[2.5] non Crit - Ele Raider ST real Hybrid build - all Guardians done with ease
Hey Wraeclast,
this is my main build for breach league. I have a lot of fun with it and because the build is somewhat special, I want to share with you my ideas. Please guys be lenient with me...im not a native speaker <3 I know CI is meta and for sure you can build this char also pure ES and maybe this is even better for some situations. But I wanted to try a real hybrid build, because I never played one. The nodes at the right side of the tree are perfect for this: Melding, Nullification, Written in blood are all Life/ES nodes which we make the best use of as a hybrid char. Gear for hybrid chars is very cheap, cause no one is playing hybrid. Everyone think it sucks, but it doesn't. I have like 10k effective "life" and on top of that 31 % block and 48 % Evasion without flasks and with 9-11 sec flask uptime per use I have literally flasks up all the time and sitting at 80 % evasion against melee attacks and 73 % against ranged attacks. This includes the 25%/15% Eva bonus of Raider class (Avatar of the Chase). The biggest issue as hybrid are stuns cause of the low life pool and also ES bypassing chaos damage. For this issue in 2.5 the perfect item was released. This is awesome for hybrid builds, because it solves all problems we have: You get stun immune, get 60 % chaos res and get 20 % ES in exchange for 20 % life! From this exchange allot more ES is gained, then life is lost. So there is no real downside...All stats are useful. :)
Pro -smooth playstyle -nice DPS -good survivability -all Guardians done easy -all Breachlords done, except Chayula -good for breaches including the Chayula ones -not a meta build -cheap to start with, scales well into endgame -Chaos resistance caped -love the blood drops of "Daressos Passion" sword skin :D Con -never tried Chayula cause i fear the inc chaos damage -crit can scale higher i guess
the skilltree lvl 93
I focused on all hybrid notes, evasion, some ES nodes and the good life notes. Keystones for this build are VaalPact, GhostReaver, PointBlank, and ElementalOverload . PointBlank I took as very last note because it doesn't hurt my clearspeed and is very handy for bossfights when I put in slower projectiles instead of GMP. You should have a 6link for PB otherwise the dmg loss does hurt the clear speed with ST. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIBAAHRAx4EBwceCTMOSA5cD6sRLxFQEZYS8RR1FSAWvxcmGYoZ1xslHU8fAh9BIvQj0ySLJpUqOCsKLOktHy1NL3I1uTY9NsVB0EMxRA1FfklRSbFLrkyzTP9OKlO7VEdVS1WFVcZWSFoaW69d8l9qYeJlTWr6a5BsC2yMbRlvJ3XLeoR9dX_Gg9uExYazjDaNfo9gj_qTJ5OVlS6XBppqm7Wdqp7EoSKhL6JApMKly6a-pyutM6_rt7a74702voq-p7_VwzPDOsSiyPDQH9Ct0NDRNtN-18_YJNlb3Q3iLOkC6mLrY-9674jv6_DV9Pj2o_k3_ro=?accountName=jehoba&characterName=Rampensau Bandits: life - attack speed/point - frenzy charge
Items of Rampensau
my stats
With the posted Setup I have 16,8k tooltip in hideout with GMP. With charges up, EO up and Onslaught I'm sitting at 44k GMP DPS. With Flasks on top it's like 63k DPS with GMP. Vinktars and Atziri flask have ca. 6-7 sec uptime per use. With the fast clear speed this build provides, it's normally up when ever you need it. With SP instead of GMP I'm sitting at 108k full buffed. This counts not the penetration from the gem, the tree and the curse when needed. Also damage increase Pointblank and the 100 % shock with vinktars are not shown in tooltip Screenshots: defences without flasks defences with flasks normal maping DPS without flasks but with 7 frency, ElementalOverload and Onslaught GMP setup with flasks single target with slower proj and flasks
Gem setup
Spectral Throw - GMP - WED - elefocus - FA - lightning pen and swap GMP with slower proj for harder single target weapon/shield CWDT - tempchains - tempest shield whirling blades - FA - fortify helm/shoes/gloves COH - conductivity - orb of storms - wrath CWDT - IC - inc duration - lightning golem vaal disc - vaal haste - inc duration and disc
what does it cost
It's not the cheapest build, I know, but I started with very low budget and upgraded piece for piece.
