First Shaper kill :D

Hello fellow exiles.

I've done it! After only 4 months of playing PoE and learing every day more about the game, I've killed the Shaper.

As a fairly new player i have to say the fight against the Shaper is mechanicly very interesting but not difficult at all if you know what you are doing. I prepared myself by watching the guide of Engineering Eternity and looking at the wiki. I was droping Purity of lightning for Purity of Elements so i can hit a save cap of 164% Cold resistance to counter the 25% cold penetration of the shapers ranged ball attack.

The build i used for the kill was a Low Life Righteous Fire Guardian with 16.25k ES. I don't use Orb of storms but Shield Charge with Critical strike support to proc Elemental Overload and lightning damage on my ring procs Elemental Equilibrium.

My next step will be to face Uber Atziri but I'm missing Mortal Hope so wish me luck I'll get it soon :P

I want to thank the PoE community for beeing so wonderful and helpful, the streamers and YouTubers who provide Information and my Wife for supporting me with enouth Currency to make my LL RF Guardian as powerful as he is right now.

May your maps be merciful Exiles.

See you in Wraeclast ;)
IGN: Sirius_A
Safe and Cheap uber lab enchantment Service.
Uber lab is love. Uber lab is life.
IGN: Sirius_A
Last bumped on Jul 4, 2017, 10:14:35 PM
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019

Btw, penetration don't care about your uncapped resistance, you can think of it in the sense that it lowers your max resistance. But then again purity aura helps also as it raises your max res.

Effective resistance = min(total res, max res) - penetration
total res means your uncapped resistance minus reduction from curses etc.

Good luck with the Atziri!
Last edited by SodanKerjuu on Jul 3, 2017, 12:36:19 PM
Quick Update I just killed Uber Atziri.

That fight was acctualy harder than the Shaper! I died 2 times. 1# At the double Vaal oversoul as they where fireing that lightning ball bullshit at the same time very close together and 2# at Atziri as i took a Flameblast and a lightning trap at the same time when she was at 78%. Challanging encounter but not to hard for me ;D

and i got the chest which is cool :D

I cut my Flameabillity Curse for a Purity of Lightning and Vaal Disciplin (which i was stupid enouth to switch to late and didn't have enouth souls to use it...) as well as a Basalt flask instead of the Witchfire brew. I also got myself 3 orbs of regret to spec into more ES notes for the Atziri fight itself because i couldn't use any curse (which i also didn't do because i was to excited to kill that bitch...)

Afterall this day was amazing for me. I killed the two hardest bosses in the game and also did my first uber lab carry service with great succes!

Ok so it is calculated as in PvP? Penetration will be substracted by your total uncaped resist if i understood that right.

Thank you very much! :D
IGN: Sirius_A
Safe and Cheap uber lab enchantment Service.
Uber lab is love. Uber lab is life.
IGN: Sirius_A
Un_kn0wn wrote:
Hello fellow exiles.

I've done it! After only 4 months of playing PoE and learing every day more about the game, I've killed the Shaper.

As a fairly new player i have to say the fight against the Shaper is mechanicly very interesting but not difficult at all if you know what you are doing. I prepared myself by watching the guide of Engineering Eternity and looking at the wiki. I was droping Purity of lightning for Purity of Elements so i can hit a save cap of 164% Cold resistance to counter the 25% cold penetration of the shapers ranged ball attack.

The build i used for the kill was a Low Life Righteous Fire Guardian with 16.25k ES. I don't use Orb of storms but Shield Charge with Critical strike support to proc Elemental Overload and lightning damage on my ring procs Elemental Equilibrium.

My next step will be to face Uber Atziri but I'm missing Mortal Hope so wish me luck I'll get it soon :P

I want to thank the PoE community for beeing so wonderful and helpful, the streamers and YouTubers who provide Information and my Wife for supporting me with enouth Currency to make my LL RF Guardian as powerful as he is right now.

May your maps be merciful Exiles.

See you in Wraeclast ;)

Is your wife called I_NO? As you are un_known?
Seems right ;-)
No Problem,
Grats, I had my first Shaper kill recently too. :)
Lowlife RF... kiss those easy future shaper kills goodbye.
Last edited by HappyRogue on Jul 3, 2017, 11:42:08 PM
Un_kn0wn wrote:
Ok so it is calculated as in PvP? Penetration will be substracted by your total uncaped resist if i understood that right.

No no, curses and reductions such as EQ affect the uncapped res. Penetration lowers max res.

So let's say you have 190% uncapped cold res.
You are at merciless difficulty leaving it 130%, well beyond max res.
You get affected by a curse reducing further to 110%, still beyond max res.

Normally an elemental hit would get reduced by 75% (your max res).
Hit with 20 penetration will only get reduced by 55% as it lowers the max res.

The formula in my last post can be read as "Take the lower value between your max res and modified res, reduce that amount by the penetration value to gain your final effective resistance."

I hope this helps.

And congratulations on the Uber Atziri!
Now try Hall of the Grandmasters (be ready to rip many times) :D
Second-class poe gamer
SodanKerjuu wrote:
Un_kn0wn wrote:
Ok so it is calculated as in PvP? Penetration will be substracted by your total uncaped resist if i understood that right.

No no, curses and reductions such as EQ affect the uncapped res. Penetration lowers max res.

So let's say you have 190% uncapped cold res.
You are at merciless difficulty leaving it 130%, well beyond max res.
You get affected by a curse reducing further to 110%, still beyond max res.

Normally an elemental hit would get reduced by 75% (your max res).
Hit with 20 penetration will only get reduced by 55% as it lowers the max res.

The formula in my last post can be read as "Take the lower value between your max res and modified res, reduce that amount by the penetration value to gain your final effective resistance."

I hope this helps.

And congratulations on the Uber Atziri!
Now try Hall of the Grandmasters (be ready to rip many times) :D

Oh now i get it! Thx for the explanation :D

I can't do Halls because of Culling strike. I riped with my wife within seconds when we first tryed it... But I'll try to get my next character prepared for that ;)
IGN: Sirius_A
Safe and Cheap uber lab enchantment Service.
Uber lab is love. Uber lab is life.
IGN: Sirius_A

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