Leap Slam isn't what I'm asking for...


I'd like to ask for a new skill. The inspiration comes from Final Fantasy II in the character of Cecil.

I remember this guy had a skill where he'd LEAP into the air, off the screen, and then plummet down some time later for massive damage.

Basically, I want to plummet like an Ursa (and do massive drop damage): I want to be able to leap off the screen, hang there, and drop.

Dare to dream?

- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
Last bumped on Aug 10, 2016, 2:48:05 AM
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bwam wrote:

I'd like to ask for a new skill. The inspiration comes from Final Fantasy II in the character of Cecil.

I remember this guy had a skill where he'd LEAP into the air, off the screen, and then plummet down some time later for massive damage.

Basically, I want to plummet like an Ursa (and do massive drop damage): I want to be able to leap off the screen, hang there, and drop.

Dare to dream?


Vaal leap slam, ******* love it.

/edit: *cough* crusader "falling sword" *cough*

/edit2: disclaimer - d3 sucks, PoE is true d3
Last edited by Razis on Aug 9, 2016, 9:49:19 PM
I think in most final fantasy games this attack is called "jump".

Definitely would be a cool candidate for Vaal Leap Slam, I agree :)
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
As a vaal skill why not ( if it's not too hard to implement, might not be ).
If it was spammable, then it would become and easy escape button in many situations.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Maybe my memory is bad cause I'm getting old. But wasn't it Kain and not Cecil who had this attack ?
sucemab wrote:
Maybe my memory is bad cause I'm getting old. But wasn't it Kain and not Cecil who had this attack ?

According to the website I linked, Kain had Jump. I think the two were pretty similar though.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:

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