[2.6] Raider,Static strike, Claw Life on hit elemental conversion
Edit: This build is a life on hit build, I wanted frenzy first but It's damage is not high enough, it might still be listed in the Ranger build list as frenzy but there is no reason to use frenzy. Static strike both solves the damage and life on hit issues with the double hit. The build is going to be setup to use either static strike or Wild strike, but it is designed and far more efficient with static strike, only use Wild strike if you want some fun.
Melee Life on hit Claw, NOW ELEMENTAL! Summary
This build's goal is to hit as often as possible to utilise life on hit as a sustain methode. Static strike offers us 2 hits with 1 attack doubling our hit rate and massivly increasing it's single target dps which we need. With the new tree changes we can get a 100% converted static strike for very strong damage scaling. For the Final end game build we can drop the thief's torment for 2 dps life rings allowing us to use vaal pact and reach the maximum level of damage and life steal. Before we could run every map mod without much of an issue, I expect elemental reflect to now be a problem even with the 10% reflect reduction and the life on hit, the damage we deal has just so massively been improved. Using Taste of hate and Vinktars which covers resists for our two primary damage types may allow us to but this needs testing. Pre-Legacy plan:
Gear: weapons: Izaro's Dilemma -> rare gemini claw/Imperial claw. Gemini is the life on hit claw now, eventually if you drop your thief's torment you will need a gemini claw to sustain your mana. Ring: Thief's Torment, This is getting 60 life on hit up from 30 and 12 extra all resists. This is going to let this ring take over for the weapon's life on hit or even the life on hit gem now giving us more damage. Boots: Kaom's Roots +1 frenzy: It got a life buff and is pretty much the reason I am not going dodge this league. body: Belly of the beast, we have significant increases to base life through Kaom's and Lioneye's that this becomes a solid chest piece. Also you can use bringer of rain as a starting six link until you get this. Shield: Daresso's Courage/Lioneye's Remorse: Lioneye's is the shield of choice here, the extra 180 HP is going to allow us to potentially hit 7k+ life and be a solid build. Daresso's Courage can be used with bringer of rain to gain spell block and normal block at the expense of your HP, this also gives you the extra resist you lose by not having any on your helm and body. Gloves: Elemental weakness on hit rare evasion gloves. This will be a Dps boost but you will lose some life on hit. Belt: You will need a heavy belt with added strength to get enough for some gems, look for around 60-80 strength total. Also weapon elemental damage and life Amulet/rings(if dropping thief's torment): flat physical damage along with Weapon elemental damage and life. Helm: Rare helm with the enchant of choice, life and resist + evasion. Gems: Main skill(bringer of Rain):(wild strike is not suggested for Bringer of rain) Static strike + Multistrike + Weapon elemental damage + elemental focus 6 Link Static strike: Static strike + Multistrike + Weapon elemental damage + elemental focus + faster attacks + melee physical damage 6 Link wild strike: Wild strike + Multistrike + Weapon elemental damage + elemental focus + faster attacks + added fire damage The main difference is wild strike dosn't scale off melee damage so swap melee physical with added fire when using wild strike. Weapon: Whirling Blades + fortify + Blood magic Switch out blood magic for anything if you ever switch to Vaal pact. Shield: Hatred/grace + Blasphemy + poachers mark Hatred and grace are just for damage or defense, look at map mods and just judge it. Blasphemy poacher's mark is for the life on hit, flask charges, and accuracy. these three things help our build be consistent. If you get elemental weakness gloves try to get accuracy on them or be switching to vaal pact and get a +1 curse ring or just switch to herald of ash. Gloves: CWDT(fully leveled) + Summon lightning golem + molten shell + IC This you can be flexible with, I would drop IC if you are using bringer of rain because you gain endurance charges. I just level up CWDT because you will have well over the 3k Hp it would take to trigger it and you can put your golem in it to be lazy. I also like molten shell for more armor. Helm: Ancestral Protector + faster attacks + melee splash + melee physical damage I am not really sure what to put here, but this will give us more attacks for more damage and life on hit. Blood rage: I want to run this somewhere as long as we don't have Vaal pact just for more attack speed. Flasks: life flask bleed immunity Basalt bleed immunity Vessel of Vinker taste of hate Atziri's Promise/Rumi's Concoction(if using daresso's courage)/onslaught flask Poachers mark allows a nice vinktar's rate, taste of hate works well with the rest of the elemetal build. Atziri's is in the flex slot for more damage or protections. Basalt is to help with melee hits from strong bosses. We only need bleed immunity. Skill Tree: We have dropped a lot of the melee nodes in duelist start along with some life to pick up all the new elemental damage nodes that make this build what it is now. Expect a rework of some kind, the melee nodes were dropped to allow for wild strike which does not scale of of them so their is probably a more efficient static strike tree. Winter spirit cluster: this is required for static strike 100% conversion, Wild strike has 100% conversion so it's not needed for Wild Strike. Skill tree on poeplanner.com Level 91 skill tree
