[2.3] Mjölner goes phone compatible - AFK bosses up to T15 || VIDEO GUIDE
--- Mjölner Goes Phone Compatible – AFK Bosses up to T15 ---
![]() --- 2.4 NEW AFK BUILD IS UP - AFK GONE CHEAP --- https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1757893 Watch the montage video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAzpfUNDFgQ Watch the VIDEO GUIDE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSW_YFHvkwI Link to reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4sdgub/afk_up_to_t12_bosses/ Are you tired of not being able to leave the computer right away when someone calls because you are in the middle of a poe fight? Thankfully this build goes phone compatible, you can answer the call in the middle of the fight and don’t have to worry about it! Also this build helps if you are tired of getting unexpected deaths due to: • Latency Spikes • Unexpected disconnect • You fell asleep on the keyboard • Power Outage • Too much wine • Obligation of doing 50 pull ups every 10 minutes • Lack of self-preservation • You name it… It essentially can AFK about any boss, no matter the tier, if done right. I myself have put all my focus on damage nodes, which means I’m just offensively invested. If someone would invest in block heavily, this build could go insane! I will also give an example in the end of the guide, how you could fit this build into other peoples mjölner builds. Short summary of what to get My gear
Here you have lots of different choices to make. You can go for life, resists and str/int stats to compensate for having lack in tree or gear. Or you can go all in damage, or something in between, which I have chosen. Examples: Maybe you want to go reckless defence jewels for more block? You can do that too, just be aware of the crit recieving downside: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Reckless_Defence Gem setup and variations
6L is overrated and 20 times more expensive that 5L. Therefore I bought two Kingsguard 5Ls and can buy 18 more if I feel like it. 5L GGRRR Kingsguard Molten Strike Setup 6th link would be eg. lmp or concentrated effect. 5L GRBBB Kingsguard Cyclone Setup 5L GRBBB Kingsguard Shield Charge Setup - cross compatible with the 5L cyclone 3L RBB Mjölner double discharge setup 3L BBB Mjölner triple discharge setup 4L RRGB Cast when Damage Taken setup, eg. in helmet (can be RGRB, RGBR as well. Note IC max lvl 3) 3S RRG Melee triggers (eg. in shield, gloves, boots or in helmet) 4L boots utility gem examples RRGG (or helmet, or gloves)
RRGG Vaal lightning strike with cyclone
RRGG Vaal haste with shield charge RRGG Vaal haste with cyclone RRGG Vaal cyclone with shield charge Vaal cyclone + In other words, RRGG in boots is very versitile 1s leapslam 1s Righteous fire 1s Summon flame golem Skill tree
