FB&FB Cheap Glasscannon Arena Build
3.0 Update:
Stats: 6k ES 92% fire pen (with the wands) +145% global cast speed (+51% with FC support) 10860 ingame tooltip Flameblast avg dmg 217 000 PoB effective Flameblast avg damage at stage 10 (against 75% resist target) 59821 ingame tooltip Fireball dps 107595 PoB effective Fireball dps (against 75% resist target) 72/30% block (can get 45 or 60 spell with 1 or 2 reckless) Light warp: 209% cast speed, 98% reduced duration PoB: https://pastebin.com/w8DRTpiS Tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.0.0/AAAABAIDABBYm6GdY1H7LahiWjdMghDtPC2LF5Z_lhFQUlMi9CqNxKJfsBps6rpsC5cGPO-KKKcrH8fBxUZx6QJkCTvjhEhvni-dTC3VgREP35gC40uutAwZimr6gwmhL9WmGyU9X4TFDly-gH-AmjtWSDbYbRlMs63xLL_NFmjyGF3DOsrTFVDsGET72CTxbeQiNbkW8-mYf8aX9EV-l5WCmyt4sZANfJu1na6et9-wXGv_ECY85-oDdXRVXyqPRiycpwivt_kzrJi-iiTYw21JG0myXwQ8BdAfh2UHpcpK7-uv69lbn987De98HxjAZvfXhW3sVfFskyc= Bandit: passive, Pantheon: Brine and Ralakesh for now, without any upgrades OLD POST: aka Jorge and HarleyCue copypasta In short: Flameblast and Fireball are nice to use together, because they scale off the same bonuses, and cover all targeting ranges, Flameblast for short-mid range, Fireball for offscreen. So, after tanky and well rounded builds I decided to try out a glasscannon build, and I this build felt the best so far in this patch I've tried. IMHO FB and FB are two of the best self-cast spells for HLD PvP in this meta.
Example cheap gear
My gear, swaps
CI respec update
Fuck decay lol tree 4.3k ES -> 4.6k ES, dropped Discipline and 4 ES nodes to pick up CI. DPS 25.9k -> 22.2k tooltip
Skill tree and ascendencies
The build works both on Elementalist (dmg, pen, cast speed) or Assassin (crit chance). Elementalist has lower crit chance (62% on Flameblast on me) but more damage and speed, but Assassin can cap crit chance against most builds (countered by blood rage life based builds) My tree: link I picked Elementalist ascendency mostly because I didn't have a spare shadow with passive reset. See jewels above under "My gear". 1 Rolling flames go above witch start, doesn't even require plus pathing to int nodes. Focus on getting cast speed, crit chance, increased damage, crit multi on any place you can in this order. Flameblast really needs cast speed against fast moving opponents, but the faster casting support can be easily swapped for more damage if necessary. Keep in mind, having lower cast speed increases the damage against players by the PvP damage reduction formula, so you can get Flameblast to hit harder if you don't need that much cast speed against super tanks, but the damage to achieve oneshots. Since you have little to no passive defense, you have to get good mobility, because you can only survive by manually dodging most people's attacks. The easiest mobility skill to use is Lightning Warp because it only needs a 3L, and a helm enchant, the cast speed is scaled very well by default. If you get nice gg speed daggers from essence with also attack speed you can use Whirling Blades. If you go Elementalist you must use at least Lightning Warp to proc Mastermind of Discord.
All stats are measured by the gear under the "My gear" section, using the wands. The cheaper version get's very similar, or even more because of the +1 Tabula Defense: 4300 ES, barely capped resists, 39% move speed, 205% cast speed on LW. Offense (without Pendulum of Destruction passive): 242% cast speed on flameblast : ) ![]() Pendulum of Destruction's 100% increased ele damage gives around 11% more damage on top of these. Sceptres give somewhat less X-Y damage, but +12% resist penetration (best against talisman users)
Flameblast 1-10 stage calculations
Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Sp6DdavM3Xu4IYfQ71nDUOCDAMscIfhkRAnVMe5NlCE/edit Conclusion: adding stages increases the pvp dps very slightly. There is no sweet-spot stage where you get the most dps. However because you concentrate your damage in to one hit it's worth 10-stacking if you want the most guaranteed oneshot. If you know your opponent well and his hp pool, you can stack less.
