[3.1] 98% avoidance, Cold ST Dreamfeather Raider, Shaper down, Gifs, cca 1M+ Shaper dps
3.1 changes:
Almost nothing changed for this build in 3.1, the biggest hit is that we are no longer able to run ele/reflect maps, because of VP changes. New abyss jewels with fljeat cold damage can be in some cases stronger then crit multi/AS jewels. Also price of Hinekora is a bit higher this league, but as I wrote multiple times, its not at all necesarry, you can use The Pandemonius or the new Yoke of Suffering to get even more dmg (get somewhere some fire dmg to inflict ignite) but both of those amulets wont work well with ele focus.. Alternativly use Hypothermia instead of ele focus. As far as life on jewels goes, I dont find like I need more than 5.2K hp, if you want more, just focus on life on your jewels to easily get 5.5K Added some additional options for main gem setup and fixed Ancestral Protector links. Hi, I love spectral throw.. and prefer evasion based characters and I have decided to combine these two in this build. This build prioritizes getting great defensive capabilities which in return boosts its damage. Main goal is to get as much evasion/dodge/spell dodge as possible while still maintaining great dmg. I use ST with Added cold and Icebite. You can clear guardians on 5L with about 1.5-2 ex investment 5L price included (half of it is 5L + hinekora, which is not necessary). Pros:
You can facetank almost anything, cause nothing will hit you- great defense.
Clearspeed - Can clear fast even T16 maps Great damage. Can run anything except for no-leech map. Even tho its full elemental build, it can run ele reflect maps (leech from VP and your dodge makes it possible, tryed up T16 and even fought ele reflect in ele reflect map, Vaal grace is advisable here) -- No longe possible, viz 3.1 Notes. You will freeze everything except for bosses Cons:
Can quite rarely get oneshot (vs hard map mods) - hiting 5K hp at lvl 92
Annyoing mana issues - fixed with vaal clarity and jewel. Have to get personal vs bosses (facetank) Tree and PoBuilding link
Reference to my current character:
https://pastebin.com/kAY8tLLY Skill tree to lvl 92:(take point blank eventualy) http://poeurl.com/byD6 -------------------- 45 points in: http://poeurl.com/byRn 60 points in: http://poeurl.com/byRr 80 points in: http://poeurl.com/byRs Lvl 100 - dmg option: http://poeurl.com/byEe Lvl 100 - more evasion option: http://poeurl.com/byEd Cleared content
Normal Atziri melts within second, Uber not tryed
Uber lab viable, get life flasks tho, if you want to farm it, Queen of the forest might be better. All Guardians down Shaper Down Tryed one of the breechlords (think it was Xoph) with no problem Gifs/Videos
All of those are without Point Blank 107% extra fire dmg minotaur https://imgur.com/eSOt6OK Part of same extra fire minotaur map run, heavy lags on my PC so it looks like I cant walk :D https://imgur.com/M7PNecx Minotaur: https://imgur.com/jGI5qHa Sloppy T11 racecourse run: https://imgur.com/9jPsBFh DPS vs shaper: With flasks up 230-280K with ST(thats without Point Blank), or 480-550k with 6th stage BF (change Slow proj to cold pene), with Point blank its around 350-400K. These numbers does not take into account that ST will hit one target multiple times. Main uniques: Defense: This build uses 3 uniques to get spell dodge: Atziri steps, The Perfect form body armour and hinekora sight amulet. With additional 10% from flask, you can have 65% spell dodge almost all the time. The perfect form also gives us free arctic armour, and evasion increase based on cold resist, which will help us get to 60-80k evasion with flasks up based on your gear. As aura I use obviously Grace - it provides both offensive and defensive boost. You need around 60k evasion to get to 76% evade chance vs normal accuracy monsters - and with raider asscendancy you have 25% more evade chance with onslought which caps you at 95% evade chance. Combine this with 50% dodge chance (Acro + quartz + hinektora) + 10% block chance gets you at 98% chance to evade attacks. Most of the time you should have fortify up + I use phys reduction while stationary and phys reduction when just 1 enemy around to get to 34% phys reduction vs bosses + arctic armour. With life on all jewels you could reach about 5.5K hp (lvl cca 93). Offense: Your main clearing setup is ST + Added Cold + IceBite + GMP + WED + Inc crit chance For bosses swap GMP for slower proj and crit for Ele focus. To boost your dmg even further vs bosses I use frost bomb and ancestral protector totem. To help with mana problems (mostly with GMP vs single target high-hp rare mob) I use vaal clarity. Vaal grace is used as additional protection vs bosses (can use Vaal haste if you want). Gems:
