Builds by Varcarian
In this forum post, I will be compiling a list of some of the interesting and successful - or at least somewhat successful - builds I have been playing since I first began playing Path of Exile some years ago. I like to experiment with builds, and I rarely follow a guide when making builds; some guides made by others inspire me to try something similar, usually with a twist of some sort. Whenever someone says an item is bad, I usually want to see if that is actually the case (which we will see some cases of here) unless it is obviously true. The builds are not posted in any specific order; I will however start with the build I have been most happy with so far. Each build will have a short description at the top regarding what they are meant for, be it mapping, labfarming or otherwise. There will be some overlap between some of the builds meaning I might reuses some information here and there, intentionally. Hope you enjoy, and if you have any suggestions and feedback, leave a comment below and I shall do my best to respond appropriately based on the feedback given. You can also send me an in-game PM -> @Varcarian Should do the trick :D
Slayer Blade Vortex with Chaos
The first build is a Slayer using Blade Vortex. The idea here was to make a budget lab farmer scaling damage through chaos gained from the physical damage. Slayer works great for lab due to Endless Hunger, which makes it possible to - more or less - disregard traps as long as you have killed monsters recently, and we get 20sec Onslaught on killing rare and unique monsters which make us run faster as well. Furthermore, the 20% cull from Slayer makes the last, and arguably most dangerous, phase of the Izaro encounter last a very short time. It also clears maps really well and can be used for both quite comfortably. The build is HC viable if you are able to dodge all dangerous volatile monsters - which are no longer really dangerous so HURRAY. As of after 3.0 I have also dropped poison completely, and instead focus on direct damage for throughput - the build definitely got weaker against bosses, but it is still more than strong enough to deal with Itzaro in Uber lab and most bosses along the way to higher tiers of maps (t12-13 and up it starts to drop off slightly - but new curse - Despair, might be great for this build). Path of Building Pastebin:
Passive Tree and Levelling
Skill tree (lvl 90)
Skill tree (lvl ~50)
Leveling tree depends a lot on how your gear is and what time in the league it is; early league, level as sunder untill you get 2x obliteration wands. Lvling tree doesn't reflect end tree perfectly, so use end tree as template instead. Bandits: Oak or kill all (get a jewel slot earlier for more damage - less survivability though). Worth noting is that I go MoM on the build these days for more survivability, and as of 3.0 it is Viable; the nerf to the nodes behind MoM in 3.1 will make it weaker but I am fairly certain it will still be worth it; If not, save the points from mana nodes and go Vaal Pact + more life nodes instead, but usually the thing that kills the character is hard bursts for which I am uncertain the change to Vaal Pact will be enough. Leveling I level using either Blade Vortex all the way from the beginning (lvl 12) however this requires you to either mule some gems from other characters or ask others to buy the needed gems for you as slayer does not have access to a lot of the casting skill gems/support gems early on. Alternatively, you can level as 2H/1H Melee most of the way as well using Sunder, scaling your damage purely through good levelling 2-handers/1-handers.
Gear (2.5 char)
I switched to this gear because I feel a lot tankier with the extra leech from Cherribum's chest which works insanely well with the Slayer Overleech passives when combined with the explotions from the Obliteration wands and the Atziri's Promise flask. The ming's heart is not at all needed, I just wanted to push the damage even further, and for SC the life pool felt fine, could do even the rippiest labs without much issue (does require you to dodge his heavy attacks though to be sure to live)
Gear (Turmoil league char)
For league start, or if you are broke and have no currency use Cherrubim's Maleficence - it is still somewhat cheap compared to other items, though more expensive than when this guide was originally written. Gives great defence when combined with the Slayer notable Endless Hunger which allows us to leech to continue after we reach full life. 2x Obliteration wand works great but you can also use Broken Faith shield, though it lowers clearspeed. If you get enough Resistance on your rares, Wyrmsign becomes a great addition to the build for added clear speed and damage from the rampage status. Also been finding myself using The Gull quite a bit lately, but it has some annoyances associated with it, but makes shrines feel soo gewd. Worth noting with the latest edition of the build (Varcarian_SlaydeIsBack in my profile) is that I decided to go with dual Ming's Heart, or that was the plan until i Id'ed a crazy good Ventors ring. But Dual Ming's with good rolls should be more than possible and would provide a good chunk of damage. When it comes to jewels you can use anything that increases your physical damage, area damage, chaos damage, spell damage - the usual suspects for Blade Vortex and Chaos builds. For Hardcore I would recommend getting life on jewels as well, especially when/if switching to Ming's Heart which both reduces your life slightly. I am currently running with just above 6k using Cherrubim's and Ming's Heart life which feels comfortable enough for most content.
