I cast for my life - The crankiest build ever - Good DPS, Good defenses - can do ANY map mode

NOTE: I would not play this build on HC, it's too stressy and HC is stressy as it is.

  • It started as a joke, but it turned out to be pretty cool.
  • This build got a lot of damage and good clear speed, but you need to have some game skills and have a strong heart.

comming soon

Pros and Cons
[+] High DPS (800K for clearing 2M for Shaper)
[+] Good Defenses
[+] good Clear Speed
[+] Can do ANY map mod - reflect maps, no regen, any curse
[+] Fun to Play
[-] This is not a starters build, you need to have good flasks use skills
[-] This is a very stressful build, you are always degenerating

Build Mechanics

You are Taking Mind over matter and running Righteous fire without any defense to sustain it so your mana is always 0, while doing that, you ALWAYS use this flask:

You need to get to a high amount of mana cost to makes this way of defense useful, and with our gems setup we only get to 66 mana per cast, but with several jewels and a pair of gloves I get to over 500 mana cost per cast that heals me for over 4000 HP per cast.

How to INCREASE Mana Cost

How many of these jewels do I need?
At least 6

My gear + Explanations

NOTE: YOU CAN USE ANY GEAR YOU LIKE. I strongly suggest that you follow my guide, but you can do it with your budget ( I did this on about 40ex)

Quick Text:
  • The tempest binding helmet
  • Rare scepter
  • Rare shield
  • Voidbringer gloves
  • Kaom's roots boots
  • Rare Amulet
  • Rare unset Ring X2
  • Rare Belt
  • The covenant body armor

Gear Explained

The best in slot, it helps your shield charge to spend more mana, shock the bosses 50% of the time (and chill them at the other 50%) and got life and resistances. the enchantment is pretty important, the more cast speed we got, the more defensive we get.


You want as much speed damage, cast speed and crit chance as you can on these, on the shield you also want high life roll, and on the weapon you want to get crit multi if you can


You must use unset rings for this build max effectiveness with high life, cap your resists and if you can get cast speed on them.


These gloves are the best in slot, high crit chance, higher mana cost of skills.


You need to cast and spend "mana" (we spend life) in order for us to get healed, if we get stunned, we are dead, so these boots are a MUST, also this enchantment is also important.


Look for high life, spell damage and crit multi, all the rest is according to what you want.


This chest is like an 8L for us (we need the blood magic), so any other chest that is 6L, will not be as good as this chest 5L.


Look for high life and resist, if possible reduced flask charges used. LEATHER BELT preferred.


1st-3rd Flask: Basalt Flask, Silver Flask, Diamond Flask
  • I consider these flasks the best for both defense and offence.

4th Flask: Taste of hate
  • It does not give us damage, only defence, but a good one vs physical, and I strongly suggest that

5th Flask: Zerphi's last breath
  • This is the build maker


All your jewels must be Fevered Mind, Cobalt Jewel.
The higher your mana cost, the life you recover gets higher. (See Build Mechanics)

Gem Links

6L: Dark pact, Void manipulation, Controlled destruction, Faster casting, Spell echo, Increased AOE/Conc effect (switch for clearing/bosses)

  • You MUST use the cast speed gem, lower DPS but it's your main defense.
  • Every 2 casts cost you mana and recover your life

3L: Arctic armor, Blasphemy, Assassin's mark

  • The best defense and offense buffs for this build, damage reduction and higher crit chance and power charges.

3L: Summon lightning golem, blood rage, blood magic

  • Lightning golem is the best golem for this build DPS and defense, blood rage gives you better movement with the shield charge and frenzy charges. you must use blood magic for you don't have any mana all the time

4L: Shield charge, Fortify, Faster attacks, Blood magic(lvl 1)

  • This is your movement skill, you want it on your helmet
  • Use blood magic level 1 for higher mana cost and there for higher life recover per runt

4L: Wither, Spell totem, Increased duration, Blood magic

  • The best DPS boost for chaos builds, increased duration is better than faster casting here for higher amount of stocks (I get to 18)
  • You must use blood magic, you better have it at higher level, the mana cost here is high as it is

1L: Herald of ICE

  • Don't cost mana, just reserve it, so it's good to use on a ring, even if you are a chaos spellcaster the little cold damage is freezing, and there for the clear speed with this buff is ver useful

1L: Rightheus fire

  • Don't cost mana, must for this build, the ring is the best place to put it


Recommended: Eramir/Kill All (+2 Passives)
Optional: Alira (5 Mana Regen/Second, +20% Crit Multi, +15% All Resistance)


Recommended Major: Soul of Solaris
Recommended Minor: Soul of Tukohama
You want to take all the physical reduction vs bosses you can

Although the required minimum level to start the build is low, I strongly suggest that you start this build as a regular dark pact till level 74, when you got 6 jewels.

The passives are as follows:

Lvl 74;

Lvl 84

Lvl 95

Path of Building Paste Bin

Final Thoughts and Considerations

This build may have started as a joke, but it's a very good mechanic for builds that do not have leeches like essence drain, totems, trappers, miners, and summoners.

I'm sure that this could be the start of new kind of builds, hope that this flask will not get nerfed....


IGN: broken_heart_doom

Big thanks to KickAcid for doing the design of the guide
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
Last edited by rel4us#7549 on Sep 22, 2017, 11:10:16 AM
Last bumped on Sep 21, 2017, 4:18:33 PM

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