My skill tree lvl 88: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAEBAQGRAecEswUtBg4GxgmqCfYLYQxfDc0OPBEtEuEUIBRNFHEYkRkuGjgaVRynHM4c3CW8Jy8n7StQLJwt0i5TMtE26DpSOtg8BTwtPfxFR0WdRmlQR1NSU6VWSFcNWGNdpF8_YSFmVGebaGVo8nTteu98g31zffWCm4NfhO-Fe4cpi4yMz48akFWRzpZsmjua4J_fogCi6qcIrQmtja4-r2yvp7vtvJ_AAcBmwJrEFcRYxPbGrsbYz37UfNWm2CTZYdn82sHbT93V37_gw-RR6-7sOO087w7vfPAf843zm_SD9kj46_nd_Ev-VA== My goal skill tree: http://poeplanner.com/AAIAAVRBQUlCQVFBQWV3R1JBZWNFc3dVdEJnNEpxZ24yQzJFTVh3NDhFdUVVSUJSTkZIRVlrUmt1R2pnYVZSeW5ITndsdkNjdkotMHQwaTVUTXRFMjZEcFNPdGc4QlR3dFBmeEZSMFdkUm1sUVIxTlNVNlZXU0ZjTldHTmZQMkVoWmxSbm0yaGxhUEowN1hydmZmV0NtNE5maE8tRmU0Y3BpNHlNejQ4YWtGV1J6cFpzbWp1YTRKX2ZvZ0NpNnFjSXJZMnVQcTlzdS0yOG44Qm13SnJFRmNSWXhQYkdyc2JZejM3VWZOV20yQ1RaWWRuODJzSGJUOS1fNE1Qa1VldnU3RGp0UE84TzczendIX09iOWtqNDZfbmRfRXVEekxjLV9ncll2ZkpGZklNUkxTeWNFRmlIWlRyaHBsZDJyTk52QnNaZHBIMXpyUW5BQWQzVjg0MzBndz09ABBBQUFDQUFmUUFRSDBBUUFBAAA= Resolute technique tree: http://poeplanner.com/AAIAAUxBQUlCQVFBQWVBR1JBZWNFc3dVdEJnNEpxZ24yQzJFTVh3NDhFdUVVSUJSTkZIRVlrUm80R2xVY3B4emNKYnduTHlmdExkSXVVekxSTnVnNlVqcllQQVU4TFQzOFJVZEZuVVpwVUVkVFVsT2xXR05mUDJFaFpsUm5tMmhsYVBKMDdYcnZmZldDbTROZmhPLUZlNGNwaTR5TXo0OGFrRldSenBvN211Q2YzNklBb3VxdVBxOXN1LTI4bjhCbXdKckVGY1JZeFBiR3JzYll6MzdVZk5XbTJmemF3ZHRQMzdfZ3ctUlI2LTdzT08wODd3N3ZmUEFmOWtqNDZfbmRfRXVEekxjLV9ncll2ZkpGZklNUkxTeWNFRmlIWlRyaHBsZDJyTk52NmhqM01uS3A4OTE4MmEyTkJzWmRwTUFCM2RYempmU0Q5N2tXdXc9PQAQQUFBQ0FBZlFBUUgwQVFBQQAA Note: I have done a spec with extreme offensive investment. If you want to go more defensive, you could drop all damage nodes and go for life instead. Good luck! Ultimate AFK aimdeep inspired tree: http://poeplanner.com/AAIAAURBQUlCQVFBQWRRSGNCTE1GTFF0aERGOE56UkVQRXVFVUlCWnZHR29hT0J5bkhNNGRGQ2N2SzFBdDBpNVROWkk1VWpwWU93MDhMVDM4UjM1UVIxT2xWYWxWeGxnSFdHTlo4MThfWVNGa28yVk5abFJtbm1lYmFGaG9aV2p5YWdGdk8zSVBjcWwwN1hhc2QtTjREWGxvZXU5ODJYMzFnMS1EeklUWmhPLUoySXpQajBhUVZaSE9sRy1YdEp1aG56NmlBS0xxcVc2c21LeXFyWTJ1UHE5c3I2ZTE4cmMtdS0yOU5yNm53QnJBWnNRVnhMakU5c2F1eHRqUGZ0TnYxZmpYbHRpOTJzSGphdVJSNmhqdkR1X3I4Ql96M2ZaSTl6TDMxX2pyLXRMLUN2NVVCc1pkcEgxenJRbkFBZDNWODQzMGd3PT0ACEFBQUFBUUFBAAA= Offensive and defensive stats
Offence when lvl 88 with two jewel slots still missing (potential additional 80% increased damage) ![]() Link: http://i.imgur.com/bZfl1nL.jpg Defence without pots ![]() Link: http://imgur.com/IdmMdHG.jpg Defence with Rumi's and ruby flask ![]() Link: http://imgur.com/knqrGns.jpg How to level a maruader
No clue, honestly did it like 2 years ago with my char ll AFK ll. I would however probably guess that you level it up as all other chars, with the difference of being a Maruader... Build cost?
