[2.6] Ben's Ranged AutoSummoner (BUDGET, MoM, guardian/shaper viable, projectqtup viable)
![]() Hey guys, its dat boi Ben here. Today i'll be bringing you a build that has never seen the light of day since patch 2.3 and that is ANIMATE RANGED WEAPONS. Thanks to GGG for legacy league and all the creative changes. I have been going through an enormous amount of builds each league. Lately I've been addicted to the clear speed meta, but I also wanted a character that could clear bosses effectively. Animate weapon was a consistent and easy way to farm minotaur and other bosses, but the problem was that it required the melee weapons to walk between mobs even with plenty of movement mods this made the build feel more like you were slowly pushing than just racing through maps. That was until I found a solution... CHANGELOG
march 7- added a solo run video
march 7- modified tree *removed terrible pathing to shadow got jewel socket under scion and added the mana nodes behind mind over matter. Thanks to kager march 8- included more modifications to tree to include more life march8- updated gear section. Now reaching 5k life march8- added ascendancy section march9- replaced minion speed with minion damage in jorrhast, added arctic armor and playstyle section. Replaced build mechanics section with Playstyle march10-replaced increased duration with multistrike in 7L Jorrhast contributed by player wsbisev march10- added lootfilter detailed guide march11-changed filter added unidentified pink wands march12-added another video, will add more solo videos in future have been busy lately. march12-updated gem links for animate ranged weapons again. VIDEOS
Shaped shore with buddy. beyond laaaag. Was 1 fps half the time xD Build is playing itself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDUCWXna9Ck Strand solo, 8 weapons to start, speedrun https://youtu.be/-5BtuKGYU_g Short demo of gorge with friend *sorry no volume* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9rW40OvMU4&feature=youtu.be Patch 2.6 made this build possible! Introducing... What its like to summon 16 wanders with phasers set to kill ![]() SPEED CLEAR, TIER 16 MAPS, ALL MAP MODS, GUARDIANS, SHAPER, PARTY BUILD, RAIZQT, PROJECTPT, ETUP, POHX, GORGE VIABLE, AUTOSUMMONER wait WUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT 25% chance to cast level 20 animate weapon on kill Since the level 20 animate weapon is supported by any gems inside the weapon it makes Jorrhast similar to ngamahu's flame and whispering ice in the sense that nothing has to be linked! Thats right just 6 slot it and you essentially have a 7L animate weapon. Just let that sink in. This mod also allows us to autosummon animate weapons! How this works You animate some RANGED weapons to start. Let them kill your targets while you stand within range of some melee weapons. Ta Da! melee minions that you didn't need to stop and cast yourself. Since you will only be self casting animate weapons on RANGED weapons you don't have to do it as often as a traditional animate weapon build. The reason we get the "on kill" reward is because of the poison + added chaos combination on the ranged minions. If a monster is killed by the poison degen the kill is rewarded to the owner because they cannot apply to an entity that is duration based like animate weapon. If you feel this mechanic is inconsistent at times you can choose to use a totem or CwC wither for melee weapons. But as I've tested there is no need as they summon themselves just fine. They did nerf the max amount of animated weapons to 50 but you never needed more than 30 as many streamers have demonstrated animate weapons base damage + added chaos + poison can destroy bosses in a matter of seconds. Some people were killing minotaur with only 10 weapons for example. Also how melee minions works is that they take up a certain amount of space around a monster so they can autoattack it, only so many minions can fit around 1 target. I actually prefer this change because it stops a summoner from accidently getting waaay too much weapons and crashing the instance. BUDGET! 6 socket the jorrhast yourself and BAM! you got a 6L animate range weapon and 7L animate melee weapons thats end game viable. We talkin EZ $$$. To solve the issue of clearspeed: We use animate weapons but on ranged weapons. With gmp,pierce,poison,added chaos. LESS POINTS With the changes to threshold jewels this saved the build many points as previously it required you to actually allocated the dex needed. What this means is that before you had to travel around the shadow area just to satisfy the dex requirements. But now you just need to allocate points into the jewel socket! MORE WEAPONS They also changed the amount of ranged weapons from 4-8 per jewel. Thats 16 ranged weapons! Imagine 16 wanders all shooting magic missiles into the darkness. Tis glorious my friend. With both changes to Jorrhast and spirit guards I feel GGG was really pointing us in this direction. You heard it here first. PLAYSTYLE Drop a few wands, summon them, start running through map. $$$$. With enough weapons summoned and high enough gem levels 19+. You can literally run through each pack and race to the end. Very fast and fun build to farm with. All map and boss viable depending on how much effective health you spec into. If you run into a tanky mob or boss you want to run right up to his face and call your bro weapons using convocation. Then just stand still and cast wither. By standing still you get the phys and fire reduction from arctic armor. And if you do get hit your large enough life pool + MoM can take the hit easily while CWDT flamedash will automatically move you to safety. But its okay cause your wither is already namelocked. Any map boss dies in a few seconds. WHY ANIMATE RANGED WEAPON INSTEAD OF JUST ANIMATE WEAPON? PROS
-Faster clear
-Allows autocasting of melee animate weapons -max out on range weapons fast -Better AI, will target monsters 2 screens away -do not have to wait for them to catch up, by the time they are out of range of shooting they teleport towards you. -Easy way to spread poison CONS
-Early levels might run out of wand and bow supply.
