The Classic Mystery Box, which was released to celebrate the Legacy Challenge League, has been a great success. To show our gratitude for your support, we're making the soundtrack of the Classic Mystery Box available as a free download!
To download the soundtrack, click (or Right-click, “Save link as”) on the file type you prefer: .ogg, .flac or .mp3 Almost all the items from the Classic Mystery Box will be available in the store just about a month after the sale of the mystery box ends. However, some items, like the Hideout Crystals Decoration, are exclusive and you can get them only from the box! If you're still thinking about purchasing the Classic Mystery Box, check out all its items from the full video announcement. Thank you for your ongoing support! |
Try to make alternatives to lab or reallocate the ascendancy points for 3.0
Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions |
oh can I trade in my 6 purple portals and 5 purple lightning mtx for one bleached demon leg armor...please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
it is a good song though - post a vid of the peeps composing/recording
Start playing in Feb 9, 2013
My KineticBlast LL ML 400kDPS GMP /view-thread/1466693 Asus LGA1155 P8P67 / Intel Core i5-2500@4GHz / Corsair Vengeance 16GB@1600MHz Asus GTX970 STRIX 4GB / Asus ROG Xonar Phoebus 7.1 Acer 27 IPS 2560x1440@144Hz [XF270HU] + BenQ 24 TN-film 1920x1080@120Hz [XL2420T] |
Fo Free
| |
Did somebody say FREE?
Remember when I won a screenshot contest and made everyone butt-hurt? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
What genre would this type of music be? I want to listen to more of its kind.
IGN: Sharkie