As of 3.0 this is the setup I would use: Blade Vortex - Concentrated Effect - Controlled Destruction - Spell Echo - Void Manipulation -Hypothermia //// In that order of importance. In case you are wondering about Hypothermia, I am running Arctic Armour which means you get the benefits of this skill gem as soon as you run "over" and enemy. And we are close to the enemies anyway, so this is fine, and it adds some good defence which is good as BV does need to be quite close to enemies. I use conc effect permanently, as I just want as much throughput as possible to kill any monster I hit as fast as possible. The general clearspeed comes from the Obliteration wand Explosions which are uneffected by the conceffect. Other setups include: Main Hand: Warlords Mark + Blasphemy + Summon Lightning Golem (any golem) Off Hand: Arctic Armour + Rallying Cry + ? (Blood rage is an option or phase run) Head: Faster casting + Flame dash + Arcane Surge + Blight (Experimental) Boots: Faster Casting + Spell totem + Wither + Increased Duration Gloves Cast when Damage Taken + Immortal call + Increased Duration + Vaal Haste. Regarding the blight, I was trying to run dual Spreading Rot jewels for boss killing to add a lot more chaos damage. And while it did work, the increased damage from blight doesn't last long enough for it to be worth it in my mind - would probably do a Vaal Lightning Trap or something in the future instead and get two good damage jewels instead of the spreading rot ones. You could also move the gems around a bit and get golem + blasphemy setup + Arctic armour setup moved away from wands so you can weapon swap to a brightbeak or something similar to move around maps faster. I will leave it up to you, the people, exactly how you want to organize it. The build can run any golem you want, I chose Lightning Golem simply to cast a little faster when dashing and stacking the Blade Vortex. The same goes for the warcry as you can use any warcry you want as well. On HC I do recommend using Stone Golem tough for more regen and the occasional taunt to reduce boss damage. Unfortunately, as we are using a wand and have increased duration in our skill tree, our only real option for mobility, apart from a movement speed flask, is Flame Dash - Bummer
Pros & Cons
Pros - Can do almost all map mods - Quite cheap - Farms Labs and Maps really well - 20% Cull, 20sec Onslaught on rare or unique kill - Bleed and Stun Immune while leeching (almost always) Cons - A little low on health - means certain things just catch you off-guard such as really hard hitting mobs which under the right circumstances will 1-shot you (at least with the ~6k life I have when making this build) - Can't do the following mods: Blood Magic, No Leech. Phys Reflect can be dangerous if stacked with other map mods, such as vulnerability or less recovery. Hexproof maps are a no go as well for the most part.
POST 3.0: So far I have done maps all the way up to 12 without any major issue, except bosses start to get quite tanky. Died in Turmoil league to a nasty Haast+Other Beyond mobs which burst me down in a palace map - but everything was smooth sailing until then. PRE 3.0: Managed to kill Hydra boss on my very first try - deathless - even though it is poison immune which removes a lot of the damage the built does. Managed to kill all the other guardian's as well, not quite deathless however, but I imagine Phoenix and Minotaur could be done deathless most the time; the adds on Chimera hits so hard they almost one shot me on their normal attacks with my current lifepool. It can farm the Endgame Labyrinth quite comfortably doing 4 key runs, except for when he has charges, which tends to get a little too dangerous for the build. I would also recommend dodging his big attacks as they - when they are buffed - can one shot you when at 6k life. Generally the build relies on a combination of blind (from stibnite) block (Rumi's flask) and evasion to survive monsters that hit hard repeatedly (such as Argus which we can facetank). At the end of 2.5 I also managed to take down Shaper with the build, however it is not great for it, but it is doable once you get used to doing the fight and get comfortable with the build. Didn't do it deathless though, but I imagine it should be possible. After 3.0 I highly doubt it could kill shaper, but might try it again at some point. Would not recommend for shaper though, nor guardians.
