[2.5] (2.6) The Volcanic Eruptor! Cyclone AoF Raider | Up to 2 mil DPS | Endgame viable

Hello, and welcome to my first ever build guide!
Disclaimer: English isn't my primary language, feel free to point out any mistakes!


Build out of date, i no longer play it.
link to new skilltree 2.6

What is this build?

First of all: this build is super fun to play!!
I am using the skill Cyclone in combination with Ngamahu's Flame on hit proc Molten Burst and Herald of Ash for damage output. To further complement the weapon, I use the amulet Xoph's Blood for 100% Phys to Fire conversion. To scale this combination I need to scale:

- Elemental damage, weapon elemental damage, physical damage, projectile damage
- Attack speed (more Molten Burst)
- movementspeed (better clearspeed, Cyclone has a movement speed penalty)
- Area of Effect

The Dream Team

Core stats:

6k HP pool
62% Dodge
40% Spell dodge
high attack speed: 0,13 Attack time on Cyclone
9 frenzy charges
44% Fire penetration, + -48% fire resistance on mobs
Blasphemy Flammability
Herald of Ashi
Instant leech
stun and knockback immunity
elemental status immunity
79% increased AoE on Cyclone
9 projectiles on Molten Burst

Core Keystones:

-Vaal Pact (instant leech)
-Acrobatics / Phase Acrobatics (dodge / spell dodge)
-Force of Nature / Lava Lash ( fire penetration)
-Druidic Rite (increased flask charges gained/duration)
-Point Blank (insane DMG boost for Molten burst: see section: "Damage Calculation Molten Burst Point Blank interaction"
-Vitality Void Cluster (2% life leech, mana leech)
-Art of the Gladiator (movement speed boost)
-Master of the Arena (+2 weapon range, AoE)
-Iron Grip (let STR influence Molten Bursts projectile damage)
-Barbarism (+1 max fire Resistance, important for reflect)
-Resolute Technique (Your hit's can't be evaded)

So far I have been able to clear all maps including Guardians

DPS Sheet

calculated cyclone dps:
fully buffed(minus toh dmg), iaoe:

fully buffed(minus toh dmg), conc.:

And now with vaal lightning trap on bosses:

Molten Burst Damage per projecile against shocked (vaal lightning trap)

9 projeciles= up to 780k dmg


I've been searching for interesting unique items combination that came along with the introduction of the new 2.5 uniques.
Then I came across this build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1780003 from the player Atmotion. He is using the new items Ngamahu's Flame in combination with the new unique Amulet Xoph's Blood, which essentially grants 100% physical to fire conversion with a 1/5 chance on Hit to attack with a molten Burst. Molten Burst, a projectile attack synergises really well with Cyclone due to cyclone's high attack speed proccing it really often. In This build it has 9 projectiles which Shotgun enemies for massive damage! This is why I chose Raider as optimal ascendancy, as it provides great anmounts of attack speed and Movement speed while also providing Immunity against elemental Status aliments.



Good clearspeed
Stun Immunity (Cyclone)
Elemental Status Immunity(Ascendancy)
Instant Leech (Vaal pact)
Nearly reflect immune! ( Dying Sun, +1Max Fire res passive)
High Dodge and spell Dodge (acrobatics, darkray vectors, Ascendancy)
Blast everything with fire!
Works on a Budget


Expensive to max out
No ES build; lower HP buffer
Could get nerfed hard (procrate)
Can cause lags


Your movement skill is Leap slam. You also use it to proc Fortify. Normal mobs usually die of Cyclone alone and the Herald of Ash proc from overkill damage. for Bosses you wan't to place the Ancestral protector for 20% MORE attack speed, then curse them with flammability. Make sure to proc Fortify by periodicaly using Leap Slam.
For bosses it is recommended to swap inc. AoE in Cyclone to conc. Effect.
When using Cyclone, i found i have the best maneuverability by placing the cursor close to the character.