Most expensive item is voll's devotion which goes for 18ex +. If you get this item, the rest are a piece of cake.
|*|-- The Guide --|*| Essentially what this build does is overusing the fact that kingsguard chest plate heals you 100 life for every endurance charge you use and then let your trigger gems use a lot of endurance charges! To get the max out of this, there are some things that need to be combined: 1. Choose Maruader class and ascend to Juggernaut subclass by doing labyrinth. Then level it up to endgame level (at least 70 ish). Juggernaut subclass is chosen mainly for two reasons: a.You get +1 endurance charge, the more endurance charges we have, the more we spend b.Unrelenting, which says “if you would gain Endurance Charges, you instead gain up to your maximum number of Endurance Charges”. This means that as soon as we get 1 endurance charge or more, we will hit max endurance charges 2. Get +3 endurance charges from passive tree, and a reasonable amount of life (preferably 200%+). More endurance charges, will mean that we spend more endurance charges, and get healed more, every one gives 100 life extra heal. More life means better protection against spike damage. THe skill tree's again
My skill tree lvl 88: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAEBAQGRAecEswUtBg4GxgmqCfYLYQxfDc0OPBEtEuEUIBRNFHEYkRkuGjgaVRynHM4c3CW8Jy8n7StQLJwt0i5TMtE26DpSOtg8BTwtPfxFR0WdRmlQR1NSU6VWSFcNWGNdpF8_YSFmVGebaGVo8nTteu98g31zffWCm4NfhO-Fe4cpi4yMz48akFWRzpZsmjua4J_fogCi6qcIrQmtja4-r2yvp7vtvJ_AAcBmwJrEFcRYxPbGrsbYz37UfNWm2CTZYdn82sHbT93V37_gw-RR6-7sOO087w7vfPAf843zm_SD9kj46_nd_Ev-VA== My goal skill tree: http://poeplanner.com/AAIAAVRBQUlCQVFBQWV3R1JBZWNFc3dVdEJnNEpxZ24yQzJFTVh3NDhFdUVVSUJSTkZIRVlrUmt1R2pnYVZSeW5ITndsdkNjdkotMHQwaTVUTXRFMjZEcFNPdGc4QlR3dFBmeEZSMFdkUm1sUVIxTlNVNlZXU0ZjTldHTmZQMkVoWmxSbm0yaGxhUEowN1hydmZmV0NtNE5maE8tRmU0Y3BpNHlNejQ4YWtGV1J6cFpzbWp1YTRKX2ZvZ0NpNnFjSXJZMnVQcTlzdS0yOG44Qm13SnJFRmNSWXhQYkdyc2JZejM3VWZOV20yQ1RaWWRuODJzSGJUOS1fNE1Qa1VldnU3RGp0UE84TzczendIX09iOWtqNDZfbmRfRXVEekxjLV9ncll2ZkpGZklNUkxTeWNFRmlIWlRyaHBsZDJyTk52QnNaZHBIMXpyUW5BQWQzVjg0MzBndz09ABBBQUFDQUFmUUFRSDBBUUFBAAA= Resolute technique tree: http://poeplanner.com/AAIAAUxBQUlCQVFBQWVBR1JBZWNFc3dVdEJnNEpxZ24yQzJFTVh3NDhFdUVVSUJSTkZIRVlrUm80R2xVY3B4emNKYnduTHlmdExkSXVVekxSTnVnNlVqcllQQVU4TFQzOFJVZEZuVVpwVUVkVFVsT2xXR05mUDJFaFpsUm5tMmhsYVBKMDdYcnZmZldDbTROZmhPLUZlNGNwaTR5TXo0OGFrRldSenBvN211Q2YzNklBb3VxdVBxOXN1LTI4bjhCbXdKckVGY1JZeFBiR3JzYll6MzdVZk5XbTJmemF3ZHRQMzdfZ3ctUlI2LTdzT08wODd3N3ZmUEFmOWtqNDZfbmRfRXVEekxjLV9ncll2ZkpGZklNUkxTeWNFRmlIWlRyaHBsZDJyTk52NmhqM01uS3A4OTE4MmEyTkJzWmRwTUFCM2RYempmU0Q5N2tXdXc9PQAQQUFBQ0FBZlFBUUgwQVFBQQAA 3. Save oak bandit merciless to gain another +1 endurance charge, the last endurance charge comes from corrupted belt, which gives a total of 9 endurance charges! 4. ||- Unique Items -|| ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨|¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨|¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨V¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
a. Kingsguard – heals you when spending endurance charger, a must! At least 3 linked for ok offensive gameplay. b. Romiras Banquet ring – gives you power charges on non critical strikes, a must! c. Voll’s devotion amulet – converts your power charges to endurance charges when used, a must! This is the item together with romiras, that feed kingsguard with endurance charges to use d. Corrupted +1 endurance charge belt is a nice addition, as more endurance charges gives more heal. Unique in the way that it is corrupted, but not an actual unique item... e. Mjölner is a nice addition, which potentially can boost your survivability by a lot, but in my version mostly is for offence and for good protection against spell hitters because of my max spell block. 5. Now get triggergems, the things that make us actually AFK: a. First you use a setup of cast when damage taken. In a 4 link item you link CWDT (lvl1) to three gems in the following order: immortal call – blade vortex – discharge. I keep my gems at lvl 1, for maximal triggering. Immortal call can however get to max lvl 3. The CWDT can be in any spot, as before the three gems, in between them or after, but the order between the three gems have to be as I’ve put here. So the colours can be: RRGB, RGRB, RGBR Now you might ask why! The reason is in the spoiler.
