[3.0] More 250 000 DPS Dual strike Gladiator - t15 fast farmer Cheap now with video!

Update for 3.0
Still pretty good for dual strike fans. Use new ruthless, can get cheap 6l chest and pantheons for great survaivability.

Warning NO META

That means:
no dobble dipping
no ignite
no poison
no zizaroison

What is build about. Strong and endgame viable blender. I like fast APS builds since soultaker blender builds (that was so long time ago) and was fan of dual strike skill. But that was not actuall before this moment. Now we get this

We don't need now melee splash and have double damage one hand. With gladiator nodes we can explode everything and this gloves will stack explotion from max hp mobes for 15%

Gear you need

10% chance to block for endgame or you can use scaeva for cheap option or good rare sword

25% additional chance to bleed, more damage explotion (that boost gladiator passive node) and 40% inc phys damage to enemies.

We have nice flat hp, stun and slow immune. We use whirling blades for fast movements



More damage


Gear you can

You can use anvil and BoR for more block chance

My gear



Main: dual strike - multistrike - melee phys - faster attacks - maim - added fire/fortify
Additional: whirling blades - faster attacks - blood magic - fortify
Auras: hatred - herald of ash - blood rage
Fire golem - vaal lightning trap
Totem: warchief - bloodlust/maim - melee phys - faster attacks

You can also use abyssal cry for more explotion boost and vaal haste for more speed



Offence with auras and golems

Offence with full buffs


Amost we have over 150k dps under frenzy charges and 12APS

Pros and cons

Fast farm t15 maps
Great dps in numbers
Easy to create
Fun to play
Fast boss killer and content cleaner
Don't sure that can go for guards (maybe maxblock variant)
Need practice - hard to controll this speed
Can't go reflect maps
No double dipp - less total damage


Boss killing montage and full guide (only on rus sry) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YBFA_w-dMU
First Videogameplay t10 map (just turn off my ugly voice and track on 9:45) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icul-T8BORk
32 APS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65hLKeA_Brk

My other build

Last edited by Kursed_one#7454 on Aug 23, 2017, 3:19:05 AM
Last bumped on Dec 9, 2017, 6:36:38 AM
Added first gameplay t10 map

Video of T15 Daresso, Esh, Atziri, Scriptorium etc will be later
kak sebya bild budet na starom pc vesti,silno lagu4iy?
vdMj wrote:
kak sebya bild budet na starom pc vesti,silno lagu4iy?

ochen iz-za whirling blades :(
Хочу запилить перса по вашему билду на МАХ-блок через сет Ригвальда, но чёт прям не знаю...
Last edited by nifilim666#4016 on Mar 27, 2017, 9:38:26 AM
Added video of boss montage and full video guide (only on rus sry)
Chimera, Daresso, Esh, Atziri, Death and Taxes etc in video
Kursed_one wrote:
Added video of boss montage and full video guide (only on rus sry)
Chimera, Daresso, Esh, Atziri, Death and Taxes etc in video

zaidet 4epe3 wit i valunastru 4epe3 rasechenie
Last edited by whdiez51#4353 on Mar 31, 2017, 7:24:56 AM
Good build for me. Thanks!

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