-might not have the levels in added chaos yet to do damage. -just wands and bows themselves deal average damage to bosses. HOW TO GET WANDS AND BOWS FOR ANIMATING
At the start range weapons will be scarce and far apart. But do not worry as you progress into maps obtaining range weapons becomes easily sustainable, mostly because the quantity of items dropped becomes larger and higher level mobs drop a wider variety of wand and bow bases.
Here are ways to get wands and bows to get you started 1)Buy from the town npcs -Plentiful and usually cost around 1 transmute -you'd want to cycle through each town within each difficulty, remember the stuff that npc sells only resets after you level. So after a certain point this becomes unviable unless you make a mule character. 2)Go to the Grand Arena Waypoint in Act 4 and farm the Weapon stashes. Keep resetting instance. But normally during maps you want to pick up some wands here and there. You can pick up bows too but they take up more room. Usually saving 2-3 wands while doing a map lets you chain maps ez. *Reccomend to keep atleast 1-2 stash full of ranged weapons as backup to either get the 2-3 weapons to start the day or do bosses. HOW TO DO LAB 2 choices 1)get boosted by others 2)keep a stash and inventory full of range weapons, can easily do by yourself. LINKS
RRRBBG animate weapon(melee weapons)(in order of priority) 7L in Jorrhast's Blacksteel(jorrhast passive gives animate weapon) melee splash - added chaos - poison - melee physical - *minion damage* - *multistrike* *recently replaced minion speed with minion damage instead. Reasoning behind this is we get a lot of minion speed from jewelry also minion speed was essentially used to increase clear speed of a map, but the ranged weapons take care of that already. What this means is we can now fit in both melee phys and minion damage which scales the chaos damage even further making bosses die much faster. *replaced increased duration with multistrike did not need melee weapons to last long, improves bossing damage* RBGGGG RANGED animate weapon links(in order of priority) *minimum reccomended 5L 6L*body armor* animate weapon - greater multiple projectiles- added chaos - poison - pierce - increased duration For lategame mapping BBGGGG
When your added chaos and poison gem are high enough level you can transition to this setup instead
animate weapon - greater multiple projectiles - added chaos - poison - minion damage - void manipulation We drop increased duration because at end game mapping there are weapons everywhere. We also drop pierce because we can get better multipliers such as void manipulation. Since we are adding minion damage and void manipulation the chaos damage starts to go through the roof. Single target then becomes even faster than before and since the poison gets scaled jorrhast summons more frequently. BBBB faster casting - convocation - wither -flesh offering RRBG CWDT - immortal call - increased duration - flame dash -This combo of CWDT flame dash is actually amazing. This has its pros and cons. The pros is that it helps you dodge multiple projectiles and melee hits which can potentially instant kill you. For example, 3 giant skeletons smack you in the face. That first or two hits will activate flame dash making you dodge the final hit. Same thing with projectiles that would normally 2hit you instantly. Also this promotes the kind of play that synergizes well with arctic armor, stand still cast everything and not worry about getting killed. RRBG Clarity - vaal haste - arctic armor - increased duration *note: 3 link this setup and have arctic armor on a separate slot so its reserved is not multiplied by increased duration. We opt to only get clarity and not many auras because I feel without heavy investment in aura radius the auras wont even reach the range minions a quarter of the time since they are attacking from 2 screens away. Plus having high mana regen and large available mana pool allows for MoM to work tremendously. That and the fact that animate weapons mana cost is around 180 per cast. yikes! But its okay through clarity and mana regen equips and mana regen off tree its all fine and dandy. BANDITS