Occultist CI/Low Life - Blight / Blight+ED + Xirgil's Crank
This build was inspired by an idea to try Xirgil's Crank with the Occultist notable that let's the energy shield recharge continue once started recently. Furthermore, Blgiht was just released and Occultist is one of the better builds for this ability. The built is mainly considered as a mapper, but with the ES recharge quality it could potentially also be quite good for lab.
Passive Tree and Levelling
Skill tree (lvl 90)
Skill tree (lvl ~50)
Bandits: KILL ALL - need the skillpoints Leveling I levelled using Blight and ED + Contagion. I went directly for the CI tree, which meant a lot of getting stunned and some dying here and there, but levelling with Xirgil's Crank did help a lot, but i wouldn't recommend it. The levelling tree will make it easier to level, and would still use the same skill. You could also level with Blade Vortex as pretty much any build can level with Blade Vortex. Using Blight takes some getting used to as you have to leave packs before they die which can increase your clear speed a lot once you learn exactly how much damage you need to do before moving on to the next pack. Regarding the skill tree Essence Surge might help with survival in the late game, in order to make it easier to start the ES recharge when disengaging monsters.
Current Gear
Notable is the Witchfire brew, which is what gives the extra third curse in our build. Kiara's Determination gives us stun immune needed for CI (with an added bonus of curse immune and onslaught). The mana flask is needed with the current tree for any map that has less mana regen. Also makes it possible to run no regen maps.
Early Gear/Alternate gear
Quick disclaimer: You will notice my gem setup is not complete as this is a build in progress - never got to really finish it. AND CONTINUE: You can also use Rainbowstride boots for added block with the Xirgil's Crank. You can also use an ES based shield instead of The Consuming Dark, the reason for using the dagger is to be able to use Whirling blades + Fortify and the fact that the chaos explosions we get from Occultist will poison the enemies they hit, which deals good damage, especially if you get explosions to hit a boss from e.g. a blue pack. Using a shield you can use Shield Charge + Fortify instead of whirling. To go Lowlife, which I think would help the damage a lot, and even add more survivability through extra aura and possibly Arctic armour, you would need a Shavronne's Wrappings which would make the build even more expensive than it already is. It would however also make it clear faster. When it comes to jewels you can use anything that increases your area damage, chaos damage, spell damage - the usual suspects for Area + Chaos builds. For Hardcore I would recommend getting ES on jewels as well, especially when switching to CI. I am currently running with around 8.5k ES which feels comfortable enough for most content. You do need one Energy from Within Jewel for the Life+ES cluster (Bet you never saw that before) - in 2.5 it is less powerful though and could be skipped for more dmg potentially
![]() Currently not using any Cast on Damage Taken (CwDT) setup, which means that things such as Porcupines can be dangerous. The build can use any warcry you want, if you put in a CwDT setup with Immortal Call you will probably want to use Enduring Cry; personally I am using Rallying Cry. You could also use another golem, however Lightning Golem helps a lot with stacking Blight faster. If you use Xirgil's Crank with ED + Contagion you will have to forego the setup in the gloves for Increased AoE + Contagion - Lightning Golem and Flame dash, and then take the setup from the weapon with Wither to the boots, or something along those lines. Using ED + Contagion you alternate between using Blight and/or ED depending on what you are fighting. If you see and opportunity to spread ED + Contagion you do that, else you use Blight on single packs. On bosses you keep up ED while stacking Blight as much as possible.