Chest Mine was 4.5 EX and its a very nice one with lots of resist and stuff. I bought it at lvl 92 and until then I bought myself a 6l white carnal armour for 30 c and was spamming like 25 c on it, until I got one with like 500 ES/evasion. Even a 5l is fine to start with up to T10 maps or even higher tier I would say. Weapon I played until lvl 90 with a Hyaons Fury and this cost like 2c for a perfect roll. After diving in the real endgame like guardians and stuff, I switched to my foil, which has 350 eDPS. This costs me 20 c, because it has no crit. With crit instead of cold res this weapon would be much more expensive. The dmg is a little lower but it has not Hyaon downside of taking 21 % more dmg from all sources (with all 7 frenzies up). head I choose The Vertex, which is very cheap. You can get one for a few c. It gives good ES, good evasion and much needed chaos res. Mine was 40 c because I wanted one with ST damage. This can be much more expensive, but belongs to the seller. jewelry The amulet Presence of Chayula is BIS, as I already mentioned. Pretty much a must have for the build. I bought mine with lvl 80 i think. Until Driedlake you have no problem without it, but for mapping you get stunned allot, especially with pack size rolls and breaches. For rings just choose the stats you need. good stats are WED, flat lightning dmg, attack speed, accuracy, life, ES, % ES and resists. Plenty of options! Jewels should have % ES/%life and chaos, when you still miss some. Other that that proj dmg, general dmg, attack speed with swords or shields, lightning dmg are good stats. gloves&boots Just choose here the stats you need. I would go for hybrid gear with ES and evasion. Movement speed is useful on boots as is attacks speed on gloves. But just look for the gear you need in connection with the stuff you already have. flasks You want to have a Vinktars, because your main source of dmg is lightning. Its also the only shock source we have, because we are non crit. You should wear one life flask for incoming chaos damage. With the caped chaos resistance its used not that often, but sometimes you need it. The others are up to you. I decided for an evasion and a stibnite flask as well as an Atziri's Promise. So no the cheapest build out there, cause of the amulet, but everything else is not a must. Even leveling up to 80-85 without the amu is fine. So starting with like 25 c in total you should be ready to go :)
Just a gameplay vid. Will upload more and harder content when I got my lvlup :) T12 http://plays.tv/video/589a369f1b479ed9ed/-2-5-raider-ele-st-non-crit-eo-hybrid-10k-life-es-lvl93 T14 http://plays.tv/video/589a535b8cf6e5060f/-2-5-t14-mace-raider-ele-st-non-crit-eo-hybrid-10k-life-es-lvl93 T16 Chimera http://plays.tv/video/58a0aa334705937e51/-2-5-chimera-raider-ele-st-non-crit-eo-hybrid-10k-life-es-lvl94 Thanks for reading that far. Hope you enjoy the build as much as i do. Will keep it updated as long as the league goes and will post my success on Shaper and freinds :) Update: did all Guardians and will upload some videos later. After this i did my first Shaper run ever and i failed in third phase. I Need some practice here and im sure the build is capable of doing Shaper. There are better builds out there for this for shure, but im happy that the build took me that far in endgame. 😬👍 Update: added Chimera video cheers jehoba Last edited by jehoba#0067 on Feb 12, 2017, 5:45:29 PM Last bumped on Feb 19, 2017, 5:44:20 PM
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Had an itch to play ST again, this is exactly what I was looking for. I'm poor as hell but this'll be fun to play. Which direction on the passive tree do you recommend to go for first? Down or up? Keep in mind I'm playing HC and am pretty poor lol.
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" Hey Jazriel, I personally take most of the travel notes in the early levels. I'm not a HC player, but I think you should focus more on the life notes first, cause ES shines more with higher level when better ES/EV gear is available. Also the leech notes are nice to have, but i was fine in the first 40-50 levels with a mana potion. EO is a nice DPS boost so maybe i would go up first with all the life and hybrid notes and after this down to the leech. I specked out of some life notes in higher levels, so fill up the life clusters in the tree. I most likely missed the smaller notes behind the big ones. I think i took GolemsBlood at the Duelist section also before ES notes become more effective. You shouldn't take VaalPact and GhostReaver until you can equip Hyaon and have the leech cluster for obvious reason. With Hyaons Fury your DPS should be good enough. Hope I could help you a bit with this advice. If you have more questions feel free to ask. I try to help as good as I can ^^ Enjoy mate! jehoba |
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" How did you go about leveling until you got Hyaon's Fury? You can look at my profile but currently I'm using a 2h staff with Life on Hit. Using the +5 mana/kill passive because I don't like spamming mana flasks all the time and I popped in the +3 mana regen jewel to help out as well. Do you use the Steel Spirit unique jewel that gives extra damage to Spectral Throw? |
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Can't see any of your images and can't tell how much life/ES/evasion dps you have.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214 |
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" Maybe something like this as a base leveling tree. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIBAP66u-N9dcM6HwJh4lVLJpWdqmyM18_5N--ISbGMNl3ybAtMsy0fYqzTfhmKVcbrY4PbES8rCi9yLU0S8UHQ0K16hBcma5APqxnXk5WtMwQHNj0WvyL0r-uVIGsXOlhqQ8BUvOoILpuNxKKmvp7EVEeVLklR8NUHHiSLkycOSH_GEZaXBjbF2CRWSO2DGY4AXg== After this go down to leech cluster and fill up DPS notes when ever you feel comfortable with your survivability. For ascendancy take "Way of the Poacher" first and after this you can grab the frenzy charges from tree. This is just an example tree. I am not a HC player, so you will know better then me when to pick DPS notes :) I focused on life in first place. For SC you can grab some DPS notes early on. There are plenty of cheap uniques to level with. I leveled with a FB setup also early on. Try it, if you want, it's basically the same tree. I really would recommend a mana flask for leveling, even if you do not like it. Its the easiest way to sustain in early levels, but its up to you. I don't use any unique jewels. The one you mentioned needs 50 dex allocated in radius and i couldn't fit it in my setup. If you can try it, but i doubt it's worth it. Last edited by jehoba#0067 on Feb 12, 2017, 3:33:27 PM
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" It's not free, you loose 20% of your life, obviously. It's not EXTRA, it's a trade off. |
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" Sorry mate, just released the pictures in my google docs and they do not show directly in my post, as they should. You need to right click the link and open it in a new tab. If this doesn't work, please let me know. jehoba |
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" True, I will correct this, but still...with the amu i have 2680 life and 7581 ES. Without i have 3333 life and 6149 ES. So its a good trade off, from which i gain 779 health pool in total. Ty for this note! |
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