Does Iron Grip work with Molten Strike Projectiles?

Iron Grip
The increase to Physical Damage from Strength applies to Projectile Attacks as well as Melee Attacks

It's not clear if it affects only the physical damage with projectiles or the projectile damage as a whole.. I'm using molten strike with Oro's Sacrifice atm (100% fire damage) and I'm pretty confused if it works or not

Doesn't change magma balls dps on path of building, but I want to be sure..

IGN gubert
Last bumped on Oct 11, 2017, 7:42:08 AM
[Increased Physical Damage] from Strength normally applies to [Melee Attacks].
Iron Grip applies [IPD] from Strength to [Projectile Attacks].

Oro's Sacrifice deals zero Physical Damage, so getting a chunk of Increased Physical Damage for your Projectiles is a little pointless :P
Last edited by Vipermagi on Sep 4, 2017, 7:08:24 PM
edit: oops wrong thread
Last edited by KHAAOS on Oct 11, 2017, 8:02:41 AM

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