i. By putting immortal call first in spot (maximal up to the left) you guarantee that immortal call gets its charges first and gives you at least 4 seconds of immortality to physical damage (which is higher than the cooldown time of 3 seconds, which gives you permanent uptime with spike damage every 4 seconds). It also heals you 900 life as it uses 9 endurance charges. ii. By putting blade vortex second, you get a power charge generator and also an endurance charge generator! When blade vortex doesn’t crit you get a power charge, when it does crit, you get an endurance charge! iii. By putting discharge last, it will use up all charges left, and if there are endurance charges, you gain 900 life off the endurance charge usage. Also it will generate a new power charge+9 endurance charges, if it doesn’t crit. This gem can trigger every 0.25 seconds, which means the discharge can heal you at total of max 3600 life per second, while you are being physical damage immune, while you are doing nothing. b. Second setup uses the fact that there are melee triggers as well. Get all three, vengeance, riposte and reckoning. These do not need to be linked to anything or in any particular order, just get them.
Vengeance will have 40% chance to trigger when hit, and hit everything around you, where every mob has 50% (or 30%) chance to proc the gems which are in your mjölner. Reckoning and riposte will trigger on every block , which means 2 hits, which means mjölner will mostly trigger on every monster. Now, the healing you get of every trigger will vary, depending on your setup in mjölner. With 2 discharge in mjölner, you heal 1800 life per trigger, with 3 discharge in mjölner you heal 2700 life per trigger. That means that a non leagacy mjölner (30% proc rate) with 3 discharge will heal about as much as a leagacy with 2 discharge (actually 10% less: 0.3*1,5=0.45, which is 90% of 0.5). Leagacy mjölner not necessary at all for the melee triggers. Depending on how much block investment you have (I have 0 passives in block), the usage of these triggers will vary. I overall don’t have too good usage.
6. The block As two of the melee triggers activate on block, the better block we have, the more we activate the triggers. In my build, I put all my passives on offensive damage, so I made all my blocking by gear. Therefore I could only focus on spell block. More info
I use Saffell’s Frame which gives 24% base block and 70-120% of the block as spell block, with the downside that it can’t block attacks. With the usage of the flask Rumi’s Concoction, you add another 20-30% block and another 10-15% spell block. With perfect non legacy saffell’s and Rumi’s, you can reach 58% spell block. 73% spell block can be achieved non legacy with 1 reckless defence jewel, but however not really recommended. With legacy saffell’s you reach 75% spell block.
Note the block does not only heal you, but also mitigate damage. So it heals you even though you’re not taking damage. Very useful in between the spike hits from example high physical hitters (which hit physical only), as immortal call makes it impossible to kingsguard heal in between the immortal call activations. Now there are several things that can increase the AFK capability even more! Vaal lightning strike By linking: Vaal lightning strike – multistrike – increased duration, you activate an attack in under 1 second, which will hit the monster (or monsters up to two, as your mjölner chains once) constantly for 14.4 seconds. An active skill could never been more AFK! Some theory
Also thanks to multistrike, it will hit 3.8 times per second, which means it will heal you for 3k life per second (non leagacy) +. If there are two targets, double the heal. Also you have 3 usage, so you get a total uptime of 43 seconds with 3k+ healing per second and also delivering 100k ish dmg per second on the boss. Note, if the target dies, the attack stops and you stop healing. This is almost afk killing as you are only clicking once every 14.4 seconds. Sadly, this takes up 3 links. Thankfully I have a 4l in my boots, where I can switch in Vaal lightning strike, shield charge, cyclone etc. depending on what I feel like using that day, very flexible.