Main attack: ST + Added Cold + Ice Bite + ele dmg with attacks + GMP + Crit chance Ele focus provides more dps, but crit chance should give you better clear speed with high crit chance. Swap GMP for Slow Proj and crit chance for ele focus vs bosses. Nice alternative for last gem is Hypothermia - it gives just 30% more vs 50% more on ele focus, but you will chill the boss, which makes the fight safer. It also removes the problems with ailments for Yoke of Corruption and The Pandemonius amulets. Totem: Ancestral Protector + Added Cold + Ele dmg with Attack + (Ele focus, Hypothermia, Added Lightning... depends on your links, focus is best damage option) Auras: Herald of Ice + Curse on Hit + Assasins Mark + Grace Vaal Grace(or Haste) + Vaal Clarity + Inc duration Other: Frost bomb in link with Vaal auras to get inc duration CWDT (lvl 1) + Max quality (lvl 5) temporal chains or enfeeble Whirling blades + Faster Att + Fortify Flasks:
I used quartz insted of stibnite, but switch for long fights vs non-casting guardians. Rotgut is used to maintain your onslaught vs long bosses (guardians), cause it will give you 20s onslaught. Most dps adds the diamond flask (cca 30%), but most important flask is jade (20% dps + 70% more evasion) Gear/jewel info:
On your gear you want as much evasion, hp, flat cold dmg and inc ele dmg as possible.
IF you can get attack speed on gloves, perfect. Ideal ring would be essence craft with inc cold damage, inc ele damage, added cold dmg, life and resists. My gear as hown in PoB link is not 100% ideal, thats just what I could get with reasonable investment. On your jewels you want life, crit multi(two crit multi mods are better dps wise as multi + AS) and attack speed. (I use 1 jewel with projectile speed to compansate for not taking +20 proj speed node near ranger and 1 jewel with +2 mana per hit as QoL). Also you need fertile mind next to VP to get intelligence. With new Abyssal Jewels it depends... On abyss jewels you want life, all forms of added cold to attacks and crit multi. For best result, check your numbers in Path of Building to find out whats the best on your own character. Crit multi provides higher dmg than inc attack speed, but if you feel liek you want to attack faster, its not a huge difference. Bandit:
No competition here, Alira - we want all she gives.. mana regen, crit multi and resists.
With this build I am quite happily farming guardians and shaper! 10 out of 10 would play again (Eddit from future: I am playing it again in Abyss :) ). Changes for Shaper:
For shaper, you should respec to Point Blank.. it will be so much smoother with it. Second change is getting Crit multi + WED + Added cold amulet to get even more dmg if you feel like you need it, otherwise stick with hinekora to dodge those balls :) . Notes: If you are scared of ST build without faster attacks dont be, with 7 frenzies and Attack speed from them + raider ascendancy and 40% attack speed from onslought I am at about 0.19 per attack, with totem up its 0.16. Where is my anti-freez flask? I dont have it.. I have never died to freeze... you should not be spell freeze locked thx to your spell dodge, and vs strongboxes.. just pop some ST and flasks before you open.. it will kill half of monsters when it returns to you, and you can still dodge while frozen. I dont think I can make a video, my PC is a 6 year old notebook, I am glad I can even play :D I have killed all guardians on 5 link (without crit/ele focus), but it takes quite some time, for guardians to feel good you need 6L, but up to T15 is a breeze with 5L. (EDIT: With 5L and point blank, it should actualy feel quite ok) If you want to clear even faster, swap vaal grace for vaal haste. 1Mil+ Shaper dps is refered to all flasks up, with point blank and 3+ hits of spectral throw to the Shaper. This build uses almost no points in projectiles, so you can actualy play this build with a lot of other attack skills without problem.. Like Blade flurry, Frost blades, lightning strike etc, but it will be weaker on bosses... because 3+ times hitting ST is just too strong. If you want to check out my character from last league / import it to PoB, acc name Nathaniell123, char ST_FTW_ If you have any questions please ask here! Last edited by Nathaniell123#6942 on Jan 22, 2018, 8:24:53 PM Last bumped on Mar 1, 2018, 8:31:16 PM
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Minotaur and racecourse Gifs added! Will try to add something better played later! (minotaur is flaskless(just rotgut) and totemless :D)
Last edited by Nathaniell123#6942 on Sep 14, 2017, 4:44:38 PM
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Today I managed to do my first deathless shaper run :)
Updated build with changes for shaper. |
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Hi there i am making a ST build too but starting from scion with dreamfeather in both hands but i was wondering why are you not using Queen of the forest for high evasion + movement along the way?
