Gruthkul's Pelt + Non spell skill do not work!

The Gruthkul's Pelt - " Spell skills deal no damage, Your Spells are disabled"
So with that all of my spells deal no damage and I can not use them.

Vaal Detonate Dead, Detonate Dead do not have a spell tag too.
Bear Trap no spell tag either.

So, those are spells and effected by spell damage?
Why can't I use them?

Last bumped on Aug 14, 2017, 3:28:28 PM
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First of all: Gem tags are exclusively used to signify item modifier synergy (+x to socketed y Gems), nothing else.

They are Spells - they do not deal Weapon Damage after all. They do not deal Spell Damage, and as such do not benefit from Spell Damage.

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