Inquisitor-pious path Does not work correctly with status ailments [report #479,377,503]
I have done some testing and the "Pious Path" Inquisitor notable passive ( does not grant immunity from the effects of status ailments while on consecrated ground. For this I have bug report ids #479,377,503, #3,931,788,778, and #3,676,628,971. Judging by the description of Pious Path, the elemental status shouldn't be removed (i.e. continue its effect when leaving consecrated ground), but it should have no effect while on consecrated ground (in a similar way to "cannot be reduced below base movement speed" works against the movement effect of freeze). Instances reported In each case, I activated a sulphur flask to generate consecrated ground. This did not seem to grant immunity to the effects of the elemental status ailments. The most clear cut instance is in id #479,377,503. In this case I purposely looked for a freeze when activated strong box, and immediately popped the sulphur flask after activating the strong box. This had no effect, and I could not move or act until the freeze expired. Instance reported in id #3,931,788,778 my character was ignited and didn't seem to have a reduced effect from standing on consecrated ground. It was hard to tell since I have a lot of life regeneration. Instance reported in id #3,676,628,971 My character was frozen in place by a sea witch. I used the sulphur flask to avoid it but it had no effect. (The freeze happened about half a minute before the bug report was requested in this particular case) *Note that it is hard to get the bug report and screen shot activated while the freeze effect is still active, thus the screen shot does not show the freeze. Screen shots of all 3 reports Last edited by Lord_Tao#3544 on Apr 1, 2017, 2:58:28 PM Last bumped on Jun 24, 2017, 12:43:12 AM
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I didn't watch your video, but I think you assume that immunity should dispel status ailments. It doesn't. You get immunity from getting hit with status ailments. You have to dispel ones you already have. That's why the flasks say both dispel and gain immunity.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
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"If it says “immunity” it does dispel the ailment it grants immunity from. The reason for the flasks doubling it up is presumably so that they dispel even if the flask is instant (because then you never have immunity). The wording for preventing application of an ailment only is “cannot be”. For example, Fairgraves’ Tricorne has “Cannot be Shocked”. 2.4.0 patch notes: " Pious Path says “cannot be affected”, which is different from either of these. “unaffected” in other contexts (Warbands unique boots) does not prevent the status ailment at all, but causes the ailment to apply at zero effectiveness (burning ground does zero damage, shocked ground gives zero percent increased damage taken, chilled ground gives zero percent slow). I have never heard whether this should include ailments that have already been applied. Last edited by Melvar#7788 on Mar 31, 2017, 11:19:41 AM
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Quick off-topic note:
"Freeze is only negated by "cannot be slowed to below base speed". Freeze, Chill and Temporal Chains are Slow effects, they don't directly affect the Attack/Cast/Movement Speed stats at all. I assume you meant "slowed", but since there was quite a bit of confusion about these two things in the past, I thought it best to clarify for the people reading this. |
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" *Not a video, just the screenshots of the 3 bug reports id#s. No I said specifically that it shouldn't dispel them. Only that you shouldn't be affected by them. The node doesn't say anything about "getting hit with status elements", only that you are immune to them. If immunity to being hit by them is their intent, then the wording of the skill is the bug here. I am pretty sure the bug is as I stated however. GGG is pretty good with their wording. It doesn't say "cannot be INFLICTED with status ailments"(such as Fairgraves Tricorn as said above) It says "cannot be AFFECTED by elemental status ailments". Last edited by Lord_Tao#3544 on Mar 31, 2017, 1:38:06 PM
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" Yes that is what I meant, but I edited it for clarity. |
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I am thinking about playing an Inquisitor once 3.0 releases and I was curious if this question has ever been answered definitively?
What does "cannot be affected by" really mean in PoE? RIP Solstice
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"Typically it means whatever effect the ailment has does nothing to you. Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class |
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2.4.0 Patch Notes
"Immunity to X" prevents X being applied to you, and will remove existing instances of X from you when you gain immunity. "Cannot be X"/"Cannot be affected by X" prevents X being applied to you. "Unaffected by X" still lets X be applied, but at 0% effectiveness - you still have X, for any stats that care about that, but it won't affect your character beyond that. This was specifically done for the warbands boots so you could prevent the negative effects of ground effects, but still get bonuses that were conditional on being in the ground effects. So if you become "Immune to Ignite", any ignites on you are removed by gaining immunity. If you gain "Cannot be Ignited", then nothing can now ignite you, but if there's already an ignite on you, it's not removed. | |
" I see. Thanks for the clarification in the mechanics. I believe then that the 'bug' here is the wording. Pioux Path (and similar skills) should state: "Cannot be inflicted with Elemental Status Ailments while on Consecrated Ground" if the intent is to not offer the ability to dispel the affliction. If you are frozen/chilled/ignited/shocked, then go onto consecrated ground, you are still 'affected' by them by the proper definition of the word 'affected'. For what it is worth though, other ascendancy classes have the option to remove and be immune to elemental ailments. It might be more in line just to make it an immunity, especially due to the random nature of the consecrated ground placement, or need to take a flask for it. Last edited by Lord_Tao#3544 on Jun 24, 2017, 12:44:16 AM
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