Gear Explanation


Weapon: Ngamahu's Flame infernal Axe
Core item, allows for 100% phys to fire conversion. Procs molten Burst on hit, providing insane anmounts of damage. Only needs to be sixsocketed to gain benefit of socketed gems; no need for linking
Amulet: Xoph's Blood Amber Amulet
Core Item, provides the Keystone Avator of Fire for damage conversion, also Fire Penetration, life and a Debuff that applies to Monsters increasing damage taken and slowing Movement speed.
We need Gloves, Rings and Belt to Cap resistances. It is also recommended to have high life rolls on there as those Slots are the only ones where life is possible. Also: weapon elemental damage .
I use Devoto's Devotion as helmet as it provides incredible 31% attack speed on Cyclone (with Helm Enchant) and 20% movementspeed which alloved me to drop the movementspeed flask.
Belly of the Beast is the Body armour of choice as it provides big anmounts of life. I also tested a spec with Carcass Jack, dropping the AoE nodes near Templar and picking more life elsewhere. has slightly lower overall values.

Skillgems and links


Weapon(molten Burst): Greater multiple projectiles/ Physical Projectile Damage/ Weapon elemental damage/ Added Fire Damage/ elemental Focus/ concentrated Effect
Armour: Cyclone/ Added Fire Damage/ Weapon elemental damage/ melee physical damage/ increased Area of Effect or conc. Effect/ elemental Focus
Helm: Leap Slam / Fortify / Faster Attacks / Ancestral Protector
Gloves: Vaal Lightning traps/ Herald of Ash / Blasphemy /Flammability
Boots: Vaal Haste / increased duration / cast when damage taken / immortal call

Skilltree(s), Bandits, Acsendancy Order


Oak (N), Kraytlin (C), Kraytlin (M)

Ascendancy Order:
Way of the Poacher (N), Quartz Infusion (C), Avatar of the Veil (M), Avatar of Slaughter (U)

Leveling Process / leveling skill tree

You want to add Max Life + Acrobatics first and path towards Key Skillnodes. 1 Jewel slot early on for Fertile Mind Jevel due to lack of Intelligence.
Add Point Blank, Irongrip, Fire damage when you are ready to use the Axe.

Leveling Process:
The best way would probably be to use a Spell like Bladefall oder Blade Vortex as you won't skill any damage nodes early on and spell gems mainly depend on skill lvl. Or you can use a facebreaker shieldcharge combo, which requires some currency to start.
You can also choose to level with Cyclone right from the start, but it requires constant item updates in your weapon slots.

20 Skill Points:

40 Skill Points:

60 Skill Points:

80 Skill Points:

Character Link: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Phagenius/characters
Char: PatzeOnFire

Damage Calculation Molten Burst Point Blank interaction

Molten Burst has a very special interaction with increased Area of Effect.
It is the second, projecile form of Molten Strike:

From Wiki:
Magma projectiles: Unmodified projectiles will deal (72 to 87.96)% of full weapon damage, of which 60% of physical is converted to fire damage. Supporting Molten Strike with Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support inventory icon.pngLesser Multiple Projectiles Support or Greater Multiple Projectiles Support inventory icon.pngGreater Multiple Projectiles Support will increase the number of projectiles fired while reducing their damage, but will not affect the initial melee hit in any way. Since the projectiles are not a melee attack, Strength's melee physical damage bonus does not apply (unless the player has Iron Grip). It is possible for more than one projectile from this skill to hit a single enemy, including the one that was already hit by melee attack, although the chance to hit the initial target is considerably reduced because of deadzone around it

Molten Burst has a minimum range of 5 that cannot be influenced by AoE modifiers and a max range of 20 that will be influenced by AoE. Projectiles are cast randomly between those values.

Now with Iron Grip:
So with Carcass Jack build and conc. Effect slotted, that means the range will be 5 to 27 yards. From 5 to 10 yards, projectiles will gain full benefit of Iron Grip (50% MORE damage). After that 10 yards, damage will go down 2% every 1 yard so that when we reach 35 yards, we will gain 0% more damage.


