[BSC] Laugh at my mistakes
Hi, I'm Delabeled, and streamer that's trying to get started. I have mediocre gameplay (I'm learning!) and I often make some silly and sometimes costly mistakes. If the mediocre gameplay isn't a deal breaker for you then stop by my stream and maybe you can enjoy some laughs at my expense.
I do giveaways on standard Soft Core randomly during my stream (if i give them away at set time people show up get free, leave and never come back!feelsbadman) So I will do my giveaways randomly during my stream. So you gotta watch if you wanna get free! Last bumped on Jan 17, 2017, 5:13:57 AM
Yo we live again! 6Ling some stuff in BSC and giveaways at some point of 6L items in SSC