Deadeye Chin Sol Bleed Build

Why did I make this build? Well nobody seems to rate the Deadeye Ascendancy Notables Rupture & Powerful Precision so I wanted to create a build using them both. A bow build was the obvious choice & this is what I came up with. It kinda just developed organically with liberal use of this forum & the PoE Wiki. By default this build is created on a tight budget. The Chin Sol Assassin Bow was bought for only one Chaos. This is the result. If it seems unfinished that's cos it is!
I decided to use Barrage as it works as a good AoE attack (with one or two Volley Fire gems) & a single target attack. We don't need to use Greater Multiple Projectiles or Chain which would seriously hurt this build.

The Chin Sol Assassin Bow is our weapon of choice. It's 100% more bow damage at close range feature functions well with Powerful Precision. It's Knockback at close range buffs the bleed debuff we cause by a large margin. Also I like the 2D Art (please GGG make it 3D too).

As we will be up close & personal dealing with the blood hungry inhabitants of Wraeclast good damage mitigation is required. So we'll be decked out in either of these body armours. Which are both very cheap.
Daresso's Defiance is my choice. Free Endurance Charges that boost our armour to acceptable levels & when, not if, we get hit we gain a free damage boost from Onslaught. Pity the Dodge is, erm, dodgy.
Belly of the Beast is the best for boosting our life. The extra resists are nice but the extra gore isn't.

Of course you can also use rare armour. Either hybrid, Evasion/Armour, like the two above or pure Armour with resistances & life.

We supplement our armour with Grace.

This Aura helps to avoid hits by giving us a huge amount of evasion. To further increase our defensive layering Molten Shell, Immortal Call & optionally Arctic Armour. Both Molten Shell & Immortal Call are linked to Increased Duration & Cast When Damage Taken. (I prefer to have Molten Shell level with me to proc from really powerful attacks, while Immortal Call is kept at a low level).

Molten Shell CWDT

Immortal Call CWDT

Now we have our basic defensive setup sorted we come to the fun part. Killing the dirty denizens of Wraeclast.
We want to make our foes bleed hard & fast. To best way is with double dipping.
Double Dipping Damage
In this build our damage scales both our main attack & the Bleed it causes via our physical & projectile modifiers. These are considered separate & different types of damage. It's not a straight conversion. Note that the modifiers have to be generic ones, we want to avoid any with the Attack or Weapon keywords as these will have no effect on our DoT. I hope that's clear enough.
To do this we need lots of generic projectile & physical damage. While our skill tree provide these two modifiers our gems, which scale as we level, focus on projectile damage boosting our DoT more than our initial damage. I'm currently running a four link with these gems.

I really like Barrage but it needs at least one Volley Fire unique jewel
to provide any Area of Effect. Which means you don't need Greater Multiple Projectiles which means more damage (GMP has a less projectile damage modifier that would reduce our bleed). Also Barrage fires so many arrows in such density it procs things like Critical Attacks quite easily. Hence it's popularity with CoC (Cast on Crit) characters. But for us our 25% to cause bleeding on hit is activated regularly.
Slower Projectiles is just a straight up damage multiplier. Point Blank stacks with the 100% more bow damage at close range modifier our Chin Sol gives us, it also saves a skill point as does Iron Grip. With 200 strength we would get 40% increased projectile attack damage from Iron Grip which seems worth it, it will improve our initial hit.

If you find you want to do more damage with this build you can. It's called Vulnerability. You can link it to Blasphemy which will will curse any mob close to us & as we are usually near them this set up works fine. That is if you don't want to use Arctic Armour. Obviously we can cast our curse manually but auto cursing is better. Right? Anyway self casting is an option if you want to run Arctic Armour, especially on dangerously rolled maps.

Other Gems
A great utility gem is Blink Arrow. We can escape tricky situations, traverse the environment, which is especially useful in the Labyrinth & confuse the enemy. All in all very useful. A must have for all bow users. Linking Blink Arrow with Faster Projectiles improves it's speed of use.