Pros & Cons
Pros - Can do almost all map mods due to CI, no blood magic though. - No reflect issues cuz chaos damage - Good initial defence on each pack due to high ES Pool combined with the 3-curse setup which combined with Blight basically slows the monsters to a crawl Cons - Very Expensive around the 10 exalts mark at the end of the league - the cost per damage is not very good, but it clears fine. Any map mod that increases monster life or reduces your damage makes clearing a little slow. - No leech which means to survive damage you have to run away until ES recharge begins and then you can run back in (Essence Surge on the skill tree might not be a bad pick up). Using Xirgil's Crank helps, but it is not 100% reliable in all situations. This interaction also makes Damage over Time such as burning a real pain in the ass.
So far I have done maps all the way up to 12 without any issues except for somewhat slow boss kills. I did clear Uber Lab in a no Extra key run, using the Xirgil's Crank + ED setup; it did not feel great and I doubt it would make a great Uber farmer, but it might be possible with some more practice with the build.
Elementalist Vaal RF + Flameblast
This build was inspired by me watching some YouTube video of someone using this to basically run around oneshotting everything and clearing really fast. So yeah, didn't invent this build, sorry! But it is so fun to play that it needs to be more documented and documented as many places as possible. I can't remember if I changed anything from the build I saw back then, but here we will take a look at what the build looks like now, and how it works; what makes it so fun. This is generally meant for map clearing, which is what it excels at, but I wouldn't disregard the lab potential. Killing Argus would feel really shitty though, considering he can't get ignited, not to mentioned we can't use Vaal RF in Lab. Using a 5-link Flameblast works quite well though. Despite popular belief it IS HC Viable, my character is currently level 88 in the Hardcore league using this build - hooooowever, I doubt it will survive if you play it enough. I got lucky a few times dodging mobs when running around on 1 life from misfiring a Vaal RF; Be ready on that logout macro if you want to play HC is all I'm sayin'
Passive Tree and Levelling
Skill tree (lvl 90)
Skill tree (lvl ~50)
Bandits: KILL ALL - need the skillpoints Leveling I levelled using Firestorm and Flameblast. Can't exactly remember how i levelled this, but I assume it was like any other Firestorm/Flameblast spell caster using Lifesprig and all that other jazz. The levelling tree will make it easier to level, and would still use the same skill(s); going hybrid ES life should help you survive most things as long as you are careful with those hard hitting physical damage monsters.
Current Gear
Notable is the Eye of Chayula with the Fire leech corruption, and the Fire version of Doryani's Invention. Both are needed in case you run into Hexproof mobs or if you want to run a Hexproof map. Need to leech!. After the Elementalist change to conflux (which happened after I played this build) I would recommend trying to get a Ignite helmet from using Essence of Hysteria Crafting or Essence of Horror for an added 30% more elemental damage. If you do not get this, then you will likely won't be able to reach 100% ignite chance which is quite important to the build's consistency; especially for killing bosses in one shot.
Not using any special flasks, simply because I didn't bother at the time. Could use Kiara's Determination and run with another necklace (would still recommend Fire leech corruption). A great addition would be The Dying Sun as well for Maaaassive AoE clears - not needed to feel great though. Notice the mods on the flasks, they are important for CI! You will notice that the gear is not perfect, there are some good ones and some mediocre ones, meaning this has the potential to do quite a bit more damage and it is already oneshotting most stuff. I believe someone oneshot the Minotaur with this type of build as well! H.O.L.Y_S.H.I.T! When it comes to jewels you need to get 2-3 Sacrificial Harvest jewels (depending on rolls - 2x 30% should do the trick) in order to stack your souls faster and to be able to keep using Vaal RF throughout an entire map without Flameblasting too much to get souls. Other than that you can use anything that increases your area damage, spell damage, fire damage - the usual suspects for Area + Fire builds - in this special case getting ES on Jewel would also increase you damage. For Hardcore I would recommend getting ES on jewels as well, especially when switching to CI . I am currently running with around 10.5k ES which feels comfortable. You also should get one Energy from Within Jewel for the Life+ES cluster.
