SC & HC Essence Leagues

Hi Everyone!

I'm GiveMeLootz on Twitch, and I've been playing PoE since Beta but it doesn't really show.

Played off/on through the years, primarily on SC leagues until making the switch to HC last

year. And that's about when I really REALLY got into PoE. Been playing every new

league/expansion since then and fairly recently started getting into streaming PoE. I'm not an

expert at the game and that's why I continue to play to enhance my knowledge and gameplay of

PoE! So if you or anyone you know needs some help on either league for Essence I would be

glad to lend a helping hand.

I always hear talk about how BAD the PoE community is and I call BS. Every

online community will have their "bad" apples so-to-speak, but I just want to let you guys

know that that is NOT the case with me. I think that PPL are awesome and everyone has

their faults/vices (I'm subject to quite a few myself ^.^), but I'm always willing to help

others even if I'm going insane on the other end. I've had my fair share of dealings with

asshats and if you "identify" yourself as such, then.... you pretty much are and PEOPLE

will treat you as such. With that said, since I started streaming, I've met/talked to tons

of very cool peeps that enjoy the game as much as I do. And if you'd like to be a part of an

up-and-coming Twitch community on my channel then I'd love to have you!

(Insert joke here)---> I'm probably the coolest guy you've never talked to, and the best

gamer you've never seen.

Now will the wall of text coming to a close, I'll be streaming PoE everyday until I get sick

of it or have to move on to something else, we'll see where the LOOTZ take us!

Whatever the case may be, and if you've read this far then come and stop by my Twitch



Last bumped on Sep 20, 2016, 11:54:33 PM
I'm still here guys!

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