Bandits Life, Attack speed, frenzy charge Leveling
I plan to use static strike. Once I get a thief's torment I expect to face roll the whole process with the new 60 life on hit, giving us at least 120 life per attack or more with claw bases and poachers mark. After the first lab we will have frenzy charges and as long as we keep damage up with claws it should be smooth
4 Link = Static strike + faster attacks + weapon elemental damage + Multistrike (melee physical if not level 38) 34 point tree, goal for doing first lab www.poeurl.com/6Mc 64 point tree, I want to get IR before merciless www.poeurl.com/6Mm 80 points, It's all life grab after IR www.poeurl.com/6Mt 94 points, all core life nodes www.poeurl.com/6MA Level 91 finished tree, 4 respecs used www.poeurl.com/6MD Level 100 for the kicks tree, Vaal pact http://poeplanner.com/AAYAAPkSKwB6m40ILu2DGY4AXtN-fXX-ukjuPeJ4rrGzG62jiu4Ogazkaql5I_ZNko19MHxRRzfU7T9_K_1uft14-Y25Ps-95vzFDY2Hdkp9W69OKiPTbyeaao9gdPEppUz_QzHawXTtBS1678MzWhqQCmqTGbS-p2VNvTZHfoTZjb8FtejWIuoyAbIZz3ph63pTwuy0xWKsbIydqgzypcs2PetjES-1SNRChG91_Ra_JpVh4lVLpn_tQesUFf1kr0X0ijjWB4_BSxxvV4w2wzqbtYTF2-dsCPGKLlPTb5sm3UZjpxGBZ6Djn7CrxIKK8OlGXzmbLSo4FyZ6hAAAAAAA 2.5 Claw life on hit frenzy Perfect form, still should work.
Edit: 3/1/2017 Legacy Legacy league patch notes! Thief's torment and Gemini Claws have a huge life on hit increase for a total of 44 life on hit. using these we can drop the life on hit gem and probably go for more damage. Also with claw crit changes we may be changing the tree up to take advantage of crit and actually do real damage. Kaom's Roots now give us more life, this will probably make them more expensive, the other mod surprisingly isn't going to change much we don't have an issue with freeze or even temp chains because of our ring. I want to try to add block and spell block to the build to drop the perfect form but I am still not sure how that will play out. Our cheap claw is now a crazy high elemental claw along with all the damage. it was nerfed for our build it's life leech now, I expect this to be up in price and not actually useful to us any more. I am expecting the price to go up on most of the "cheap" gear we used. Fun things: I did Dark Forest T15 twice straight tanking the boss's wolf form with before I realized I should run. Why do I want to do the build? You attack fast: With Vaal haste and max charges I hit 20 attacks per second. You have non leech sustain: With 132 Life on hit (Thief's, Imp claw, LOH gem, and Poachers mark) we are at 2640 Life per second per target. Add in around 800 life per second from leech(more with more dps), and 3.6% life regen. It's not Vaal pact level but it's not that far off and we can use it without leech. Pros
Immune to elemental status ailments Run any map mod Unwavering stance cheap to start high sustain 40% spell dodge 74% with Vaal grace Cons
Low damage low HP small aoe (Maybe not anymore getting buffed in legacy) Whirling blades is too fast The low damage and small AOE makes clear speed not idea, we make up for it by being fast and ignoring map mods to save time. Hopefully I can get a video. Budget starter items
Edit 3/1/2017: these may not be cheap anymore, all 3 items have received a massive buff and could really increase the price. These three items are cheap and make the build work, They are generally really common(Corrupted Kaom's Roots) or have negatives that we don't have to worry about(Ghost reaver). We get a very high dps weapon, extra frenzy charge from our boots along with life that makes up for us not having two rings because we need the 15 mana on hit to sustain our frenzy without going OOM. Extra defense item
I Picked the Perfect from body armor because of the phase acrobatics, combined with the Raider's 10% spell dodge and then using Vaal Grace we arrive at 74% spell dodge. With this we maintain ~20k Armor and have Arctic armor for more defense against physical damage. While this helps our defense massively I do not believe this is necessary for the build and any 5L evasion chest with 1k+ evasion should allow you to do well. Sockets Edit: 2/22/2017
Like everything in the build you are limited in sockets because of the Kaom's Roots