![]() Currently not using any Vaal Discipline which could provide more survivability in some cases, not to mention more (A LOT more) damage for bosses as we get a higher ES pool making Vaal RF dish out more damage. You would likely have to forego the Cast on Damage Taken setup to make room for it however.
Pros & Cons
Pros - Can do most map mods - ele reflect and no regen would suck (and Blood magic is impossible as we are CI) - REALLY fun and really fast once you get the Vaal RFs charged up. - Versatile, as you can swap the gem setup around if you need a 5link Flameblast for e.g. Lab - Good initial defence on each pack due to high ES Pool and Vaal Pact + Flameblast tops up any damage we receive more or less - Can oneshot bosses (when igniting) Cons - The built can be a little pricey to get all the items, especially a good corrupted fire leech amulet. - Needs to ignite, meaning everything that is immune to ignite or status ailments from map mod is pretty much a no go - would feel very slow. - Prone to dying! You have to constantly be aware of your surroundings before activating each Vaal RF, else you will likely die
So far I have done maps all the way up to tier 13 without issues, as long as you ignite everything just melts away almost instantly, even when you are enfeebled or the monsters have more life. Cleared Merci lab without issue, but never actually tried Uber - but considering the high ES pool I imagine it should be easy in a no key run, and doable in a full key run.
Inquisitor HoWA Crit CI
This build was inspired by the addition of the new claw that was added to the game in patch 2.5, namely Hand of Wisdom and Action (The upgraded version of Hand of Thought and Action). Not too long after the patch went live I started thinking of this claw while playing and how it could be utilized. I did not see any build using these prior to making this build nor did I follow any guide. I basically started calculating how much damage these claws would add with around 500 intelligence and though, well that is pretty decent, and when I found out that the offhand claw adds dmg to the main attack I was completely sold (something I realized while leveling with the stock version). The build has morphed a bit over time after seeing other HoWA builds and chatting to other players offering after I got to around level 93-94. The build turned out to be REALLY good, borderline overpowered, especially due to Vessel of Vinktar and Choir of the Storms(who would have thought).
Passive Tree and Levelling
Skill tree (lvl 90)
Skill tree (lvl ~50)
Bandits: Kill all, Kill all/Kraitlyn, Kraitlyn/Kill all Leveling Don't remember too much about the leveling process, other than I used the none-upgraded version of the claw as soon as possible and used Blade Flurry all the way from when it became available. How to get there I will leave up to you, but the claws could be used all the way without any need to swap it (using an Astramentis while leveling makes it really strong and I would recommend astramentis for early anyway).
Current Gear (2.5 char)
As with all HoWA builds I am CI and I look for intelligence on all gear! Int is how we scale our damage from the two claws, along with Crit chance and Crit multi. Thus I am also looking for Lightning resistance in as many places as possible while still getting ele weaknes capped for red maps (169% or something like that) I think I am a bit undercapped in cold or something, but hasn't been too noticable since I am running around with 11k ES. As you can see with the gear it is pretty good, but by no means perfect; you could get even more ES and INT. I also look for some Ele damage with weapons as this boosts the dmg significantly as well and the build does need SOME accuracy, which i get from my ring. If you really want to burn some currency your aim will be to corrupt the claws with the right colour gem links in order to get lightning damage leeched as life as I got in my main hand; this helps the leech along on bosses where Warlords Mark no longer cuts it.
