[2.5] HoWnA - blade flurry CI raider.
After getting down uber atziri/guardians/shaper for the first time and i don't see any builds like my build so i'm ready to share. I'm not telling this build is perfect or its better then others but its worked for me. Spend tons of regrets/exalts to change gear/build to get best out of it. This build is more towards to defense and higher ES pool then others who focus more on damage. But you really don't need more damage if scaling int(ES) you are getting damage in return.
Defense: w/o auras/buffs in h/o http://prntscr.com/dq192u with auras(discipline) in h/o http://prntscr.com/dq19a8 Offense: w/o auras/buffs in h/o http://prnt.sc/dq19es with auras(wrath) in h/o http://prntscr.com/dq19o3 i'm using ancestral warchief so with it my dps goes up even more http://prntscr.com/dq19zc in h/o This is fully buffed with totem / golem / frenzy charges / elemental overload http://prnt.sc/dq1a9v Screen of challanges: http://prntscr.com/dq1him With flasks goes up to 25k. But not everybody will use same flasks. Leveling:
New in season or starting new. Just pick up spectral throw and LMP and go towards with 2handed item. Or you can go with bows and lightning arrow. Both ways works well.
http://tinyurl.com/zzevf7x this is build you should aim at start and in jewel socket put in static electricity. It will boost your damage really good. There are a lot of hp/es nodes in a way. IF you don't have gear to get early on take them and later will have to spec out. Other then that. Just fallow my tree. But early on take this path first and should be enough damage till you get claws and lvl 28 when you start with blade flurry. In merciless dried lake we are going CI http://tinyurl.com/jhjqb92 and this is how your build should look. If you lucking str or dex. just get +30 nodes. You will change them later on. Gearing:
When i was starting to get in to merciless dried lake. I had Eye of Chayula. This is pretty much must have. You will get stunned a lot. You can skip it and not rush it but its helps a lot. Other then that just get as much ES as you can. You need flask who gives immunity to chill/freeze. I mostly run 1 or 2 Quicksilver Flask with freeze remove. And don't forget about bleed flask.
4link: BF / faster attack / WED / elemental focus 5link: BF / faster attack / WED / elemental focus / lightning pen 6link: BF / faster attack / WED / elemental focus / lightniing pen / inc. aor ( conc effect) As my gear is good enought and i'm sorted out i changed faster attack to added lightning as it gives me more tooltip damage and i can 1shot packs in even t15 maps. I played w/o inc. area till i get 6l and I took nodes to increase my area. I really don't think blade flurry need that much of area. But you can change it as you like. Even if your gear is worse you can take more area to not get so close to monstrs. Bandits:
Normal = point Cruel = point Merciless = frenzy charge Ascendancy:
First we getting Avatar of Slaughter its let us not to use blood rage and its a huge buff to move speed / attack speed etc.
Second we go for Avatar of Veil. Even if Chase would give as more damage more attack speed etc, we don't need it. Avatar of Veil is insanely good for breeches and bosses. Its gives massive defense. End game:
1) You can unlock all you need around lvl 91/92 as i have. So you need early 90+ to get max out of build. After that you can just get more ES. Nothing more really. 2)After you get iron reflex change Eye of Chayula to astramantis and you are good to go. Spec out of +30 nodes and change gear properly. 3) Leveling gems 20/20 gives huge boost. 4) 6link with conc effect gives massive damage on boss 5) get vinctars flask its a huge damage boost and will save you against reflect. 6) enjoy the game My build and gear:
Build: http://tinyurl.com/j7q2fv3
Gear: Jewels: I got wrong vinktar and don't wanna change and spend currency as i'm leveling second char atm. English is not my native. So sorry grammar nacies. :) Good luck all of you and hope you enjoy it. Last edited by krofj#5332 on Jan 1, 2017, 9:45:18 AM Last bumped on Jan 12, 2017, 12:00:37 AM
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Could you give me a rough estimate on how much your gear costs? Per item would be appreciated.
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" Astramentis Onyx Amulet bought for 1ex but in early league so it was kinda cheap. atm it cost around 3ex Chest bought 750 ES and linked with 7 fuses. Most lucky fuse i ever had. But it cost around 7-9ex. But as i sad. Its doable with 5l. Claws, started with low rolls and when i had currency bought a good roll ones. With good rolls was about 1ex each. Belt dropped so dunno. Rings all around 15-30c. All you need is wed and int and missing resists. Boots and gloves around 30-40c. Jewels all around 7-10c. That one with lightning damage/int/es should cost atm around 40c till 1 ex. Because this build is so popular atm. Anyway. You can start low and work your gear towards to endgame as you progress. With stun immunity and decent damage you can clear till T12 pretty easy with around 6-7k ES. Only real items you need is claws, cost few chaos with lower rolls. Amulet chyula or astramanits. And works better with 5l because you need lightning pen later on... Other gear can be cheap crap with int and few resists and low ES rolls. |
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Why point on cruel instead of 8% attack speed?
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" I don't feel like having more AS is better then +1 point. And i was running with faster attack at this point. Changed to added lightning just before T16 maps. You really don't need more AS. |
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" You meant Unwavering Stance English is not my native. To grammar nazis, feel free to correct me, I appreciate any occasion for improvement
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I was actually planning on making a build like this myself. I'm curious, what's your passive tree?
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can you make a life based tree pls?
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