For frenzy Body Frenzy + melee Splash + Multistrike + Melee phys + Faster attacks + Life on hit Life on hit gem is needed for sustain in T12+ maps, before that I ran without it but I started to die on some of the harder bosses, it could be subbed out for added fire damage if you want along with Melee splash for single target fights, but I don't bother with it. Weapon Hatred/Grace, Arctic armor Hatred will be swapped out with grace (I keep them in a socketed ring that has no effect). Use Grace when you think you will need the extra armor, any phys related mods. You should be able to run hatred with ease up until T13+. Enduring Cry Gloves Ancestral warchief + Conc effect + Melee Physical + added fire Or Fully Leveled CWDT + Lightning Golem + Molten Shell + Vaal Haste This is a choice between Defense with CWDT or damage with Ancestral Warchief. I like the defensive CWDT setup because I don't want to press extra buttons, but the damage from the warchief is significant and is recommended until you get to T12+ and need to worry about surviving more. Helm Blasphemy + Poacher's mark + Immortal Call + cast when damage taken Immortal call is needed for melee builds Blasphemy Poacher's mark, we are life on hit this added significantly more life on hit along with mana and more chance to hit. On top of this the extra Flask charges are going to help us keep up and running. Shield Whirling Blades + fortify + blood magic Whirling blades is a double edge sword here. If you run this build you will more than likely double cast your blades and eat a 1 shot from a boss trying to dodge. I wish there was a slower attacks gem to put here but this is all we got, at least we don't need faster attacks so we can run fort on a 3 link. Flasks 2/22/2017
Since we are a raider and immune to elemental status ailments we don't need flasks for them, we do need a flask for bleed though and I use two, my HP flask and basalt flask. Vinker's works with Poacher's mark, it's a combined defensive offensive setup that really amps the build up. If you don't have a Vinkers I recommend switching to a Witchfire brew and dropping blasphemy for Herald of fire. Onslaught flask can be swapped out for a Quartz Flask, the Goal with this flask is to activate phasing to gain the elemental immunity when you start a map. It's another defense vs offense trade off. Basalt flask is used to help against large 1 shot hits against some bosses, also keep the bleed immunity going. We need this for chaos resist more than anything. Our build is limited in gear so chaos and resist are somewhat of a pain to get done. Skill Tree/bandits
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIBAABeBIcFLQW1CC4M8g2NES8UdRX9Fr8XJhjbGY4brSFgI_YmlSmlLIUuUy_MMHwyATJONj031Dy-PeI-z0CgQdBEnkX0R35I7kp9SxxNklFHU7tVS1oaW69fcGHiYetirGLsZK9lTWegbAhsjG9XdO108XX9eK56U3qEeu99dYNthG-E2YTvh3aKOIrwjX2NgY2_j5mPwZAKmyabjZzEnaqjiqXLpn-wq7Gzshm0xbVItoq3Ir02vea-p8C_wYLC7MSCz3rQrdNv037UQtYH2NXawdvn45_l5ujW6UbrFOtj7T_tQe2D7g7xivzF_ro=?accountName=Jezvin&characterName=JezvinShield Bandits Life/Attack speed or point/Frenzy charge This is where I am at @90 I have put a lot of effort into getting the most HP possible along with the Most DPS/evasion If I ever get a real weapon I may pick up Vaal pact and drop the life on hit gem in my sockets. I also intent to get Survivalist near the ranger area for more resist/evasion With bandits you want the life and frenzy charge since they are core to the build. Attack speed is also core so 8% is nice but I am starting to wish I had more points to play with and the extra passive could potentially go farther than 8% attack speed. Frenzy Tool tips
In hideout with auras ![]() With frenzy charges ![]() WIth totem + flasks ![]() Thanks for reading, If you have any advice on improving my build let me know. 3/1/2017
One goal was getting 100k tooltip dps in breach, Here it is at the end. ![]() 2/22/2017 Here is my current gear setup Last edited by Jezvin#6571 on Mar 2, 2017, 11:58:52 PM Last bumped on Mar 2, 2017, 9:36:35 PM
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so today i saw a thread in gameplay help and discussion about max attack speed and now i see this. really reminding me of one of my old builds that ran frenzy before it got changed. it was much easier to stack attack speed then since the gem added a ridiculous amount of it when using the gem.
just making me think that maybe a decent build for frenzy attack speed would be to stack flat chaos damage and poison, much like the current BF builds all over, but with frenzy. not sure it would offer anything over the BF builds however. kinda sucks that the frenzy gem adds "5% increased physical damage per frenzy charge" instead of it just being all damage, which would benefit chaos and/or elemental |
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I started Updating for Legacy League with the core uniques for this build being updated I am expecting a better build but more expensive.
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Final Updated for the start Legacy. A lot of things have changed from this build being Frenzy life on hit now to elemental life on hit. The core concept is the same, life on hit and fast attacks so I am sticking with the same thread. The unique changes and skill tree changes for this league is going to drive this build to levels I was not expecting it to take. I am shooting for a Shaper kill with it now.(Might require Vaal pact, but I hope not)
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