Last edited by ZEradicator#2355 on Sep 15, 2017, 6:21:00 PM
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Not Sure this is 100% aplicible to every scenario, but The perfect form gives you actualy more evasion thaan QoTF. It has cca 1500 evasion and you get increased evasion (from every other source) for your uncaped cold resist, so with standard 135% cold resist, chest itself gives you 3500 evasion.. + 30% spell dodge.. thats the important part for me and that evasion number is actualy higher then QoTF.. and ofc you can get your cold resist even higher. Overal The Perfect Form provides more evasion, at least in this build.
The main idea behind this build was to get as much avoidance as possible. So I wanted to stack evade chance, dodge chance and spell dodge chance as much as possible.. You dont really need high MS. We have so much Attack speed from onslough and frenzies you can just jump around with whirling blades. Last edited by Nathaniell123#6942 on Sep 15, 2017, 7:38:33 PM
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Hi, I'm currently leveling using your build and I'm wondering why you're not using the "Steel Spirit" Jewel, it's a threshold jewel that grants projectile damage and damage for ST based on dex in radius.
So far the build is pretty good, thank you for that :D |
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Its not strong enough(that jewel)... Sorry I didnt make any info to the build about leveling proces, because I dont really think its so great during leveling (I didnt have enough life during leveling process, but I guess it can work :))
Some leveling info - dont get any crit nodes till like.. lvl 65+ Take projectile damage nodes coming from the ranger starting area, including the Ballistic mastery (I have droped these at lvl 88, because jewels will provide more dmg, and it makes possible switching to Blade flurry more optimal) During leveling, I think Static electricity jewel could be really good, if you take some non-needed dexterity nodes around the jewel left to vaal pact, it can give you very good early dmg(it provides lightning dmg for dexterity around it). I have lvled with tabula - ST+LMP+Added Cold + Added lightning + Ele dmg with attacks + dont remember (probably Faster attacks). With this setup I have used two Ewars mirage Because most of your damage comes from added gems + dualwielded it provides 100%+ inc elemental damage, it was a best option if you didnt want to change weapon all the time. I have used these swords whole time till I get to the Dreamfeathers. If you use 6L tabula + probably 2 heralds, you will absolutely need Elreon rings (or some other uniq ring) with reduced mana spent for skills. Last edited by Nathaniell123#6942 on Sep 16, 2017, 6:41:48 PM
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can i use cyclone instead of ST?
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Why do you go avatar of the chase instead of Veil? PoB is showing Veil to do better damage, and it gives you better spell and attack dodge and makes you immune to status ailments. So it's better offensively and defensively as far as I can tell.
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With Avatar of the chase you will have twice as strong onslaught buff.. which gives you 40% Attack speed (and MS), thats huge QoL improvement to make your attacks feel good. Also you have to compare those two with frenzy and onslaught active, and when you do, you will see that Avatar of the Chase actualy provides more dmg than veil. The whole idea of this build was to get to the evade cap and thats the final (and main) reason to take Avatar of the Chase - Because you should always have onslaught on - and it gives you 25% MORE chance to evade - which gets you to 95% evade chance cap.
Update: I have made minor changes to the tree and PoB link.. Just added right enchants on boots and helm and switch 2 hp nodes for different hp nodes. Last edited by Nathaniell123#6942 on Sep 17, 2017, 8:08:02 AM
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