Tanky Pathfinder noncrit version
Easier to play than the glasscannon, and good against glasscannons, enough defense and mobility to at least outrun almost anyone if you want to avoid them, but can't kill everybody (other runners, worm, zerphi). Talking in a sarn arena perspective again of course. Can be a decent runner in CTF. Flameblast hits between 4.9k - 6.3k after pvp reduction at 10 stacks.
Stats: 6.8 Flameblast tooltip avg with ele overload, 13.33 casts/s (+165%), 55 pen 38k Fireball tooltip with GMP and faster proj, 53 pen 13.5k ES 75/68 block with rumis 31% faster start of ES recharge and decent rate Flameblast hits between 4.9k - 6.3k after pvp reduction at 10 stacks. TREE Swaps:
![]() IGN: Márkusz My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Last edited by Márkusz#4682 on Oct 14, 2017, 2:45:42 PM Last bumped on Oct 23, 2017, 4:52:26 PM
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+your FB dps is really great but i think you need more cast speed, according to my past calculations, 230-240 cast speed is essential.
memories from the past:
Flameblast is probably the most fun build to play with. GG.
+i believe, seven-step is also a must for this build. +also, try added cold damage + pyre trick, so you can swap that green for BCR. or get another shavs for BCR swap. both good. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Oct 26, 2016, 3:15:34 PM
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Nice write up. I don't know if I'd call your build cheap, but I get the general idea. :p
Do you find with having only one rolling flame jewel, you have enough aoe for fireball? Harley and I both use 4 in comparison. With not maxing out cast speed, as you say it hurts pvp damage, do you find your flameblast is fast enough to regularly hit people? I've toyed with doing a hybrid fireball/flameblast build myself, but my cast speed around 200% felt a little lacking. Jorge had mentioned a good "threshold" for flameblast cast speed, is around 240%. I think he runs close to 300% himself, getting only cast speed stats on his jewels. (I hope Jorge doesn't mind me sharing) Thanks for the build overview. IGN: _Firebitch Last edited by Firebrand76#1731 on Oct 26, 2016, 3:17:57 PM
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also, another point;
when you start channeling FB before you, or while you are teleporting via LW, your channeling continues. when you appear next to your target you most of the time have 4-5 FB charges. at least how it was before channeling updates. that's very important trick. another trick is micro related: when you LW to people they always run away from you, so when you channel your FB not on them but a bit far from them, they get trapped in the radius of FB. since i had a FB build too, vs jorge when he LW's to me i was always moving towards him instead of running away from him. he was missing his flameblasts most of the time. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Oct 26, 2016, 3:22:05 PM
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Is this a dream?
Markus made a glass cannon! Also it's easier to get overlaps with more rolling flames and since fireball explodes naturally at max range, the bigger the AoE, the more "range" you end up getting too (if you get enough it also extends past the rendering threshold making the explosions invisible for those at the absolute max range). Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708
1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847 |
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Rup, didn't you read the thread? On my regular setup I have 242% inc cast speed, and I do have 3 shavs, all posted in the thread.
Also the LW trick doesn't work any more, they changed FB, I guess for totems, when you stop casting or run out of mana you don't have a delay to continue that channeling, it explodes immidiately. Also my LW speed is very fast (around 98% red dur, and 200% cast speed) Also, I don't see the point of having seven-league, I mainly use LW, and the part scaled off of move speed is reduced by 98%, so it would have barely any effect on that I think. Fire: yes, it's fast enough, but It really needs some skill at least, because the graphics of the AoE is slower than the actual AoE, and If I keep casting I just waste a lot of time, so I have to learn exactly how long it takes to reach 10 stacks, and release at the perfect time. Also getting any more cast speed sacrifices too much damage or crit chance, not only the loss on the jewels, but as mentioned, the PvP formula punishes for the more cast speed. Harley: I know those, but at first I really only wanted to make this build flameblast, but It really got countered by any offscreener, so I just added Fireball against those, and 1 jewel because it easily fits in the tree. IGN: Márkusz My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Last edited by Márkusz#4682 on Oct 26, 2016, 3:44:13 PM
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i read as 200%, it was your LW, now i see.
what im talking about LW and flameblast is different. while you are teleporting, or even before you start. start channeling FB to a point and tell me what happens. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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" Apologies. I guess I didn't read either. I saw the 205% cast speed for LW and assumed it was for your flameblast as well. I see on your stats section, the correct speed. IGN: _Firebitch Last edited by Firebrand76#1731 on Oct 26, 2016, 3:45:16 PM
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" Doesn't seem to work at all, what was your LW duration modifier? IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) |
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i didn't have helmet enchantment.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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