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They should be back up in approximately .[2.4] veek's 3x chaining Frost Blades *without Chain support
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Since I haven't found a similar build among the ranger's builds collection, I'll share mine. I played this build back in v2.3 - it was awesome back then. Now with the damage buff on Frost blades, it's even better! (v2.4: Frost Blades: 15% more damage.) http://imgur.com/a/71gR7 What's this build? It's a #budget #dual-wield #melee #claw #Frost Blades #crit #ranger #deadeye build. Let me break it down for you. The strength of this build comes from the fact that we can achieve 3x chaining Frost Blades projectiles without the 50% damage penalty of the Chain supportgem. Frost Blades inherently has 7 projectiles, so we're getting 7 homing projectiles chaining 3 times. It's quite the fun indeed. How is this possible? With the help of this guy: Touch of Anguish unique claw. actually, 2 of them - we're gonna dual wield these to double it's effect: Skills chain an additional time at maximum frenzy charges. Then it's just a matter of taking Ricochet* from the Deadeye tree and we have 3x chain. *Ricochet: Skills chain +1 times. Is it HC viable? If you're serious with HC endgame and want to play tier 10+ maps safely, I would advise you to use a shield instead of dual wielding the claws. Your Frost Blades will still chain 2 times which already has a huge clearing potential. Gems and links
Main attack 1. Frost Blades The good things about this skill is that from gem lvl16, it shoots 7 projectiles - which also seek out enemies! That means 7 projectiles chaining 3 times. The downside of this skill is that it can't be considered a ranged skill - it has a fairly long-ranged initial melee hit, but you won't be able to play as safely as a ranged character. 2. Added fire damage 3. weapon elemental damage 5. Increased Critical Strikes 4. Hypothermia Touch of Anguish has a penalty saying "critical strikes do not always freeze. Hypothermia is gonna help us in countering this. 5. Physical projectile attack damage / Multistrike Take multistrike if you wish to use Frost Blades as a single target attack as well. PPAD won't help you with single target because it only affects the projectiles. Single target attack 1. Dual strike 2. Melee physical damage 3. Multistrike 4. Added Fire damage Claw 3l links Now, most of the time we're gonna be able to maintain our frenzy charges with Frost blades alone, but in case we would run out (e.g. boss fight), we need to set up a quick-charging Frenzy link 1. Frenzy 2. Multistrike 3. Faster attacks movement 1. Whirling blades 2. Faster Attacks 3. Fortify First 4l 1. Curse on hit 2. Herald of ice 3. Assassin's mark 4. Hatred Second 4l 1. Blood Rage 2. Vaal Haste 3. Increased Duration 4. Whatever If you're playing HC, I would drop blood rage. Bandits
normal: haku 40 life
cruel: kraityn attack speed merc: kraityn frenzy charge Now before we discuss gear...we need to consider if we're goin HC or SC. I played in HC and I used grace alongside hatred, with the help of Alpha's howl. For HC endgame I would also advise to drop one of the claws, and use a shield instead. Gear
Weapon: Touch of Anguish core of our build. dual wield it or use it with a shield if you are HC and want more protection, you are still gonna have 2 chain. Aim for 40% crit roll on this one.
Helm: Rat's Nest : easily the most dps for a crit build Alpha's howl: use alpha's howl if you want to use grace aura instead of herald. However, note that doing so will leave you without a way of generating power charges. Gloves: Facebreaker: gives a ton of crit multi Boots: rare life+res or atziri's step cuz it gives a ton of eva, and spell dodge Armor: rare life+res / Belly of the beast / Kintsugi belt: life, res, weapon elemental damage rings, amulet: life, res, critical, weapon ele, accuracy You are also gonna need intelligence. Fertile mind unique jewel will help you in this. Passive tree at 100 points
https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIAAQAGAF4B3AOHBS0FtQguC8EMcw2NES8V9hX9Fr8ZjhutIWAj9iT9JpUppSyFMHw1kjY9N9RDMUX0R35KfUz_TZJOKlFHVUtXl1oaW69ei2BBYeJieWKsY3Bkr2VNbIxvO29XcFJ07XTxdct1_XfjeA14GXrvg72Eb4TZh3aJ04o4jDaNfY2_lWabjZ2qo4qpbrGztMW1SLXyvTa-p8AawaDC7MMz037UQtYH2L3awd3n4tXjn-dU6mLrY-0_7UHtg-4O_MX-j__e Take vaal pact as soon as you start experiencing reflect issues. Ascendancy: Deadeye 1. Fast and Deadly ---- 2. Ricochet 3. Rupture 4. Far shot Good luck! Last edited by veek91#3557 on Sep 12, 2016, 3:17:03 AM Last bumped on Oct 14, 2016, 1:57:17 AM
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How is the single target DPS?