kill kill GEAR
Example gear Starting Gear
My Current Gear Currently 5k life. With MoM build feels very comfortable. REQUIRED GEAR Jorrhast's Blacksteel 6S -The reasoning why I use Jorrhast instead of severed in sleep is because it is much more convenient to just summon my range minions and have my melee ones summon themselves. You can run added chaos and poison on both which is majority of the damage. and jorrhast is essentially a 7link which does not require wither and cast when channel. This means we can potentially fit more damage multipliers in a jorrhast than we could with severed in sleep. Thinking about it logically severed in sleep saves you from slotting in a poison gem, but jorrhast saves you from slotting animate weapon, wither, cast when channel. 5L-6L chest For chest armor here, the options are endless. I chose to go life based but I feel you can easily adapt this into an ES variant. If you choose to go life based id suggest starting out with a tabula rasa for the easy 6L which helps tremendously. Then your options from there can be to switch to -yellow rare with high life -Cloak of tawm'r Isley(lets you find ID'd wands and bows) -or any chest that can actually fit 4 green. Other than that the options are very open Helmet life resist Enchant for 20% increased duration of animate weapon. -The reasoning for getting this Enchant instead of the chance for additional animate copy is because to start out your army of weapons you usually just drop 2-3 and you max out/get to a comfortable amount pretty fast. But if you have this enchant its also not a bad option. Belt life resist implicit for skill effect duration Gloves life resist Minion damage Jewelry life resist Flat mana Mana regeneration minions have increased movement speed 18-20% -this one is a big one. Having 3 of these mods on all jewelry along with minion speed gem on melee weapon links. Allows for fast melee minions and improved targeting AI. Boots Can use anything really. Thinking of using Seven league steps or a rare with life roll. Flask Get life flask that heal minions Recommended flask include: Rumi's Concoction Witchfire Brew TIPS:
-Keep your character close to the melee weapons so that when your animate weapons get the kill your Jorrhast will be in range to proc the 25% chance to cast lvl 20 animate weapon on kill effect. This range varies due to screen resolution but for me it nearly goes to the edge of my screen. Test out the range of animate weapon summoning yourself to get the feel of how close you should be standing. -remember to use flesh offering on necrovigil corposes -If you want to cast animate range weapons faster spam flesh offering to gain casting speed from ascendancy. ASCENDANCY
Witch Necromancer normal-Mistress of Sacrifice cruel-Spirit Eater merc- Commander of Darkness Uber lab-Beacon of Corruption SKILL TREE SKILL TREE PROGRESSION
Start by going through the mana regen path at the start of witch tree. Get the lord of the dead node for increased minion life and damage. make your way to death attunement and herd of the flock near templar for minion resistances. Then prioritize getting the 2 node clusters for skill effect duration near the scion tree. Then finally from Sentinel go through the evasion wheel and get the 2 jewel sockets at shadow tree so that you can slot the 2 Spirit Guard jewels. Lastly spec into life, mana regen, more jewel sockets for minion damage, basically anything as you see fit. Also get MoM whenever you have the mana.
Use a 4link Summon Raging spirits to level. SRS - melee splash - minion damage - melee phys Midway through leveling at dried lake merciless and when you can afford a tabula and jorrhast switch to animate weapon. LOOT FILTER
NeverSink's filter https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1246208 with animate weapon uncommented. Also increased the size of animate weapons by 20 font.
