[2.6] CI HoWA ST - Uber / Shaper / Guardians Down - Budget Friendly?
![]() Hey look, its another HoWA build with poor MTXs! How is mine different from everyone else's? Good question. I don't know either, but since there was no guide for this on the forums, I decided to make one. :D Since everyone likes seeing pros and cons of a build, here they are. Pros:
- Doesn't cost much to get started.
- 2-3 ex gear can kill Shaper. Look at videos for proof. - Leveling is easy if done right. - Pretty safe play style since ST is ranged. - Can get pretty decent damage even with average gear. - At higher gear levels, can face tank almost everything. Almost. (See videos for luls). Cons:
- Requires int on almost all pieces of gear (yes, even your belt if you want to do extreme min-maxing).
- Good gear is pricey, good jewels are pricey. Your currency tab will cry. How this build works:
This build revolves around these claws:
The more intelligence we get, the more damage per hit we do since every 10 intelligence we get, we have another 1-6 added lightning damage to our attack. This damage is further scaled by jewels and gear. The attack speed per 25 dexterity is nice as well since we get so much from being in the ranger and duelist area, but intelligence is the main thing we want to scale here since every 5 intelligence also gives 1% energy shield. This is why we do not take many ES nodes on the tree, since we will have enough from the raw intelligence we will be getting. DPS + Defense:
With golem + auras:
![]() Slower Proj:
![]() Fully Buffed:
![]() Slower Proj:
![]() Defenses:
![]() Note that you can get more resistances on your gear at the cost of a little bit of damage. If you look at my gear (below), I have pretty bad gloves + boots, a bad ring and no resists on my helm. It is possible to be over-capped for elemental weakness maps with a little effort, but because I keep neglecting to check trade for better gear, I have half good and half bad gear, leading to just barely capped resists. Don't be like me please! D: Passive Trees:
28 Points
66 Points
86 Points
This is where you start gearing for CI and refunding all your life nodes. It's fine to map as hybrid until you get gear, but you will have less damage from the tree due to having life nodes instead of the Int nodes at the witch tree. 87 Points (Tree after refunding life nodes)
107 Points
You can optionally take the two jewel sockets between templar + witch. It is up to you. I took one of them. You can also choose to take Primeval Force (above Arrow Dancing at bottom right of tree). You can never go wrong with more penetration and less reflect damage taken. How to level:
Level 1-22:
Nothing too special. Grab a white weapon or a unique weapon and go nuts. ST is useless until you have damage, so I used frost blades to level until 22. That is when we can start using the unblessed version of HoWA.
Level 22-68:
From level 22 onwards, you can use the unblessed version of HoWA to level.
Its damage will be enough to carry you to a4 merc, so you don't have to worry about upgrading weapons. Your links would be 4L
Spectral Throw - Lesser Multiple Projectiles - Weapon Elemental Damage - Elemental Focus
Spectral Throw - Lesser Multiple Projectiles - Weapon Elemental Damage - Elemental Focus - Added Lightning Damage
Spectral Throw - Lesser Multiple Projectiles - Weapon Elemental Damage - Elemental Focus - Added Lightning Damage - Faster Attacks
Switch out LMP for GMP when you can get it, and use Lightning Penetration in place of faster attacks when you get duelist leech. You will have mana problems with a 6L unless you have Elreon jewelry, so leveling with a 5L would be ideal. You can also level with Faster Attacks in a 6L all the way to merc. Its mana multiplier is lower than Lightning Penetration, so you won't have too much trouble. You'd still need a mana leech node from duelist though. If you don't have leveling gear, leveling with a 4L is perfectly fine. The claws have so much damage from the amount of intelligence you have on the tree that leveling will be a breeze. Important: Remember to put in Fertile Minds wherever you can to convert dex into int. It will greatly increase your damage while you level. Alternatively, you can put in Static Electricity jewels to gain more damage at the expense of ES. It's up to you. Both are perfectly viable choices. You will be leveling as hybrid, so don't forget to grab a discipline from the vendor at level 24. This allows your int to be useful while leveling. It also allows us to take the leech at duelist as well as Vaal Pact + Ghost Reaver early on. Your life pool will be low while leveling, but that is justified by the damage you will be doing. Leveling this build was pretty comfortable, as long as you either have leveling gear, or get life on most of your gear while leveling. Level 68+:
At this point, you can switch to using HoWA and one-shot most content. You should be focusing on getting ES gear with int on it so you can start switching to CI. Int will scale your damage + the %ES you get, which is why we don't get %ES from the tree.
