iao's Miner Infodump - Remote Mine, Saboteur Miner, Fire Nova Mine Mechanics and their Application
For the most part, this a big fat infodump on the mechanics of remote mines, Saboteur miners, Fire Nova Mine, and how they all interact.
Remote Mine Mechanics
Remote Mines in this game are mechanically a lot like its Traps. However there are some design decisions that make them very different and force a different playstyle. Remote Mines are entities with the sole purpose of performing a skill when detonated. This detonation occurs manually with a hotkey or with use of the Detonate Mines skill gem, which can be supported in various ways such as with trigger gems. The cap to the active mines placed is 5, but this can be increased with some nodes, the Minefield support gem, and Saboteur's Bomb Specialist. When you reach the limit, if you lay a mine again the oldest active mine is destroyed. Lets go into each stage and what modifies each. 1. Remote Mine Laying (500ms base time) This is what happens first when you use the remote mine skill. You lay the remote mine at your feet. If you target a different location, you walk there then lay it there. If you have "attack in place" enabled, you will always lay it at your current location. This can be modified with "increased/reduced mine laying speed". 2. Remote Mine Arming Time (500ms base time) This is what happens to the remote mine you placed. It immediately begins arming itself, which is essentially a short cooldown you must wait before it can be detonated. This can be modified with "increased mine arming speed" (only available from Saboteur's Demolitions Specialist). It is at this time the remote mine becomes vulnerable to hits. Mines have 1 life, thus when they are ever hit they are destroyed. This usually occurs from enemy AoE and chaining skills. With the Clever Construction node a mine cannot be damaged for 5 seconds after it's placed, making it a necessity in some situations. 3. Remote Mine Armed & Detonation (200ms base time) It is at this point where the remote mine is armed and can be detonated. Detonate Mines is a skill that detonates all of your currently armed remote mines (not your active remote mines that are still in their arming time). This can be achieved with both the default Detonate Mines skill that is mapped to the D key when a remote mine skill is equipped, or using the Detonate Mines skill gem. The former cannot be modified, and the latter can be modified with "increased cast speed". The time can be removed altogether with the Volatile Mines node, though you must not be preoccupied. The gem can be supported by support gems such as Spell Totem, Cast When Damage Taken, Cast While Channeling, etc. or items such as Kitava's Thirst. 4. Remote Mine's Contained Skill Performance (varying base time) & Destruction When a remote mine is detonated, it begins to perform the skill it contains. This can be either a cast or a ranged weapon attack. The remote mine itself goes through the skill's cast/attack time, modified by your "increased cast speed" or "increased attack speed" respectively. This is usually not relevant for single cast/attack skills though, which almost all skills are. When the final cast/attack time is finished, the remote mine is destroyed. The stats of the skill are determined at the time of the contained skill's performance: the damage, whether it critically strikes, etc. For example if you do not have a damage buff when you place the mine, but do when you detonate it, it will affect the skill's stats. Remote mines have a detonation radius, which is the radial area of effect that is used to determine the target of the contained skill. It targets the enemy within the detonation radius that is closest to the remote mine.
Saboteur's Remote Mine Mechanics
Saboteur is very potent for mine builds. Not only for clear speed, but actually for true DPS. Here I will explain to you why this is true when remote mine mechanics are applied. With the combination of Bomb Specialist, Demolitions Specialist, Explosives Expert, and the basic nodes the relevant modifiers are: 1. 16% mine laying speed, 20% mine laying speed if you've detonated mines recently 2. can have up to 2 additional remote mines placed at a time 3. 100% increased mine arming speed 4. 20% chance to place an additional mine 5. you gain 4% increased area of effect per mine 6. damage penetrates 10% elemental resistances 7. 40% increased elemental damage, 40% increased damage if you've detonated mines recently The power mostly lies in the more unique modifiers here. Let me explain. When determining your true DPS with a miner (in cases where it really matters) you are working within the limitations of remote mine mechanics. The relevant limitations are the speed at which mines are laid, how many mines can be active at once, and how long a mine must last to complete necessary stages. Increasing the cap to the amount of mines means you have more mines to deal damage at the same time. Increasing the laying speed and how many mines you lay per laying time has you reaching that cap faster. Decreasing the overall duration of the mines has you laying your next batch of mines sooner. These combined allow a Saboteur miner to detonate mines at a faster rate than is possible with other Ascendancy classes. This is why I have said in the past that Saboteur's remote mine mods can be considered boosts to your true DPS with mines, and also why I've said it is powerful for sustained damage. Lets consider these modifiers in the situation of the Guardian of the Minotaur encounter to better convey what I've been talking about. "
Fire Nova Mine Mechanics
This is the meat and potatoes. Let's incorporate the unique mechanics of this skill gem and apply them to the info previously dumped. Fire Nova Mine is unique in that it casts a skill multiple times from a single remote mine, with each repeat dealing higher damage than the previous. With it having to cast multiple times and need to complete each of its casts to deal optimal damage, it creates some interesting dynamics. 1. Base Damage At level 21, Fire Nova Mine boasts extremely high base damage relative to other skills. It may not seem so on first glance, but the in-built damage multiplier and skill repeats are tremendous: " With everything considered, that's pretty average. 1015 is high, but the overall duration with all mechanics included is average for DPS. But this is where another important factor comes in: the helmet enchantment. The skill by no means relies on it, but it is definitely powerful: In a nutshell, this enchantment causes the skill to deal far higher damage over its full duration, but also last longer as a drawback (which I have yet to see people consider): " At an overall 81% damage increase, the aforementioned drawback of 2 additional casts is easily worth it and pushes the skill from good to incredible. 2. Cast Time Since Fire Nova Mine lasts much longer as a remote mine than other remote mine skills, it stresses more importance on expanding the limitations of remote mine mechanics. This is why Saboteur is so important. More than any other skill, the additional mines that can be placed and the increased mine arming speed are very important for Fire Nova Mine. Because of the multiple repeated casts and the fact that reducing overall mine duration is an increase to sustained damage, modifying your cast speed becomes a priority. Why? Well for example if you have 100% increased cast speed, that cuts down your combined total cast time in half. And as I've explained, reducing the overall duration of a mine can be used to increase your DPS and clear speed. WIP same name in-game Last edited by iao#2860 on Jun 27, 2017, 6:58:11 PM Last bumped on Mar 25, 2017, 9:15:59 PM
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great. thnk u a lot
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No problem. Just gonna fill this out with as much as I can remember. Gonna include some builds too I guess.
