The Unshattered Will shield (Blade Flurry still does a nice bit of extra damage so that is a nice booster for it). 4)The damage might increase, but it would fundamentally change the builds core mechanics derived from the new items, and our Harbinger buddy. More damage for much less survivability. The build, as it stands, can clear maps pretty darn fast, and handle bossing, well, like a boss. This Awesome YouTube video by Mario Bugelnig shows you how you can easily off color your sockets. It can be far cheaper than doing 3 blue in the Vorici bench. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJscDAIhoec&t=20s Question: Have you considered using the Halcyon or the Pandemonius? Answer: Yes I have indeed. It's not that bad, but for what it's worth, you can get a rare amulet for around the same price that out damages it, and provides life. If you have it you can use it, but I wouldn't recommend buying one. Question: Can you get full effect of wise oak as long as your resists are capped? Thought I read somewhere if they are capped doesn't matter if they match up. Answer: Unfortunately you have to have all three (fire, cold, and lightning) at the same number in order for it to give you the penetration for all three elements, and the same to receive the reduced elemental damage benefit for all three. This is the information taken from the WIKI: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Wise_Oak Mechanics This flask provides a defensive buff to whichever resistances share the lowest uncapped value, and a penetration buff to whichever resistances share the highest uncapped value. If any or all of your resistances match, they will share benefits. For example: Fire res: 120, Cold res: 120, Lightning res: 110 In this scenario, you gain the penetration bonus to Fire and Cold because they are tied for the highest value. Lightning will get the defensive buff. Fire res: 120, Cold res: 120, Lightning res: 120 In this scenario, you are in fact getting the offensive and the defensive buff to every element. The LORD will march forth like a mighty Warrior, He will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout his battle cry and crush all his enemies. Last edited by mezion7#1788 on Oct 30, 2017, 5:08:18 PM
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First! Looks really good. Definitely going to try it at some point!
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" Thanks! :D The LORD will march forth like a mighty Warrior, He will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout his battle cry and crush all his enemies.
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Great work on your first build post! You gotta show me how to do some of this stuff. lol! I love your creativity. Have to swing by and see it in action some time. :D
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" Thank You, and Anytime! Just message me in-game, and, and we can do a map :D The LORD will march forth like a mighty Warrior, He will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout his battle cry and crush all his enemies.
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Original, solid and endgame friendly build. Seems easy to level, especially in Beachheads.
I look forward to watching more videos! |
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" Thank you very much! I'll be uploading the rest of the end game boss content videos soon! :D The LORD will march forth like a mighty Warrior, He will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout his battle cry and crush all his enemies.
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Why did you choose CwC over selfcast? It is just for autotargeting purpose only? Seems like you could output much more damage with free two sockets.
Oh and getting BBB on RT will be pain in the ass! =D ʕ•̫͡•ʕ*̫͡*ʕ•͓͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•̫͡•ʔ*̫͡*ʔ Last edited by Dharmatrooper#3820 on Sep 29, 2017, 10:05:14 AM
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how did you level? like which gems and which items>
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