[2.4 HCE Updated] BDY's 20k ES Mirror Arrow/Blink Arrow Boss Killer Occulist - UBER Atziri down!

I vaal orbed all my gear before league ended. But, I grabbed a Three Dragons Mask, chromed it, and ran Atziri in 2.4. It's dps after the nerf far exceeds what you need for regular Atziri and due to insane curse effecitveness, mobility, and minions, it's still almost impossible to die. See Video Section for 2.4 Atziri run (Just under 16k ES using brick helm and gloves.

Will add T16 bosses if I can actually buy some in HC League.

Shout out to iao for the orginal guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1579507

Changes: I now recommend picking up Void Beacon ascendancy over Malediction and running a Doedre's Damning until then since Void Beacon just adds so much DPS.

Any questions contact me ingame @BDY_MABAUBER or PM me.

Table of content
1. Summary of Build - Pros/Cons
2. Videos
3. Items
4. Bandits
5. Gem Links
6. Ascendancies and Passives
7. My gear
8. Uber Atziri

1. The Build

This build is a medium clear speed build (3 minute gorges). It is NOT a clear speed meta build but it can do any tier of map, a wide range of map mods, and do them pretty safely. It also dominates bosses and the Labyrinth since traps are a joke for CI occultist.

I ran Atziri on a wide arrary of characters and I'd say this is the safest for normal Atziri that I have ran. For Uber Lab, Juggernaut is still better vs. Izaro but once you get 10k+ es, it becomes quite easy as well.

Character Defense Screenshot

2. Videos

2.4 Atziri Run


2.3 Videos below:

Uber Atziri

5 Second T15 Abyss Boss Kill

3. Items

Required Items:

Lioneye's Glare is BIS due to 100% hit chance and the atttack speed to cap your minions.

Soul Strike Quiver is BIS to get your occultist ES regen rate to jump start. It takes under a second.

Eye of Chayula is BIS so you don't get stunned. If you are stunned during a Blink or Mirror Arrow animation it will go on cooldown and not cast. We cannot have that.


As far as enchantments go, I recommend Blink Arrow cool down or Temp Chains effect. Blink Arrow is most efficient for mobility and clear speed. Plus it's a lot cheaper. Mirror arrow cooldown is okay but you don't get all the extra mobility.

Body Armour

I recommend YOLO exalting a 900+ ES one:
Tabula is fine for normal Atziri. Not recommended though.


Your endgame rings will be rare but you can run a Doedre's Damning if you choose to level up as a MA/BA Summoner(before you unlock the curse ascendancy). Look for resist, probably some dex, energy shield, and an open prefix to craft % energy shield.

Eye of Chayula for stun immunity.


I run a Basalt, Topaz, Ruby, and 2 Quick Silvers. Feel free to run 2 granites or whatever you want. Just be sure to get at least 1 remove bleeding, burning, freeze, and curse. If you are farming Atziri you should make both Quick Silvers curse immunity.


Put an Energy from Within near Melding and Cruel Preparation then focus on Minion Damage + % Energy Shield. Resist and Dexterity or Intelligence are also nice.

4. Bandits - 3 Passive Skill Points

5. Gem Links

2x 6Link(GGGGBB): Mirror Arrow / Blink Arrow - Minion Damage - Added Chaos - Pierce - Poison - GMP / Slower Projectiles

A lot of people have asked why I don't run Increased Duration over Slower Projectiles for single target. While it's true, Increased duration does do more damage on paper, it isn't need except vs. stuff like Uber Atziri or Core Mali even then, the minions will die too quick to realize the full damage boost so it actually ends up being lower AND you lose the flexibility of swapping GMP and Slower Projectiles. Conclusion: Less flexibility and less damage.

4Link(BGBB): Blasphemy - Temporal Chains - Discipline - Vaal Lightning Trap

Temp Chains for the defense and extra poison duration. I don't think there is currently anything in the game that comes close to the defensive power of a full curse effect Temp Chains aura. I wouldn't be surprised to see this nerfed a bit.

