Blessed orb did not update my Doryani's Calayst to the correct implicit value

I have a Doryani's Catalyst from before 2.3, so I tossed a Blessed Orb at it. Instead of the expected 32% implicit value that all new drop vaal sceptres have, I got 20%. I have also verified there is at least one other 20% currently on

My Doryani's:

poetrade's Doryani's:

GGG, could you please fix these so their implicit mods are updated properly when using a Blessed Orb?
Last bumped on Jun 8, 2016, 2:20:59 PM
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Last edited by Obumbro#4998 on Jun 24, 2016, 12:21:34 PM
I've been watching for any response to this issue and so far GGG has not said anything.
Would be nice to hear if this is a bug or intended. If I had known I could only get 20% when I blessed mine I wouldn't of wasted the orbs.
Because of limitations with updating old implicits that were used on multiple item types, we weren't able to have the Sceptre implicits fully match their new values. We've increased them as much as we reasonably can so they will always be better than they were, but I'm afraid most higher level sceptre types won't be as good as fresh copy of that item type. I'm sorry we didn't make this clearer in the patch notes!
Balance & Design
Clear(er) in the patch notes? Using a Blessed Orb to update them wasn't mentioned at all in the patch notes.
Jackinthegreen wrote:
Clear(er) in the patch notes? Using a Blessed Orb to update them wasn't mentioned at all in the patch notes.

It was mentioned on the manifesto post
Khisanth wrote:
Jackinthegreen wrote:
Clear(er) in the patch notes? Using a Blessed Orb to update them wasn't mentioned at all in the patch notes.

It was mentioned on the manifesto post

Ah, now Rory's post makes sense. Thank you.
Last edited by Jackinthegreen#3344 on Jun 8, 2016, 12:13:17 AM
Rory wrote:
Because of limitations with updating old implicits that were used on multiple item types, we weren't able to have the Sceptre implicits fully match their new values. We've increased them as much as we reasonably can so they will always be better than they were, but I'm afraid most higher level sceptre types won't be as good as fresh copy of that item type. I'm sorry we didn't make this clearer in the patch notes!

Ahh stuff happens, was just annoyed that this was mentioned almost as soon as the servers came back up and took several days to get a response. Also just reread the manifest thread and looks like I totally misunderstood it, being as the way it is worded means one thing but the person that wrote it meant the compleat fucking opposite. Language barrier can be a bitch eh.
Like I said, stuff happens. Thanks for finally getting around to checking with the team on this issue and responding.

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