Vaal cyclone By linking: Vaal cyclone – increased duration – faster attacks you suck in all monsters with bosses for 8 seconds into your cyclone. Every single proc from the small mobs will damage the bosses because they are within range, which gives huge impact damage. Vaal lightning strike however is more safe and has much much longer duration with its total of 43 seconds. I don’t really recommend thisone. Resolute technique Resolute technique gives the important 0% chance to crit which makes it impossible to lose power charges on crit (the downside of the unique ring romira’s banquet.) This essentially makes sure you will never ever run out of powercharges, and therefore never run out of endurance charges and immortal call will always trigger when supposed to! More info:
The downside is that it also makes it impossible to activate elemental overload (40% more elemental damage if you have crit in the last 8 second) but also. You therefore lose 29% of your damage (but the dps is insane anyways) but more importantly also lose the enjoyful crit sound!!"!"!!!!!!
• The node does give 100% chance to hit, although even without it you would have like 90% thanks to juggernaut undeniable (+1000 to Accuracy Rating +1% increased Attack Speed per 200 Accuracy Rating). Also you can drop the blade vortex in the CWDT setup. Add more CWDT gems, as Tempest shield or Enfeeble
If you want more block, you can add tempest shield on CWDT for a additional 3% chance to block. Enfeeble on high lvl CWDT can be added for a maximum damage reduction of 30%!
THE OFFENCE Righteous fire 60% more spell damage and can be sustained with the usage of 1 life flask. Shield charge A fast movement skill that triggers discharge pretty good, usually one shots pack including rare. You can have it in your chest setup or in a 2-3l in eg. Boots. Cyclone A skill that can be used to clear the remainings after a shield charge. Unlike molten strike there is no delay before proc when using cyclone. Can be used in all the way from 1L to 5L setup. Molten strike Mega laggy boss take downer. Takes a second before the shells hit, but can achieve over a million DPS with fire pen. Insanely good for tanky bosses, but in difference to cyclone you have to stand still and tank, which can be dangerous on bosses that can oneshot you, on nasty map mods or eg. Flame bearers. Fortify here makes it a bit more safe. Use with cation, especially on weak computers. Why blood magic? By using blood magic, I make sure I will use no auras, and therefore free up a lot of gem spots, which I need for utility gems, trigger gems etc. Essentially quality of life! The trigger gems alone use up 7-10 gem slots, which is essentially 2-3 items. Also I won’t have any mana problems to solve and the nodes after BM gives 35% increased life!!!. Also allows me to use life flask with high effectiveness. You can use life flasks with the mod "Sapping". It doesn't remove mana when activated as there is no mana to draw from (but you still get the fabulous life increase). Makes using righteous fire possible! Uber Atziri? Sure can!
To do Uber Atziri good, you need to tank her flameblasts, with my 87% fire res I take too much fire damage. One alternative is to get rise of the phoenix shield and get essence worm ring with eg. Lvl 21 purity of fire, which would give you another 8% fire res 95% fire resistance. This would make you take 62% less fire damage from her flameblasts. To compensate for the mods on ring, you could change helmet from devotos to a rare one. The other alternative is to go to one of the other 1 gazillion mjölner builds that focus on Uber Atziri takedown and put the 7 trigger gems in it. The last question involves one example of this kind of build!
Ele reflect maps? Sure can!
As I am heavily damage invested, these can be pretty dangerous if not done correctly. First of all remove vengeance, riposte and reckoning, these triggers can one shot you if activated improperly.
Secondly use your rumi's and ruby flask at all engagements. Try not to shield charge into a too big pack at once. Note: Single target is never a problem, only big packs!!! This means that rare reflect mobs in non reflect maps, are a non problem. Can you force fit your CWDT and melee trigger setup to other mjölner builds? Sure can!