The Flasks are pretty straight forward. I get the Attack based version of Vessel of Vinktar as this provides the most damage, and the leech it provides basically means we can be on 1 ES and 1 hit later we are on full ES (pretty much). I use Kiara's Determination to avoid stuns which is a mixed bag it terms of the experience, as sometimes it will be empty and you will get stunned to death if you are not careful. I also use Atziri's Promise which might seem odd, but for bosses with multiple phases I found it helped to balance the needed leech to be able to pretty much stand still and nuke through it. It also does add a fairly substantial damage increase. Other than that I run a diamon flask with bleed remove and a basalt with shock remove (to counteract the Vinktar's)
![]() Worth noting about the skill gem setup is that I use a standard Whirling Blades setup to get around, also why I do not have any movement speed on boots (that said movement speed on boots wouldn't be bad, but takes up a stat). I use Ice golem for added accuracy and crit, it is selfcast i.e. it is leveled higher than my CwDT setup. I have bloodrage in the weapons along with everything else that is not a buff, and I do this in order to be able to weapon swap without losing buffs. This means we can run blood rage a lot more comfortably as you can just weapon swap to get rid of the degen if you need to. Flame dash is equipped simply to get over random ledges etc. that can't be traversed using Whirling Blades. As for buffs, I use Blasphemy with a Warlords mark for permanent leech with Vaal pact while mapping (you can run hexproof maps, but they don't always feel comfortable; I use discipline for more ES and a Purity of lightning for more crit, and to help against yellow mobs with elemental reflect. Discipline and Blasphemy are linked with an englighten to leave more mana unreserved.
Pros & Cons
Pros - Can do pretty much all the content in the game. (I found that some unique maps were the only thing that did not go well - such as putrid cloister due to proximity shielded tentacle bitches in narrow corridors, ended up permastunned too many times). - Stacking Intelligence gives a really high ES pool without having super great gear, making a lot of nuke heavy encounters managable. - Can nuke most content (bosses pre tier 16) really fast negating some of their more dangerous abilities. Cons - Elemental reflect monsters can be a little dangerous if you take damage from another source at the same time (of course elemental reflect maps are a no go). - A bit weak when it comes to stuns - should potentially use the 80% avoid stun boot enchant instead of leech as I am using. Could also put on eye of chayula, but that would nerf the damage significantly. - Quite expensive - the gear is highly specialised making the pieces more expensive than regular CI builds.
I have completed all content in the Game with the build (not deathless though as I am still unexperienced on Shaper and Uber Atziri - but I imagine they could be done deathless as well). All the Guardians are pretty much a joke with the build, especially when using portalt to refresh flasks to go in a nuke again and again. That is one of the strongest ideas with this build: It can nuke really hard. It does have decent sustained damage as well but it is definately stronger on single phased fights. All Tier 15 map bosses (pretty much regardless of map mods) die instantly pretty much. Uber Lab is also really smooth with this build, but okay my gear is also pretty good and I would wager that Uber lab is easy on ANY char almost with this level of progression.
Warchief Chieftain Facebreaker + Tukohama's Fortress (Almost finished guide)
This build was inspired mainly by wanting to try how good Tukohama's Fortress is with Warchief Totems and also to see how good Warchief Totems are for end game content. I based the build of Dismantle's Warchief guide and moved a few things around more to my liking and the amount of gear and resistances I had. A second reason I wanted to try the build was that I was playing around with a Soulthirst Pathfinder that went from using Bladefall Totems to Warchief totems, so already had the gear and wanted to see how much better Chieftain was compared to my somewhat gimmicky pathfinder. In case someone is in doubt, then Chieftain is alooot better even though Soulthirst is a fun item :D
Passive Tree and Levelling
Skill tree (lvl 90) Bandits: Oak, Kill all/Kraitlyn, Kill all Leveling I levelled using Facebreakers + Shield Charge for most of the way (inspired by Zizaran, who also has a really good Warchief Chieftan guide). For early league I would probably level as regular melee, meaning cleave -> sunder -> Warchief totems + Weapon, until it makes sense to go full Warchief totem and eventually go Facebreaker, when you have some of the other pieces you need.
Current Gear (2.5)
I decided to use Abyssus and Tukohama's Fortress to see how far I could push the build. I also compared this combination to using The Bringer of Rain and Great Old One's Ward and Abyssus does win that competition when it comes to raw damage output. With Great Old One's Ward, each totem does deal more damage, but having 3 totems is simply insane for the most part (Especially for breaches this league). Worth noting though is that Abyssus is not a Hardcore friendly item - so for Hardcore I would definitely go The Bringer of Rain instead (and only use Abyssus on content I know not to deal Physical damage - like shaper). For early league and for a more budget friendly version I would stick to using Great Old One's Ward.