Frenzy Charges boost our Global Damage which means our DoT. To get Frenzy Charges we use Blood Rage. Because we don't have much life regeneration we have to use a Stone Golem for the extra regen it provides. If you can link this gem to a CWTD set-up.

To further increase our DoT damage potential we get the very nice Dirty Techniques notable which increases our DoT, Skill Duration & adds 25% Chance on Hit to poison bleeding enemies. Cool! That's just nasty. Dunno if the poison will double dip after our Bleed but if it does, well lets say I'd feel sorry for whomever we do it to. Unless it's Malachi. He deserves it!

Why Deadeye?
It seems there are no bleed builds for the Ranger (other than Puncture builds) so I had to make my own. Deadeye allows us to cause Bleed via the Rupture Ascendancy notable. After this we get Powerful Precision. Both of these together give us Critical Strike Chance boost, the former only against bleeding enemies. Obviously they both synergise well with the rest of our build, it's as if I planned it on a offline skill tree. If you really need to get other four Ascendancy points I would get Fast & Deadly & Ricochet. The latter giving us Chain +1 which increases our AoE.

This build is good at range, naturally being a bow build, & close up. At range the mobs you Bleed &/or Poison will come rushing towards you which means more Bleed damage as they'll be moving (Bleed causes 10% per second of physical damage if the target is standing still, and an additional 50% per second (for a total of 60% per second) if the target is moving), also our returning missiles from Powerful Precision may hit other targets. If the mobs reach us alive then our Vulnerability Aura will will take effect plus the Chin Sol's Knockback will cause further Bleed damage.
At this point the enemies should be very dead.

Depending on the Boss we really need to get close & personal at every opportunity, to curse & Knockback, keeping the pressure on. Kiting will help immensely with this tactic. Using Blink Arrow helps too.

Basically we want to hit melee mobs at range & ranged mobs at close up.

Oak=Life. Oak=Physical Damage. If wearing Daresso's Defiance Oak=Endurance Charge. If not kill all=Skill point.

Get these

Want a DPS boost? Get these.

Get these two too
You might be wondering where the hell is your Pierce Gem at?! Well nearly every bow build uses Pierce & I wanted to try a build without it. But it's just so damn good, especially when combined with a Drillneck quiver. Seriously they work perfectly & you'd be stupid not use them. Although this build works without these it's just better with them both.
There's too much projectile damage to ignore. Pierce itself has a More modifier which multiplies the damage & Drillneck buffs the gem with it's Projectile Damage Increased by Arrow Pierce Chance. That's an extra 50% damage increase from the gem alone, never mind the pierce nodes on the tree. (If Pierce ever gets nerfed in future you know this build will still work without it).

Really you need these two. Really. No argument.

Last edited by Chalk_Circles#1033 on Jul 17, 2016, 11:42:14 PM
Last bumped on Sep 16, 2016, 2:56:43 PM
This build looks totes interesting! Please keep updating, I'll be keeping an eye out for sure
I really like your idea and would like to hear more about it, as soon as you reach end game.

But I'm really surprised about your gem choice..
I don't get it why youre using such bad support gems.

Youre using atm the following: Barrage - Pierce - Iron Grip - Point Blank - Faster Projectiles

Iron Grip is especially with your low strength a really bad choice. Also you could get the Keystone "Iron Grip" with 2 skill points.
You can also get the Point Blank Keystone for 1 skillpoint.. so why you arent taking it?
Faster Projectiles only increases your damage by pretty a few %.. it's also like 2 skillpoints worth, since it only offers 30% increased damage.

So basically you waste 3 links.

Use better something like this:

Barrage - Pierce - Slower Projectiles - Faster Attacks - Added Chaos Damage or Physical Attack Damage if you dont use poison

All of these support gems double dip with poison, 3 of them with bleeding.
Last edited by Chalk_Circles#1033 on Oct 2, 2018, 3:57:53 PM

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