From first to last,
Way of the Poacher -> Avatar of the Slaughter -> Quartz Infusion -> Avatar of the Veil Bandit Rewards:
Normal: Kill all or help Kraityn for resists. You will probably struggle with resists since int + dex are both suffixes on gear, taking away resist rolls. Unless you have money. In which case, go nuts with the passive point.
Cruel: Help Kraityn. Attack speed is always nice on high damage builds. Merc: Help Kraityn. Frenzy charge is a must, since we have 100% uptime on frenzy due to your ascendancy. Gear + Links:
My gear at the moment:
Since the time of writing this post, I have switched my flask setup to what is shown below due to finding out that I had enough ES to finally tank 20 billion spikes from spike on death monsters. That was primarily what the rumi's was for, as well as helping tank bosses a bit more. A more in depth explanation about flasks is in the second post of this thread.
The main things you will be needing are: HoWA
Big no-brainer. You can't do this build without the claws.
You could use a rare ammy with Int and WED until you can afford this. Ideally, our ammy would be a lapis / citrine amulet with dex + int, WED, and ES + %ES. This is near impossible to find though, and if found, will cost a buttload of money. Astramentis helps alleviate our need for strength for gems, as well as increases our Int + Dex for more damage, so it is a nice all-round amulet that can carry you to guardians + Shaper. Links for Endgame Gear
READ THIS: There are a lot of 3L setups that are 100% mandatory below. After that, there is a list of gems that you can socket anywhere along with those 3L setups, since those gems will not require any links to work properly. They are purely there to boost your damage and give you quality of life.
You will still have a lot of free sockets, so you can either level gems in those sockets, throw in some more Vaal skills, or add more links to one of the gems listed in the spoiler below. I just threw in random gems to level in my gear. (3L) Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify (3L) Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Increased Duration (3L) Vaal Haste - Vaal Discipline - Increased Duration (3L) Discipline - Wrath - Enlighten Enlighten is up to you. Level 2+ will give you less mana reservation, meaning a larger mana pool, which you do want for quality of life. Swap Wrath for Purity of Elements when doing Elemental Weakness maps. I can 100% assure you that you will not be capped on resists in those maps with this build, so Purity is a must. (4-6L) Spectral Throw - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Weapon Elemental Damage - Elemental Focus - Lightning Penetration - Added Lightning Damage This is in order of importance. Drop Added Lightning Damage in a 5L, drop Lightning Penetration in a 4L. Socket these gems into your 3L setups. They do not require links, so you can drop them in and they will work fine. Having all 3 of these gems is a must.
Lightning Golem --> Attack Speed buff, temporary lightning dmg aura it gives is nice too.
Flame Dash --> Quality of life. Ledges / fences / stairs are annoying. Dash past them. Ancestral Protector --> This is here purely for the attack speed buff. You can socket this with faster attacks if you decide that you want it to help with single target DPS. Jewels You want to have 2 Fertile Minds and 1 Brute Force Solution on your tree. You can put regular jewels into your other jewel sockets after that.
Fertile Mind placement:
![]() Brute Force Solution placement:
![]() How is this budget? D:
Well long story short, you do not need to have great gear to be able to map comfortably.
As I have said before, the claws will scale your damage high enough as long as you have intelligence on your gear and tree. Using a 4L 600-700 ES chest with a 300 ES helm and some other random gear with well rolled int on it ( would be more than enough for mapping all the way up to red maps. At this point, things will start to hurt since your ES pool is a bit low. You should have enough money from mapping and selling stuff to be able to afford upgrades though, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. If you are unconvinced that this can be a budget build, look at the videos and prepared to be amazed. Videos:
All of these clips are from stream, so if you don't like hearing voices, be prepared to mute the video. :^)
Basically flaskless shaper run: 5L shaper run: 4L shaper run: L U L Budget Stuff: Gear was worth 2-3 ex, loaned to me by a viewer who was rolling this build. I used only his gear, including flasks and jewels. DPS on GMP was 24k in our hideout. Unfortunately, I forgot to write down what DPS with slower projectiles was, but you can still use the DPS with GMP as a benchmark for your build. Gear used in the videos below:
" Budget Version Phoenix Kill (Cancer map mods):
I died 2 or 3 times because I suck balls at this game. Plus, the map had EE, enfeeble, increased monster life, and elemental weakness, meaning we had to swap out Wrath for Purity of Elements, which lowers our DPS even more. Despite this, we killed him. It just took a while. Fun fact - we were not capped on fire resist even with Purity of Elements on. That is why I took so much damage from the birds. I forgot that in the fight and tanked them because I have a brain the size of a peanut. Budget Version Shaper Kill:
There was one death, but it was totally avoidable if you placed your balls better. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Important Things
1. You want to have all 3 conversion jewels in your setup when you switch to the HoWA claws at level 68 (look at gear for more information). These conversion jewels allow you to have enough int to do enough damage and have a decent ES pool for leveling in low - mid tier maps. Int is not what you want, it is what you need.