IGN: PurTurtle
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" around 60-80k on dual strike. |
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I'm also trying Frost Blades but I don't see the point in investing in Chain all too much - I do it differently, still very much trying out.
Shadow / Assassin I pick up Damage over Time nodes, Claw nodes, Crit/Crit multi, then work my way down along the ranger nodes towards Point Blank and IR. I pick up a crapload of life leech too. PB on Frost Blades is madness, because the blade counts its distance from the point it spawns from, giving you a massive effective range on that 50% *more* damage. That alone, so far seems enough to avoid using Chain altogether. I'm still debating the best single target / poison application skill. I may add in Poison on hit for Frost Blades and leave it at that, or I might use Viper Strike, or perhaps inflict bleeds instead (Bleed>Poison>Maim from Assassin). Either way, I'll get a serious DoT going on single targets and may even be able to run Frost Blades for everything including single target. Rapid Decay on Viper Strike, even with total shit gear and without ascendancy bonuses, already gives a huge dot. And that DoT will always scale off initial attack damage, so with Poison you get to double-dip (or even triple-dip, because of ascendancy you also get additional crit multi and crit chance) in all your damage bonuses. End result is a high armor/high HP/life leech semi-melee with 50% piercing on FB projectiles and 10% passive freeze without hypothermia... lots of directions you can take this. Seems decent so far :) There is no real middle ground with chain, and as soon as there is no second target, it becomes useless. When you get chain from items it seems alot more viable, but still, DeadEye just for that +1 chain seems a pretty weak ascendancy choice. Groups of mobs are never a real issue anyway, it's the single targets that cause trouble. There are so many skills that scale exponentially based on the number of enemies clustered together. Figured I might as well link my passives too. Maybe you'll find it a nice new take on FB. http://goo.gl/gMyYzh The only constant in time is change Last edited by Vayra86#4931 on Sep 13, 2016, 4:04:49 AM
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" yeah. I am doing frostblades in 2.4 Essence. I have been planning ot do a writeup myself, when I get a chance. (And I didn't want to take over another persons thread.) Time and time again, I look at frostblades builds, and they seem all wrong to me. That said, I do not agree with your point blank idea much at all. The single biggest issue I see, is people putting far too much effort into the projectiles at all. Frostblades puts out a ton of aoe damage, without chain, fork, etc. Wasting gear, and passive on projectiles to aoe clear trash mobs, which die to aoe death is silly. The focus needs to be on melee, and dual effect. (point blank does the same thing. Wastes points on proj damage.) Crit, attack speed, WED. Touch of Anguish is good, but not the end all be all. Again, the chain is nice... but I aoe clear things just by looking at them. What I CARE about is the single target dps. its main value is actually its solid dps and crit, vs RNG of a nice crit/triple elem Jeweled foil. It has high base physical, which pairs well with hatred. (Although, can be tough in deciding hatred+blasph, or HoI+HoT+blasph. Heralds give +added damage, which scales with faster attacking, and thus dual melee/proj. And aoe death clouds, on trash kills. Hatred is more raw dps, with a high phys weapon, like Touch. Both should apply shock. With Touch, PtL should be a must. With fast elem weapons, HoT and the lit roll on weapon should do it.) There is little reason to DW it. Other then again, its base damage is decent and +30% cold damage. Do not DW it for the chain+2. I think Cospri's malice is better then ToA. Pathfinder is king as usual. Master alch. +elem damage, elem dr for reflect, status immunity. 