As an example we can take this build:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1667160 It has the upside of having max spell block without Rumi’s, 52% attack block, high fire res and permanent righteous fire. The downside is high chance if receiving shocking hits, which will make you take 50% more damage unless using anti shock potion. Also using all auras uses up lots of utility and QoL gem slots. Almost no damage nodes in tree. 1. To force fit, you need to do the following. Remove flame golem+all supports from shield 2. Remove enhance + empower from boots 3. Move purity of fire + enlighten to the shield 4. Put CWDT+immortal call+blade vortex+discharge in helmet 5. Put vengeance, riposte and reckoning in the three open gem sockets, that is 1 in shield, 2 in boots I changed the tree a bit to fit me to the following: http://poeplanner.com/AAIAAURBQUlCQVFBQWRRSGNCTE1GTFF0aERGOE56UkVQRXVFVUlCWnZHR29hT0J5bkhNNGRGQ2N2SzFBdDBpNVROWkk1VWpwWU93MDhMVDM4UjM1UVIxT2xWYWxWeGxnSFdHTlo4MThfWVNGa28yVk5abFJtbm1lYmFGaG9aV2p5YWdGdk8zSVBjcWwwN1hhc2QtTjREWGxvZXU5ODJYMzFnMS1EeklUWmhPLUoySXpQajBhUVZaSE9sRy1YdEp1aG56NmlBS0xxcVc2c21LeXFyWTJ1UHE5c3I2ZTE4cmMtdS0yOU5yNm53QnJBWnNRVnhMakU5c2F1eHRqUGZ0TnYxZmpYbHRpOTJzSGphdVJSNmhqdkR1X3I4Ql96M2ZaSTl6TDMxX2pyLXRMLUN2NVVCc1pkcEgxenJRbkFBZDNWODQzMGd3PT0ACEFBQUFBUUFBAAA= Done! Force fitted. IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder Last edited by ChrispieD#2346 on Oct 30, 2016, 12:14:19 PM Last bumped on Oct 16, 2016, 4:01:16 PM
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Hey thanks so much for this. Just wanted to ask you said you put Resolute Technique in the build but it's not in your tree. Is that a mistake or am I not seeing it right?
Thanks again!! |
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Why do you opt to use two or even three Discharges? Is the increase in proc chance/rate that important?
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" Thank you for a very good question! I realised reading through that I was a bit unclear. I myself am 95% offensively invested because I like to play agressively, which means I don't utilize all its AFK potential. So I've chosen to go not resolute technique for the extra 40% more damage. For a resolute technique tree I would go this way: http://poeplanner.com/AAIAAVBBQUlCQVFBQWVnR1JBZWNFc3dVdEJnNEpxZ24yQzJFTVh3NDhFdUVVSUJSTkZIRVlrUm80R2xVY3B4emNKYnduTHlmdExkSXVVekxSTnVnNlVqcllQQVU4TFQzOFJVZEZuVVpwVUVkVFVsT2xWa2hZWTE4X1lTRm1WR2ViYUdWbzhuVHRldTk5OVlLYmcxLUU3NFY3aHltTGpJelBqeHFRVlpIT21qdWE0Sl9mb2dDaTZxY0lyajZ2Ykx2dHZKX0Fac0NheEJYRVdNVDJ4cTdHMk05LTFIelZwdGdrMmZ6YXdkdFAzN19ndy1SUjYtN3NPTzA4N3c3dmZQQWY5a2o0Nl9uZF9FdUR6TGMtX2dyWXZmSkZmSU1STFN5Y0VGaUhaVHJocGxkMnJOTnY2aGozTW5LcDg5MTgyUWJHWGFUQUFkM1Y4NDMwZ19lNUZycz0AEEFBQUNBQWZRQVFIMEFRQUEAAA== It basicly saves you one node, so tree wize its an upgrade :). I am also adding this to the guide as I write this! If there are more questions don't hesitate!, write and I will answer :) IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder Last edited by ChrispieD#2346 on Jul 15, 2016, 11:18:56 AM
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" Short answer is yes! But it all comes down to what is important for you :), but I will start off by explaining the proc mechanism. When putting gems on mjölner, unlike cast on crit, every single gem in it has its own proc chance without a cooldown. So every discharge you put in it will have its own proc chance. So if you have 3 discharges in a non leagacy mjölner with 30% proc chance, you will on avarage have 0.9 discharges per enemy you hit, instead of having 0.3 discharges per enemy hit on avarage, that is a 3 fold increase! So your vengeance, riposte or reckoning, you will hit with 3x the discharges and therefore heal three times as much compared to if you would have only have 1 discharge in it. Also it makes 3x the damage and I like being offensive :D If "AFKability" is your main consern and you go for my skill tree, riposte, reckoning and vengeance only really help on spell monsters and big packs. If you go with other block mjölner builds, you will have even more use of this. The downside is more discharges means more lag. I find 2 discharge on a leagacy mjölner with 50% proc chance highly playable (which gives more procs than 3 discharges in non leagacy). It's all about balance! Huh, much text. Hope it is some what readable. Thanks for the question! IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder Last edited by ChrispieD#2346 on Jul 15, 2016, 11:36:27 AM