2. Focus on getting a high ES helmet and chest, preferably ones that have a decent int roll on them, or one that you can craft int onto. Your rings are where you want int + WED and a bit of resists. Having dex is nice, but unnecessary until higher gear levels where you start min-maxing. Your gloves + boots are basically resist fillers, but you still want to have int rolled on these, whether it comes rolled with it or you master-craft it on. Your belt is a resist filler. Having WED on it would be ideal. Having ES on it is a luxury. 3. The rolls you would ideally want on jewels is 3 attack speed mods, with a damage mod. Those are pretty rare and will cost an upward of 1-2 ex, since everyone using these claws, as well as (maybe?) scourge build players will be wanting these exact rolls. You can get away with using a jewel with 3 attack speed mods though. An alternative would be 2 attack speed mods + 2 damage mods. Examples:
Parting notes:
I'm currently not playing in 2.6 because of my classes, which is why it took some time for me to get back to this guide. I will be playing + streaming again in 3.0. Sorry c:.
Last edited by ItsVoid#0211 on Apr 21, 2017, 10:24:07 AM Last bumped on Aug 22, 2017, 6:28:52 PM
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Point Blank
The way Point Blank interacts with ST is when you throw the projectile, it will do 50% more damage, decreasing until it gets as far away from its source (you) as it can. At that point, the damage of the projectile will do regular damage, with 0% more or less damage. When the projectile starts coming back towards you, it will do less and less damage, capping at 50% less damage when it finally returns to its source (you again).
Taking this keystone is completely up to preference. The amount of damage that we will be doing is enough to 1-2 shot the trash in t16 maps and in Shaper's realm. Damage on bosses will pretty much be the same. I did not take this in my build simply because I thought it would be unnecessary. After testing it out from levels 86-89, I came to the conclusion that the damage increase isn't large enough to justify using a skill point for. That being said, if you find yourself wanting more instant damage, you can opt to take point blank. As I said, it is up to the player and their play style. Low Life
You can definitely go low life with this build, putting in a haste or 2 heralds using blood magic.
I think that CI is better though, due to the fact that you can barely get 11k ES even with great gear. Keep in mind that using a 870 ES chest with decent gloves + boots gets us to 10k ES. Using a Shav's would downgrade us to a ~400 ES chest, as well as make us lose the increased + more %ES notes at the end of the CI keystone. It really isn't worth the incremental DPS increase, so I would suggest staying CI. Chaos damage immunity is always a nice bonus. :) Stun Immunity vs Stun Avoidance
Lots of people have wondered whether Unwavering Stance (stun immunity) is worth it over taking Heart of Oak (20% stun avoidance) along with getting a pair of boots with the Uber lab enchant for 80% stun avoidance if you've kill an enemy recently (in the past 4 seconds).
I would say Unwavering Stance is much better if you're planning on doing high level content most of the time, such as guardians, Shaper, Uber Atziri, Chayula Breachlord, and Uber Izaro. It is a 100% guaranteed fail-safe stun immunity node that only requires a few points to get to. If you are content with mapping and getting to a high level, taking Heart of Oak along with the enchant on your boots is a perfectly fine option. This would open you up to taking more damage nodes, such as the lightning damage nodes at the top of the witch tree. You have enough clear speed for the 80% stun avoidance enchant on your boots to be up all the time. Choosing between these two options is purely your choice. Both can be used to clear maps and do high level content. It is really up to the player's preference. For the record, I chose Unwavering Stance because I found that I don't really need more damage, and having 100% stun immunity at all times seemed safer. Flask Choices
Here are your core flasks:
Here are your choices for your other 3 flasks:
The bare minimum of what you want is 1. A Vinktars with either added lightning damage to attacks or with lightning penetration. It will make you immune against reflect rares. I find myself taking damage sometimes from reflect if I'm not careful and Vinktars is down. Not enough to die, but enough to be wary. This flask also serves as your "shit hits the fan" flask. When you get chunked by bosses down to less than half your ES, popping Vinktars will leech you back to full immediately, so it is definitely a life saver.
