SarangNoPants Progression PSC

Support working well in PSC so making a second character. Picked this up so will be testing:

Playing Templar, core concept LA + PTL + multipliers + Inevitable Judgment, idea and tree suggested by LordSidro. OpieOP.

Should be a good time, posting progress and shenanigans here :D

Goal with tree:

Start with some ele nodes in Templar, level with staff, path to Smashing Strikes to tuck away later for Lioneye's Fall. If I can't get one (1 ex+), then regret away + keep ele nodes, if I can, regret ele nodes + path differently to staff nodes. Then go to Duelist > Ranger right side > Acro + VP > Shadow or Scion.

Maligaro and Drillneck super cheap this league, plan to get an Opus at 44 along with those and fire away.

Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Last edited by _Saranghaeyo_ on Jun 9, 2016, 1:36:48 AM
Last bumped on Jun 14, 2016, 6:26:45 PM
POE is life. POE is ♥.
Ok, I may get tossed in a salt mine for this but I have to ask...where did all of this "no pants" stuff originate?

Btw, gl with build Sarang. :)

Hi Kona-san :3

SasoriOtoko wrote:
Ok, I may get tossed in a salt mine for this but I have to ask...where did all of this "no pants" stuff originate?

Btw, gl with build Sarang. :)

Make a new Templar and you tell me ^^

He has no pants! Haha.

Small update, just played a little today. Switched to bow. Ditching the Staff Node plan as Lioneye's Fall doesn't appear to be dropping any time soon. So just gonna path differently and keep the WED stuff in Templar for the moment. I think I might have to dig deeper into Ranger than originally planned, but whatever. Funny that this will be even more budget than originally intended (+Reach of the Council)

Now using Storm Cloud, pretty smooth. Frost Wall still broken as shit, even on a single cast in Cruel Act 1.

Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Put bow on. Feels good.

Bought a 4L Lioneye Vision and Vorici GB spammed to get GGBR. Nice fake 6L.

Level 73 now, just grinding some prophecies and doing Dried Lake for now. Goal is to 6L the bow and get Kaom. Helm needs Haku 6, so gotta sit on that for now, but will have it soon. Other gear just temporary stuff, 1-3c items with Master Craft.

Gems need XP and Tree just wants the points. Pathing to Shadow, taking Heavy Draw (AS actually sucks with this tree, zzzzz), and tying up loose ends. Gem setup is kinda awkward, planned to use PPAD instead of Faster Attack but I need FA currently.

Need to do Flasks tonight... not sure what I want atm. Thinking Life/Diamond/Quicksilver/Atziri/Basalt to start, but have to fit Topaz in there o__________o

About 20K Lightning Arrow DPS right now with 3 Frenzy/3 Power.

Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Last edited by _Saranghaeyo_ on Jun 11, 2016, 8:25:55 PM

We did it, friends.

Been Prophecy hunting a bunch so I haven't even Ascended yet... super awkward. Already sold old Reach so getting Kaom tomorrow. Also might be dropping Drillneck soon for a real Quiver. Finally speccing into Vaal Pact now. Have to decide where the rest of the points go, but filling out Vitality Void first for sure. Might take Heavy Draw so I can drop FA > PPAD.

Still shitload of work to do. Pretty sure the previously bugged Nest Prophecy gives Rat's, so gonna go for some Eva Gloves next and get a discounted Rat's Nest. Boots/Belt desperate need upgrade as well. Debating on whether I want to spec out of the Templar stuff completely and move deeper into Ranger, more AS/Crit/Life there. Also Blood Drinker too... zzz.

Tree @ 81:
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Last edited by _Saranghaeyo_ on Jun 13, 2016, 1:21:03 AM
how much for the 6L bow? looks nice.
POE is life. POE is ♥.
how much for the 6L bow? looks nice.

Wound up being 10 Exa but I sold the old one for 3, so I can't complain.

Made some updates. Feel like it's comfortable mid-game gear now. 5.5K Life. 66.75% Crit with Charges, which is ~93% or so with Diamond Flask. ~70K Tooltip now. Sybil's has saved me roughly 2-3 times from Reflect so far.

Trying out Extractor Mentis because I have crazy friends...

Worst Rat's Nest ever, but hey, keeping it cheap is the name of the game. Debating on sacrificing my next Passive for +1 Power Charge, and then when I spec into Heavy Draw, changing Cruel Kraityn to Passive point.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Last edited by _Saranghaeyo_ on Jun 14, 2016, 6:30:46 PM

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