Sextant Blocker


What is this?
This program is designed to allow people to brainlessly figure out on which maps to put good and bad sextant mods.

Are you going to release more versions?
Probably not. I just threw this program together in Java for my own use, but I figured some other people might like it.


The black lines linking the maps indicate which map's sextants overlap.
Ex: Strand and Dunes are linked because putting a sextant on either map will cover the other map.

The color behind the map name indicates the tier color of the map.

The map to run is colored BLUE.
The map(s) to put good sextant mods on are colored GREEN.
The maps to put bad sextant mods on are colored RED.

Zoom in/out using Page Up/Down. Move around using the arrow keys. You can move a map's position by dragging it with your mouse.

You must have Java installed.
Open the command prompt and navigate to the unzipped folder which contains lib, src, SBlock.jar, and README. (Ex: cd "C:\Users\Dude\Desktop\SextantBlocking" ). OR open "open cmd line.bat".
Use one of the following 4 instructions to start the program.

java -jar SBlock.jar "Map to Run"
java -jar SBlock.jar "Map to Run" maxtier
java -jar SBlock.jar "Map to Run" "Map to Sextant"
java -jar SBlock.jar "Map to Run" "Map to Sextant" maxtier

"Map to Run" is the desired map you wish to run. Ex: "Strand"
"Map to Sextant" is the map you desire to put a good sextant mod on. Ex: "Dunes"
maxtier is the highest map tier (inclusive) that you wish to be included in the search. Ex: 8

Ex: java -jar SBlock.jar "Strand" "Dunes" 6

Q: Why would I use "Map to Sextant"?
A: If you are only going to be using a single good sextant mod for running a map.

Q: Couldn't you add some text fields at the top so I don't have to re-open the program every time I want to change which maps I want to sextant?
A: I probably could.

Q: You can put GOOD sextant mods outside of where you want the bad ones in order to increase the chances of rolling a bad mod!
A: That isn't a question but yes you could. I didn't because it would look cluttered.

Q: Are you going to keep answering questions no one asked?
A: ...

Atlas Map coordinates are from: . Its a great tool, go use it.


The source files are super messy and poorly written, but if you want them ask and I might upload them.
Last bumped on May 19, 2017, 4:27:21 PM

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