Carcass Jack build( range 5 to 27 yards): Gains 37% more damage on average
Belly of the Beast build(range 5 to 24 yards): Gains 39,5% more damage on average



T16 Hydra: https://youtu.be/7QWf41kpjWE
T16 Chimera: https://youtu.be/grSHgPvsMCQ


T15 Abyss https://youtu.be/TWC620KlX14

T15 Dark Forest 2 man Clear with Auramancer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H63Qrcw62zU

T15 Collosseum 2 man Clear with Auramancer: https://youtu.be/jPt_1HyljfI

T15 Overgrown Ruin: https://youtu.be/Vsb4Jjg0iuk

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/patzeplays

more to be added soon!

Will be continued...
IGN: PatzeOnFire
Last edited by Phagenius#1480 on Mar 10, 2017, 12:34:23 PM
Last bumped on Jun 12, 2017, 12:59:51 PM
Damage Calculation Molten Burst Point Blank interaction

Molten Burst has a very special interaction with increased Area of Effect.
It is the second, projecile form of Molten Strike:

From Wiki:
Magma projectiles: Unmodified projectiles will deal (72 to 87.96)% of full weapon damage, of which 60% of physical is converted to fire damage. Supporting Molten Strike with Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support inventory icon.pngLesser Multiple Projectiles Support or Greater Multiple Projectiles Support inventory icon.pngGreater Multiple Projectiles Support will increase the number of projectiles fired while reducing their damage, but will not affect the initial melee hit in any way. Since the projectiles are not a melee attack, Strength's melee physical damage bonus does not apply (unless the player has Iron Grip). It is possible for more than one projectile from this skill to hit a single enemy, including the one that was already hit by melee attack, although the chance to hit the initial target is considerably reduced because of deadzone around it

Molten Burst has a minimum range of 5 that cannot be influenced by AoE modifiers and a max range of 20 that will be influenced by AoE. Projectiles are cast randomly between those values.

Now with Iron Grip:
So with Carcass Jack build and conc. Effect slotted, that means the range will be 5 to 27 yards. From 5 to 10 yards, projectiles will gain full benefit of Iron Grip (50% MORE damage). After that 10 yards, damage will go down 2% every 1 yard so that when we reach 35 yards, we will gain 0% more damage.


Carcass Jack build( range 5 to 27 yards): Gains 37% more damage on average
Belly of the Beast build(range 5 to 24 yards): Gains 39,5% more damage on average



T16 Hydra: https://youtu.be/7QWf41kpjWE
T16 Chimera: https://youtu.be/grSHgPvsMCQ


T15 Abyss https://youtu.be/TWC620KlX14

T15 Dark Forest 2 man Clear with Auramancer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H63Qrcw62zU

T15 Collosseum 2 man Clear with Auramancer: https://youtu.be/jPt_1HyljfI

T15 Overgrown Ruin: https://youtu.be/Vsb4Jjg0iuk

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/patzeplays

more to be added soon!

Will be continued...
IGN: PatzeOnFire
Last edited by Phagenius#1480 on Dec 25, 2016, 7:41:01 AM
T15 Dark Forest Video Added
T15 Colosseum Video Added

Added some sections.
IGN: PatzeOnFire
I can confirm it, this build is insanely strong on budget gear.

Added Carcass Jack Skilltree
Added Bandits
Added Iron Grip damage calculation

Any feedback or questions is appreciated!
IGN: PatzeOnFire
Have you tested this with Daresso's defiance?

Curious if the HP loss is worth 6 dodge/slight leech/endurance charges for cwdt
ancynt wrote:
Have you tested this with Daresso's defiance?

Curious if the HP loss is worth 6 dodge/slight leech/endurance charges for cwdt

There is another build in here where a player is using Daresso + Blood Magic.
Looks very strong!

i would loose around 600 Hp if i change to daresso, it would be worth a shot
IGN: PatzeOnFire
Last edited by Phagenius#1480 on Dec 15, 2016, 1:52:31 PM
can this farm uber lab?
blackguyslikeskfc wrote:
can this farm uber lab?

yes, hardest part is the layout itself with vaal pact, izaro can be facetanked
IGN: PatzeOnFire
Can you post a leveling tree?

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