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" My main concern is that the second and third discharges won't have as many charges to expend, if any, if the first one discharges. It all depends on how the charge generation works. If you can get maximum e-charges from your first discharge, then I don't see why you would do anything other than three discharges in your Mjolner. But if you can't get charges after a discharge, I don't see any reason to put more than one in there. It's a confirmation I've been meaning to look into. |
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" Ahh, now I understand your concern! This is how it works, and I just double checked ingame to confirm! If you dont have resolute teqnique, every power charge you consume, generates another 9 endurance charges as long as you dont crit. If one of your discharges crit, the discharge after the next will have 0 endurahce charges. My crit chance is very low, so this doesnt happen often at all. This is not worsened by the fact of adding more discharges, the probability of this happening is still the same! So I tested in game by removing everything that can trigger and using default attack and check the healing amout from one hit. With one discharge in Mjölner I healed 900 hp per discharge. With 2 discharges in Mjölner, I healed a maximum of 1800 hp. So everything I wrote in theory in the answer before this one is correct in game as well , the thing that matters :) IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder Last edited by ChrispieD#2346 on Jul 15, 2016, 12:43:00 PM
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" Boring math follows. Adding 3rd discharge is 50% more damage. Fire penetration cuts off 37% fire resistance. For mob with 75% fire resistance adding fire penetration is 148% more damage. For mob with 63% fire resistance adding fire penetration is 100% more damage. For mob with 26% fire resistance adding fire penetration is 50% more damage. All below 3rd discharge is better, but you get the point. There are map mods with resistances, endurance charges, elemental equilibrium... So 2x discharge + fire penetration looks better. Of course I'm not counting here that 3rd discharge would give also 50% more healing. --- As for RT, not having it opens an option that you crit, don't get powercharge, second discharge consumes all endurance charges leaving you uncharged and boom! immortal call procs for miserable 400ms and you're dead. Don't know for sure how frequent this awkward scenario can be. --- As for Mjolner mechanics, chances for proccing several spells are not indepenent. It's all or nothing: when your 30% proc, all lightning spells from it proc. Last edited by donalgraeme#2622 on Jul 18, 2016, 5:00:54 AM
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This is some cool stuff! Thanks for the post.
Did some respeccing into this defence mechanic, and it's immensely fun. Actually had a cool AFK battle in Sarn Arena with 2 other dudes. They were max block with counter skills. All attacks kept on going forever with all 3 of us just AFKing. Was a cool sight. One question though. How do you get a 39k tooltip? I'm using 20/20 discharge + RF + EO + 11 end charges, and that brings me to around 25k. Am I missing something? Are you using other stuff to get that tooltip? |
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" That's what you're looking at, the healing. You're getting 900 x 3 healing instead of 900 x 2 healing, but also getting a 50% increase in damage output as opposed to two discharges. I know I'll be using three discharges once I get my hands on a Voll's Devotion amulet. But for now I'm using Discharge + Discharge + Lightning Penetration. |
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