same name in-game
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Was wondering how to solve my mana issues with 6L fire nova mine and came to an interesting solution (maybe even bug?).
So apparently trickster weave the arcane node and insanity essence on amulet combined with detonate mines skill gem is almost like having infinite mana. If u bound the detonate mines skill(the skill gem not the actual "D" ability) on your bar and hold it down after u place the mines in the 0.5 period of mines arming time u will gain huge amount of mana back. Its because detonate mines skill gem with quality has like 0.1 cast speed so either the ascendancy point or insanity is going to proc rapidly during that time restoring your mana. Its pretty nice going 0-1500 mana almost instantly and i can finally support my almost 200 mana cost fire nova mine. |
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It's a good solution but due to requiring exact timing it can be unreliable and a little clunky. Plus I like stacking cast speed which cuts down on the overall duration of the mine, and thus the window for spamming detonation. Personally I just have at least 30% of my mana unreserved, get a mana notable (Dreamer or Deep Thoughts), and use a Catalysed Eternal Mana Flask. That plus the obvious Vaal Clarity + Increased Duration has been great for me in all situations and map mods, but it's definitely a matter of preference.
same name in-game Last edited by iao#2860 on Jan 26, 2017, 8:23:48 PM
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any chance for the complete writeup? it was a great read - mine playstyle is the last one left that i havent explored yet and your post was the great source of knowledge i needed to start building something on my own. any chance for a complete version?
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" Hey my bad. Sure thing. I just get a bit discouraged to do these kinds of things and then well, forget. Story of my PoE career. same name in-game
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Updating the Fire Nova Mine Mechanics section tonight. Might get to the next section, which will likely be the numerical comparison between other Ascendancy classes. That'll be very long though to be honest, so maybe I'll do some example builds.
same name in-game
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The question is how much of the damage is actually needed in any given situation.
The additive effect of the nova mine dmg with additional repeats seems very nice on paper, but I would be very interested to see this in action on high tier maps. The insane damage stacking potential of several mines seems to only really work when the monsters have such a high HP pool that the multiple repeats of the spell are really required to kill them. Otherwise 11 mines would just simply annihilate everything with the first spell "Pulse". This would either mean that dropping all mines is a waste of time and clear speed an be greatly improved by only dropping half the mines and let them "pulse" twice. Which in turn sets up the important question: Are the "additional mines placed" passives really worth it, when we could be getting more skill AoE, AoE damage, elemental/fire damage? Min maxing a setup seems a worthy challenge, looking forward to further posts and findings. |
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" You're right. This will be explained further when I fill out more of the infodump, but the more mines you can have placed, the better usability and playstyle versatility remote mine builds can have, especially ones that use Minefield. It helps with clear speed for example. The best way to clear packs with Fire Nova Mine in my opinion is to lay multiple times over a large spread then detonate, which minimizes the amount of times you need to stop to detonate and maximizes the area of effect bonus from Saboteur's Bomb Specialist (up to 44% increased area of effect with 11 mines). With Increased Area of Effect Support and the passive skill tree nodes each mine placement covers around a full screen. In open maps I usually do a maximum range Shield Charge -> lay, repeat 2-3 times, then detonate. Plus the extra range acts as a defensive bonus, as you can hit at a longer range from the placement of the mine. This also helps with bosses that move around a lot. Also when it comes to passive nodes, often the ones that provide additional mines placed also have a lot of "increased mine damage", other than just 1 in the Volatile Mines cluster. So it's worth getting them anyway. I'll go more in depth and put up some videos with examples over time. same name in-game