Worth noting here is that I do not use a life flask at all, which for the most part is great - get MORE damage that way. But again - not a good Hardcore solution in case you run into some "Oh SHIT!" moments. For Hardcore I would go with an instant pot with bleed removal instead of one of the other flasks, which one I would leave up to you (probably Sin's Rebirth as it would be hard and expensive to get).
For now, see the gear - Will update later with a picture of the setup and why I chose what I did.
Pros & Cons
Pros - Can do pretty much all the content in the game. Have not tried uber Atziri with it, but I don't see why it shouldn't be able to do it, and plenty of other people have killed Uber Atziri with this type of build - Might drop the Abyssus sometimes (e.g. Uber lab) - although you can hide behind you totems for the most part - Works from early in the league using regular weapons + shield instead of Facebreaker setup and scales really well to late game when using the Facebreaker gloves. - Can be played really defensively making it very good at surviving, especially if using Bringer of Rain instead of Abyssus; as totems taunt and enemies around them deal 8% less damage (a total of 18% less damage) and the build has a decent life pool on top of that + Fortify is up most of the time. Cons - This build does not really have any cons I would worry too much about. The major thing I can think of is that to fully optimise the character, it does get very expensive towards the end - The shield I chose to use here is expensive and the rings don't come cheap either.
I have killed Shaper a few times on the build, the first time deathless, the second time I died a few times since I am still not 100% used to the fight, so I still mess up my timing now and then. The guardians feel real smooth for the most part and most maps are a breeze. It can do Phys reflect maps as well, but it does take a while as your totems will likely one shot themselves when hitting a pack of monsters. For Uber lab, I drop the Abyssus and equip Bringer of Rain instead, as the traps are simply a bit too dangerous while Abyssus is on. Only did the build on SC - but it is HC viable as well, but on HC I would probably stick to a Bringer of Rain setup for the most part - especially with the legacy version in the 2.6 Legacy League. Gimmicky builds:
Berserker Cruel Lab Speedrunner
This build was inspired by wanting to get the Emperor's Wit jewel for my HoWA character to try it out, but also to try and get some currency from selling the gem, which currently sells for around 7-8 exalted orbs to the best of my knowledge. So I sat down and looked at some different options for going really fast in the game and there are a few choices. Queen of the Forest + a lot of evasion is one way to do it, but as we are doing cruel lab, we have to build for a level 60 character that can only get the skill points of Normal and Cruel difficulty. You cannot have started merciless difficulty if you want to be viable for running the cruel lab to get on the ladder (Breach Cruel Ladder). This kinda limits what options are available, and also what gear is available. I found that 3-4 classes are more suited: Berserker, Raider, Pathfinder, Trickster (2 of them by looking at the ladder and seeing what classes other speedsters are). Queen of the Forest isn't really viable afaik at this low lvl, but I might be wrong, who knows (maybe the pathfinder can pull it off). I won't go into too much detail on this build, I leave you to experiment. You can always check my profile (I probably won't be deleting this character) or you can send me a message in game, and I will do my best to answer any question you might have.
Passive Tree
Skill tree (lvl 60)
Bandits: I did help Oak on normal, but in hindsight, I would probably Kill Oak normal as well to get an extra skill point, and help Kraitlyn on cruel (need the attack speed). Would leave you with a little less life, but should be manageable in most layouts. Leveling JUST DO IT! More or less; I used the same build for levelling so nothing special there. Use any skill you want, I used Blade Flurry (BF) as soon as I got it.
Current Gear
The only thing I'll say about the gear is ATTACK SPEED! That is basically the idea here, get as MUCH attack speed as possible which should explain most of the gear. I do not have perfect gear for this yet, there are still a lot of items that could be more perfect, but I have other things I want to spend my currency on, so not gonna perfect it more than it already is. You will notice I have 4 weapons, which is because I weapon swap when Leap slamming, which is how I get around to going so fast. The Brightbeak and Prismatic Eclipse (with 3green sockets) are essential for really fast leap slams. The Essence crafted gloves (Essence of Insanity) are also essential as this is where the Leap Slam setup is - the gloves can even have base attack speed as well which mine currently do not. The other interesting thing is the Belt I am using: Perseverance - Corrupted to remove the level requirement (which is usually 78). The Belt gives us Onslaught while we have Fortify, which is why we run Fortify in the Leap Slam setup. The 2 daggers were just some of the highest DPS weapons I could find at my level, their INT requirement is a bit of a challenge which I manage through my rings.