4Link(RRBB): Immortal Call - CWDT - Clarity - Vaal Discipline

You can really run your 4 Links however you want but I choose to run RRBB in the same item so I could change out the CWDT setup with Increased Duration. This is irrelevant if you aren't doing Uber Atziri.

4Link(GGBB): Rain of Arrow - Projectile Weakness - Vulnerability - Curse on Hit

This is your damage. Also, targets cursed by Proj. Weakness have an additional 50% chance to be pierced. Combined w/ the gem that makes 100%.

6. Passives and Ascendancy Points

Ascendancy Points in this order: Wicked Ward, Profane Bloom, Void Beacon, and Malediction.

7. My Gear

8. Uber Atziri - Due to the nerfs in 2.4 I wouldn't recommend Uber Atziri on this build. It is still viable but hold on the the edge of your seat cause shes scary. The first 2 bosses will be a joke but for Atziri you will need to drop some ES and pick up minion life/resist and some minion resist jewels to get them up to 75% or they will melt and your dps is gone = death.
Last edited by bdy#7807 on Oct 1, 2016, 11:59:54 PM
Last bumped on Oct 26, 2016, 10:15:40 AM
Yo this guide needs more work. Get fucking on with it please.
Very cool-looking build. Your guide could use some more info and videos though. Which gem in your 6-links would you say is the least needed if I can only afford a 5-link, and will this build still be able to safely do all the stuff you say it can on 5-links?
that uber run is too long, you should only record the boss fights
I saw your post on reddit and love the build. Always want to play MA. Thanks for posting a guide, i'm going to play it in essence league SC (don't judge me :p)
Hey there !

I am trying a somewhat similar version to yours, but it feels incredibly underwhelming atm. Maybe it's due to the stuns (no amulet yet) or the lack of dps but it is neither tanky (which i get until i get a ton of ES right) but really really underwhelming. It does not clear well at all, either with pierce or GMP (in two 5 links). And for bosses... well. Not that good either (not terrible but not good), and it is just bad as soon as there is a few mobs around the boss ( which occurs... for every boss except izaro and atzri ?).

So what am i missing ?
Character is kakatepeltJr https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Zgurf/characters
Zgurf wrote:
Hey there !

I am trying a somewhat similar version to yours, but it feels incredibly underwhelming atm. Maybe it's due to the stuns (no amulet yet) or the lack of dps but it is neither tanky (which i get until i get a ton of ES right) but really really underwhelming. It does not clear well at all, either with pierce or GMP (in two 5 links). And for bosses... well. Not that good either (not terrible but not good), and it is just bad as soon as there is a few mobs around the boss ( which occurs... for every boss except izaro and atzri ?).

So what am i missing ?
Character is kakatepeltJr https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Zgurf/characters

The biggest thing is you are missing your -20 chaos resist aura. It makes a huge huge difference. I actually remembered when I played that character I was like where is my dps? Then I picked that 8th ascendancy point and I was like oh! There it is. But, the build has taken a significant hit to dps. It loses damage on the posion nerf, peirce nerf, and especially the curse effectiveness nerfs vs bosses. I was trying to crunch the numbers atm but there is a lot to break down for a math retard such as myself. But, the posion and curse nerfs alone means the new posion is 93% of the old posion WITHOUT the curses. So, factoring in the hit damage nerf, the builds damage output could have been cut down to 65 percent of the old one vs. Bosses. But, haven't finished calcing it yet.
With all those nerfs im thinking to drop some es and pickup dot and proj damage nodes.
Lesorub wrote:
With all those nerfs im thinking to drop some es and pickup dot and proj damage nodes.

Neither passive skills nor stats from the player's equipment affect minions unless they specifically state "Minions _____", so it is pointless to get the passives for dot / projectile damage, they don't affect your minions.
This build seems pretty dope and i think ill give it a go as my next character.

Just one thing though, how would you recomend to level up before going CI?

Would be helpful if you had some leveling trees and such

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