Overgrown Castle Hide Away - Overgrown Hideout (hideout of the week submission)

This is my overgrown castle hide away, it's base is Leo Redmane's (pvp master) hideout. This is Essence softcore league. I always think of my hideout as my home in game and i try to make something that is ascetically pleasing and convenient for mapping and trading, so I value an easy to navigate layout. I had a lot of fun putting it together, thanks for checking it out, Hope you enjoy.

Indoor throne room as well as small courtyard for Tora.


Outdoor common areas, featuring the resident fortune teller, cemetery and blacksmith areas.


Upper courtyard, semi-outdoor area. This is where Elreon watches over the stash and guild stash (this was also a convenient mid way point for mapping and trading to have the stash set up).


And this leads us to the indoor map and treasure cathedral room (my personal favorite!) The dark firework effect on the altar is captured here in different animations. The last photo shows with map up.


and for the full album click here
Last edited by Scarletföx on Oct 11, 2016, 9:03:41 PM
Last bumped on Oct 11, 2016, 9:21:59 PM
Fantastic h/o, I know that was alot grinding in pvp. ;)

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