After testing it out for a day, I found that with the amount of damage that we are outputting, using a lightning penetration flask is a much better option than an added lightning flask. You can still use either one, but for maximum DPS, you would want to use a lightning penetration flask.
2. Atziri's Promise, doesn't have to be perfect. It's there to steroid your damage up higher. You can never go wrong with a little leech as well. After getting my gear up to a reasonable level (10k+ ES), I found that I can tank spikes pretty well now. You can still use a regular granite flask for added safety, but I chose to use a Dying Sun because it increases the angle of our ST, allowing us to hit more of a pack if it is super large. I also chose a mana flask because, contrary to popular belief, it is actually pretty good. Aside from being my bleed flask, having a mana flask allows me to prespam my ST at bosses that are about to spawn for extra damage, like Atziri split phases, or Shaper after talking. Having a mana flask enables us to do no regen maps as well without any problems. After min-maxing a bit, your attack speed will become a bit ridiculous, and your mana regen will not be able to keep up with your whirling blades. Having a mana flask is a good backup in case you dive into a group of monsters. You don't want to be stuck there with your hands up your ass while everything attacks you at the same time. If you happen to be bad at the game like I am and somehow miss something that was two feet in front of you multiple times, having a mana flask also allows you to regain mana so you can miss some more. It really is an all purpose flask. :^) Resistances
As with any other build that scales stat points, you will probably be struggling a lot with resists. Even more so since you ideally want to have both intelligence and dexterity on your gear. Thats two suffixes used, leaving only one for resists. This is why I took the Kraityn bandit reward in normal, just so I wouldn't have to deal with the nonsense of resist juggling.
Important thing to note, the more min-maxing you do on this build, the more expensive it will become. If you do it enough, eventually you will be looking for gear so specific that it will cost multiple exalts to upgrade a single item just for a few points of damage, which isn't really worth it. Just remember that your damage is crazy even without insane gear, so ease back on the money spending. Last edited by ItsVoid#0211 on Dec 27, 2016, 10:17:55 PM
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awesome build man! looks like i might be switching over from kotf lol
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Playing with this guy quite alot, nice build for sure ! :D
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cool build
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hi great build:) i use your tree:) but i change add lighting for faster atack:)
Last edited by armanii84#3356 on Dec 26, 2016, 12:14:42 PM
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what exactly makes us able to face tank everything(**not really but really**) ? raider ascendancy combined with vp or wat?
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You are able to face tank most of the content of the game due to a combination of high damage + fast attack speed and vaal pact + duelist leech to make use of this fast damage.
Having Raider ascendancy allows you to basically have frenzy charges up 100% of the time against bosses, so being CI + status immune at full frenzy charges allows us to not have to worry too much about things like ignite, shock, and poison. Basically, as long as you are sitting there and leeching off the boss, you will usually not die. The 'usually' part comes to play in certain scenarios such as these: 1. You roll too many damage mods on a map and you get dumpstered.
An example would be extra crit + multi Minotaur with added cold and monster damage. Its not a pleasant experience. I would know, got one-shot through pots + 10k ES.
You can kite these types of fights out, it will take a bit longer though, but its definitely doable. 2. You tank what you shouldn't be tanking.
Things that are usually designed to oneshot you probably will.
That being said, you can still tank a Shaper smash or one of his purple balls and survive. As long as you have 10k + ES that is. You could also probably tank it with 9k ES as long as you have a sapphire flask up, but you shouldn't be going out of your way to tank these things anyways. Another example would be trying to tank 3+ tornados inside the Phoenix boss fight. Chances are you will not be able to leech through it unless you have Vinktars up. Even then its sketchy, and for good reason. Lesson is, don't tank stuff that you can avoid easily. They're telegraphed attacks for a reason. This is all I can think of off the top of my head, so I hope this answer will suffice. |
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Thanks for the guide! looking forward to testing this out
Last edited by Vankwish#1009 on Dec 26, 2016, 8:39:54 PM
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How much ES on each piece of gear is good enough to start doing Guardians comfortably without worry too much of dying? Im new to CI so not really sure how much to look for.
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