[BSC] Raider Cyclone/Blade Flurry Dreamfeather all Content on a budget


thanks for reading my guide. Since this is my first i dont expect it will be perfect but if you have any questions feel free to ask me in this post or ask me in my stream which you can find at twitch.tv/strykielol

The idea behind this build was the change of raider which makes frenzy charges easy to get while you fight bosses. With that in mind i was thinking about Mathils dreamfeather psn ST where he scales the Chaos damage with projectile damage. We scale our dmg with Frenzy charges since we get 4% More dmg and 4% inc Attack and Cast speed per charge + all other bonuses from raider and snakebite.
To inflict poison we use snakebite gloves they are perfect for the new raider.

I cleared so far core map (was hardest content so far for me),
Dark Forest ( https://www.twitch.tv/strykielol/v/105721686 ) , and also overgrown ruin.

I also killed Tul, Xoph and Esh so far pretty easy with lower gear.

iam on my way to shaper currently.

I also farmed uber atziri alot.

( second run was a bit clunky but worth it here the video:


sry for some loud noises just mute the sound i get mad when i rip, but thats the problem of evasion builds you can sometimes die just instantly. I also did 4 Runs deathless within the 7 Runs so iam fine.

For Leveling:

Level with any melee skill you want. Reave and Blade-flurry are probably the best but you can also go for Cyclone.

Gem Settings:

If you dont have Snakebite:

4l BF/Cyclone- Added Chaos- Faster Attacks - Poison

If you have Snakebite and Frenzy Ascendancy:

4l BF/Cyclone - Added Chaos - Faster Attacks - Melee Phys/Void Manipulation

5l BF/Cyclone - Added Chaos - Faster Attacks - Melee Phys/Void Manipulation - Inc AoE/Conc

6l BF/Cyclone - Added Chaos - Faster Attacks - Melee Phys - Void Manipulation - Inc AoE/Conc

Why Melee Phys or Void manipulation in 5l Setup, What should i take first??????

You take Void Manipulation if you have Chaos damage enchants on your jewelry if not you take melee phys. Thats why you should rush for the Chaos enchants because Void Manipulation double dips with your poison!

Skill Tree:

20 Points Tree

40 Points Tree

60 Points Tree

80 Points Tree

Final Tree

My Gear:

For Bandits we take 40 life (Oak) - Passive - Frenzy Charge (Krait)

I also got often the question why i prefer Blade Flurry over Cyclone.

Cyclone has two huge problems. That is the mana cost of the skill and the sometimes clunky movement and stucking if you have obstacles on the ground. In lower areas with enough damage cyclone has a faster clearspeed then blade flurry but on singel target and specially on boss fights BF is just much more comfortable to play. Also the 6 stack prestacking especially at atziri let me instakill the phases because i can just release 6 attacks instantly.. yes this skill is broken as fuck.
But i will also try to do uber atziri with cyclone and post the video here i think its possible.

You dont need the 6l to make this build work it will also do good with a 5l. If you have the chaos enchantments on jewelery use void manipulation as 5l if not use melee phys.
You can check out my stream at twitch.tv/strykielol

I hope you will have fun with this build :)

Feel free to ask any questions.

Edit 1:
I updated the guide by alot. I think i answered all your questions within the updates of the guide. If you need more guideance just ask here or in my stream you are welcome. Thanks for the huge reply.

Have fun!
Last edited by Strykie#5967 on Dec 8, 2016, 2:50:32 AM
Last bumped on Jan 16, 2017, 6:36:24 AM
What about bandits ?
Evolsitahw wrote:
What about bandits ?

Sry forgot that i added them
Hey thanks for the build, i will try it. Any leveling tips?
claydbp wrote:
Hey thanks for the build, i will try it. Any leveling tips?

Thanks mate,

get added chaos damage as fast as possible and use it, use poison gem until u have snakebite.
Thanks for the answer, the cyclone setup use the same gems?
should i get flat chaos damage on jewelery asap or what is top priority thing i should do to boost deeps?

btw what about Ming's Heart Ring?
Last edited by gopotan#6453 on Dec 7, 2016, 3:14:02 PM
Hi strykie, thanks for posting the build. anyway should i go duelist side first or shadow side nodes ?
Looks like a pretty cool build, but I am wondering what the best path to take would be while leveling? Could you perhaps make a few builds for 20/40/60/80 points, or just offer some general guidance and directions? :
I might wanna switch to this build but i dont rly like Blade flurry, can you tell me how is cyclone ? Bf is better or you just more like it?

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