20% chance on hit to apply status effects. (great with Touch). Get "of warding". best on a long duration, low charge use flask. Enjoy total curse immunity. haha. stibnite is great for this. Bowyer is obvious for massive damage buff, with later natures adren. While natures adren is solid as well, with surgeons for later utility. Run enfeeble. A dual curse variant(using +1 on gear) is definitely possible. With elem weakness. Use a knockback flask for all builds. Seriously, Knockback on frostblades is AMAZING. It keeps targets in the cone. And it forces bosses/rares out of melee range of you. (and yes, it CAN be worked into a bleed/poison build very well.) Decoy and protector if you can run both. decoy if only one. I find Fortify on frostblades itself very effective. While its damage buff is not amazing. Frostblades range, makes whirling blade fortify, not super effective. Between fort on Frostblades, blash+enfeeble, and pathfinder granite+quartz and dw block, I am much more comfortable. FB 6l with touch of anguish, or high physical weapons. FB+WED+MultiS+fort+PtL+addedcold. (added fire, instead of addedcold is also an option here. Will help pathfinder ignite.) FB 6l with fast elem weapons. FB+WED+MultiS+fort+addedcoldd+cold pen. (hypo, or added lit also acceptable instead of cold pen. if pathfinder, you should have 14% cold pen in tree, +possible 10% vet bowyer..) Cospri's malice- dont need molten shell, hatred, riposte, inc crit, inc dur, or FA on wb. (end cry needs to be slotted elsewhere with a proper 6l ches though.) 5 slots freed up for lmp+Arcticbreath+conceffect. http://poeplanner.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 and I ended up doing a short bullet point, when I said I didnt want to dump into someone elses thread.. :/ Last edited by Casia#1093 on Sep 13, 2016, 4:16:35 PM
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Thanks for the lengthy reply. As I said, still debating many options on my current build, but I feel the same way about FB projectiles in any case.
Even though chain dóes affect the same enemy more than once and can apply exponential damage to a strong single target when there's still something around it, its a bit too situational for my tastes. It's the whole reason I mix in the DoT effects. But I'm picking up many useful things from both your reply to me and the OP's build. The points wasted on PB for my current setup are quite minimal, it's 'on the way' to IR and essential melee nodes. I am definitely going to be trying that knockback, it sounds like perfect synergy Have fun experimenting :) The only constant in time is change Last edited by Vayra86#4931 on Sep 13, 2016, 1:24:19 PM
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I'm currently building an Assassin FB using ToA dual wield. Two reasons: one, sick of Pathfinder meta. And two: Cospri is a little ambitious currency wise. And relatively easy to change passives to suit it later.
The extra crit, power charges and bleed and poison you get are very nice synergies to a high physical build. That said, I focus almost entirely on physical, crit and not so much on projectile damage (only affects the projectiles of FB, big surprise) I'm taking Vaal Pact together with Acro and high evasion and life. Again don't like the ES meta. Between knockback, flasks, eva, dodge, spelldodge and DW block, I should be alright surviving. No Bloodrage needed with ToA, power charges are free from Assassin. HoI with CoH WM. Hatred. CWDT IC as per usual. Maybe 4L DS for single. Depends on how 6L FB turns out. Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more. 'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league. Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave. |
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hey just to let you no brotha , I read about what u said about using rapid decay with viper strike, the only time you would ever consider using rapid decay , is if void manipulation is alreadying being used, void man adds MORE chaos + a more multiplier to poison , rapid decay only adds the more multipier to the poison( the dot only )
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Hey guys I'm currently leveling a 2 x Touch of Anguish build, currently at level 80
I'm running FB + Multi + Faster Attacks + Added Cold + WED + (Can't decide between Poison and Hypo) Also using Blasphemy + Frostbite + Warlords Mark as wekk as Southbound Gloves and Windscream Boots Currently have Noxious Strike + Toxic Delivery + Ambush I'm feeling the the mobbing of this build is amazing, very quick and any tough magic mobs are near to perma-frozen However I do feel the single target DPS is lacking I'm thinking to switch it up a bit as my attacks are currently about 75% cold damage which does not work well on bosses. Lets keep this discussion up as every is so quiet about FB! |
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How does southbound work in regards to immune to freeze targets?
hits... so culling, ignite/poison works without? minions can kill? aka.. " "Also yes. I got THREE dyadus's... 2 in Essance, one in standard, since Essance league started. Thought it might work. but nope. its just too slow. as you say. Last edited by Casia#1093 on Sep 21, 2016, 3:49:30 PM
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