Not using any special flasks other than the Lion's Roar for some extra damage on Itzaro. One thing to mention about the flasks though is that we are not killing ANY monsters in the Lab, so we won't recharge flasks. That means you only get to use flasks in 2 of Itzaro's 3 phases (unless there are some gargoyles or lieutenants we can kill). Sometimes Itzaro will go down right when he reaches the threshold, other times he lingers. In the phases where he lingers, don't use flasks. You want charges for the 3rd aka last phase for sure! I use Chalice since I can use that in all 3 phases and if there are anything in the fight that gives us charges, chalice helps to top up the others flasks really well.
You can do whatever you want for DMG, I chose the Daggers + a BF setup (see chest), I bet other options are available as well for killing him fast (Think some use Decay weapon + ED as it scales really well at this low lvl). Considering my skill tree I found BF to be a viable way of doing it. Most important is your Leap Slam setup: Leap slam - Faster attacks (20q) - Blood Magic - Fortify. The Quality is really important as we want maximum attack speed. A trickster can use 20Q culling strike instead of blood magic thus getting more passive attacks speed that way. Also really important is to run a 20q Blood Rage - as with the gear we want to get as much attack speed as possible. Which is why we also run a Haste aura and a Lightning Golem
So far I have done most lab layouts in about 3 minutes, with the exception of some really bad layouts. Some of the buffs are not so great for the build either e.g. Fonts, as we don't have curse immune (or well we can swap on in), so temp chains will slow down your Itzaro kill costing you time. Every single second counts when inside the Lab, so would also recommend to have an SSD at the very least to load fast. I use an M2 NVMe SSD with 3000 MB/s Read which helps. Being fast is all about practice, learning the layouts by heart which comes over time doing multiple iterations of the different layouts. After chatting with other runners and testing it as well, it seems that running on US realms is also a lot faster, as they enter load screen a lot faster. I am on EU normally but tried US Washington where I have 115 ms latency which is doable, and it definitely went faster More builds will be added over time as I make new interesting builds or have time to add some of the ones I made in the past which I might revisit. Last edited by Varcarian#3985 on Dec 6, 2017, 4:36:35 PM Last bumped on Jan 18, 2018, 2:28:36 AM
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well i wouldnt care about chance to ignite for the singletarget VRF since conflux is aviable. Enables one more gem with the tradeoff that you need to wait sometimes (and watch the buffbar). overall i like it :)
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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Ye I would probably also be more worried with having ignite for the general map clearing (usually the chest has the single target Vaal RF for max dmg from more links). - but yeah it is not needed, but would add some quality of life improvement if you always ignite
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Going to try your Blade Vortex build (even with the changes in 2.5). I put the guide into google sheets format (hope that's ok and if you would like the link let me know).
Video Games Ruined My Life. Good Thing I Have Two More.
Don’t Play The Game. Win It. |
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Are there any other good Unique Boby armor for The Blade Vortex build?
Currently I'm lvl 61 and Destroying EVERYTHING I get close to ! :) |
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" Not that I can think of at the top of my head no. Guessing you are past lvl 61 now anyway :P |
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" thanks for the reply. yeah, aren't lvl 61 anymore :D Got my hands on a Cospri a couple of days ago, so now there is the challenge to roll the links :P Still destroying everything that I'm close to :D |
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For your Blade Vortex build, what gem would you drop for 5L? Thanks manz
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Void Manipulation is the least important.
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" I would probably remove the Added Chaos - I would Argue Void manip is very important as it is a more modifier and you get a lot of chaos dmg (especially with Sin's Rebirth) |
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