Steps to set up lootfilter for animate weapon: 1)download neversink's filter above 2)extract it into your documents poe folder. located at documents/mygames/pathofexile 3)open any of NeverSink's lootfilters using notepad++. Just google notepad++ its free. *use REGULAR to start *then progress to SEMI-STRICT and STRICT when you begin mapping and doing breaches 4)press ctrl+f and search for animate. This will lead you to section 0217 for animate weapon 2 paths from here a)Copy my filter
-makes ranges weapons BLUE with large font -melee weapons in small RED font -UNidentified wands into PINK Good to have unidentified items to keep for bossing or starting next map. Just ID them and go *Thank you MercySrsMFpewPEW for suggesting this. copy paste this replacing lines 612-644: Show #$animate Class "One Hand" "Two Hand" "Staves" "Daggers" "Thrusting" "Sceptres" "Claws" Rarity Normal SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 SetTextColor 150 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 150 0 0 255 SetFontSize 20 Show #$animate, ranged Class "Bows" "Wands" Rarity Normal SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 SetTextColor 30 144 255 255 SetBorderColor 30 144 255 255 SetFontSize 50 Show #$animate, identified Class "One Hand" "Two Hand" "Staves" "Daggers" "Thrusting" "Sceptres" "Claws" Rarity Magic SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 SetTextColor 150 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 150 0 0 255 SetFontSize 20 Identified True Next go to the top of the filter on the first line copy and paste this: Show #$animate, identified, ranged Class "Bows" "Wands" Rarity Magic SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 SetTextColor 30 144 255 255 SetBorderColor 30 144 255 255 SetFontSize 50 Identified True Show Class "Wands" Rarity Magic SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 SetTextColor 255 105 180 SetBorderColor 255 105 180 SetFontSize 50 Identified False Voila! complete. Test ingame b)Customize your own
5)take off the # in front of each line, from lines 612 to 644. 6)play around with each line to your preference. *change the colors- last 3 numbers of setbackgroundcolor, settextcolor, setbordercolor The last 3 numbers corrospond to RGB. google the color you want. *change font size. REFERENCES User nrdy for inspiring this build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1657614 the ranged portion of the build Special thanks to STABS1 to ITZAC for the help and critism. Pls senpai Chris and Bex notice me.. (^_^) EDIT: thanks for the acknowledgement Bex :) Last edited by bendoverxnao#6823 on Mar 15, 2017, 6:53:48 AM Last bumped on Sep 29, 2017, 2:18:40 PM
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Can confirm hes my boy, also sick build!
Last edited by striderfang#7643 on Mar 7, 2017, 4:58:45 AM
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I might actually try this as a second build.
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This looks insanely fun. Might have to do this once I get my first build completed and farming end-game. Thanks for sharing!
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Just looking over your passive tree and wondering if this may be more efficient and still able to use the two spirit guards. Can you confirm?
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMDAADuA-4EBwSzDeIQlxEtGYoajxzcHb4i4ij6Kk0qmCycLOky0TOHNZI6WDrhPydBh0QERKtFR0WdR-JIjklPSshMs025TeNRTFNSVa5VxlltWpFfKl-YX7Bo8mqsa9tuqm-ee8N8g31bghCCx4LkgwmD24TFhTKFYIaziECKr48aj6aQEZAzly2a4JuKm7WiAKQ5plemrKh9qsSsR6yYtfK3PriTvKq-T8BmwzrKSsy8zzLQH9P72L3fsOvk6-7siu_r8B_yRfba99f56PqA-wn-Cv6P |
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I was wondering why you chose to not go the ES route? To me it seems like you could get a ton more ES than life and the only downside would be colors on chest and worrying about stuns/freeze. For the chest you could just wear a hybrid energy shield/evasion and get the colors easy. For stuns you could wear the valyrium/eye of chayula. Freeze remove flask and you are set.
Any particular reason why you did life instead? Just cheaper I guess? |
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" Hey kager thanks for the input. I can't believe I did not see that jewel socket. I think it was partly due to me modifying an old version of the tree I came up with before the threshhold jewel changes. Thanks again will make the change as well as mention your contribution. |
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" I chose to not go ES to start for many reasons. One reason was because I used this build as a league starter because of its low price to get going. Also because animate weapon has a mana cost of around 180 per cast I felt like going MoM would be a good option and was much more efficient to spec into life and mana hybrid nodes than going ES and trying to find flat mana and mana regen somewhere else. Also personally I feel ES is only good if you can run vaal pact and some leech. Since this build is a summoner you personally don't do any damage or leech ES would be hard to sustain. Having around 4k-5k health doesn't seem like much but when you factor in MoM absorbing 30% of the damage thats actually giving you 1-2k more effective health. All that being said ES will save you points and is much better for endgame bossing. Will probably try out an ES variant in the future when I start farming guardians. I'll post my progress, thanks for the input orbital! " Thanks for the enthusiasm! glad people are enjoying this. Last edited by bendoverxnao#6823 on Mar 7, 2017, 7:09:22 PM
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When your ranged animate weapon kills a mob, it counts as your kill for the mace 25 percent proc?
I'm trying this with zombies and it looks like zombie and skeleton kills don't count towards the proc. | |
" Doesn't that only give you 30 Dex for the node? Medium radius on spirit guard. |