<JA©KED> Jacked & Tan - Challenge league guild with over 200 active since Torment!

So you're looking for a fun, active challenge league guild? Well look no further than Jacked & Tan! We have over 200 active players. We also boast an active discord server for people who want to chat while playing.

This guild is not a safe space for anyone. We are a crazy bunch that aren't too keen on being politically correct. As long as you don't cause problems with other guild mates the doors are pretty much open. We have over 20 guild stash tabs with controlled access. Whisper officers if you need items from locked tabs. We have very experienced members willing to help you with your build or point you in the right direction. We are mostly comprised of US/EU players. This is an English speaking guild. We do kick for inactivity, this is more rigorous during the first few weeks of a new league. That tapers off as the league continues. Anyone kicked for inactivity is always welcome back, just whisper an officer.

1. Don't be a douche
2. Don't steal from guildies, this goes for scamming or price gouging
3. No guild chat spam
4. Guild chat isn't trade chat

People you can whisper for invites in-game:


Last bumped on Dec 24, 2016, 2:32:45 PM
Free bananas for new players.
Emphasis on SOFTCORE shenanigans...
6 spots left

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