[2.3] Ancestral Chieftain - Triple Ancestral Warchief Facebreaker 150K+DPS
![]() Do you want to summon the spirits of your ancestors and punch your enemies into Oblivion?! If you said "ORA ORA ORA~!" Your punch ghost build is here! How it works: Ancestral Warchief is a great skill, it's got decent staring AoE which scales very well, and gives you bonus damage just for existing! We get Ancestral Bond to make sure we can get two totems running at a time, and then we use this... The Skirmish quiver denotes that attack skills get +1 totems. Normally you'd think "Quiver? RAT or Siege Ballista". But we have... these! This allows us to wield the quiver and still use melee skills, such as Ancestral Warchief and Ancestral Protector with an additional totem. A cool 50% more damage compared to not using it. The price is the safety provided by a shield, but if you were planning to use Warchief with a 2H weapon, you may as well have the same results! With all of this, we get the scaling of Facebreakers with 3 totems and huge AoE! Pros: - Fantastic Damage (~50K per Totem w/ Conc Effect) - Totem Safety (3+ Taunt!) - Massive AoE coverage (One totem can cover half the screen alone) - Totems immune to fire damage (Take that Atzoobie!) - 198% Inc Max Life from tree alone - Hyper Fast Totem Placement (>3/second!) - Can clear high tier maps with relative ease/safety. Cons: - Squishy against phys (Abyssus) - Tough to get resists up to snuff, as we only have 5 pieces of gear with which to get resists. - Totem placement is fast, but ther eis a delay until the spirits pop out. This can be troublesome. - Mana cost can be troublesome until you access Blood Magic and a decent amount of Life Regen Tree:
Lvl 80:
http://poeplanner.com/AAIAAUhBQUlCQXdzQWR3SGNCTE1Hb0F0aERjMFF6QlFnRm04YU9Cby1ITTRrcWljdksxQXhuaklKTXRFMWtqYnBPdUU4QlQzOFJVZEZuVWQtU3NoTjQxQkhVMUpZWTFqbFdmTmFLMTVkWHo5a2hHVk5acDVubTJqeWJFWnVxbTg3Y2c5eWJIS3BkLU40RFhsb2V5QjdqSHlEZk5sOTlZTGtoTm1LcjR6UGtCR1FWWnJnb2dDajhxWlhwNVNwYnF5cXJqNnZiSy1udGZLOU5yNm53QnJBWnNFRXd4UEU5c2F1eHRqUl9kaTk0MnJrVWV2dTd3N3ZmUEFmOGlfeVJmWkk5ekw0a19tOS10TC1DdjVVX29mLWozdkRFUzJEOXg4Q0JBZUQyMVhHT2xoTXM1ZVZVbE05WHhZTEY0eDdzN2wteGdUUFo2YWpCc009ABBBQUFDQUFmUUFRSDBBUUFBAAA= Progression: Use whatever you'd like until 16, then grab Facebreakers. At 19 you can get the quiver, and by now you should be using Ancestral protector with splash. The two totems will do more than enough compared to most skills, and once you grab Ancestral Bond, the build takes off. Once you hit 60, you'll want to throw on Abyssus, and retool the rest of your gear to make up for lost resistances, get some life, and make sure your jewelry has nice damage. At this point your gear should be endgame-viable and you don't have to worry about it much more unless you're looking for upgrades. For Ascendancy, I suggest getting Tukohama first, then working toward Hinekora. The leech is very nice, but unfortunately the bonus phys damage doesn't trigger due to totems getting the kills, rather than you. Bandits: Oak/Kraityn, Kraityn, Kill I'd say Oak for sure for Normal if you've got the currency/gear to back up your resists. Kraityn for Cruel is due to the fact that your damage scaling is already fantastic, scaling speed helps better than just damage. Links: 5L: Ancestral Warchief + Melee Physical + Poison + Added Fire + Conc Effect / Inc AoE 6L: + Faster Attacks I prefer Poison over Faster attacks as it double dips with our curse and the totem/area nodes from the tree, which makes it much more effective than faster attacks which only gives about 20-30% more damage, which Poison nets around 40% more. If, however, you manage to get yourself a Voidheart Ring. You can drop poison for Faster Attacks, as your ring will provide it. Though, you'll be very hard pressed for resistances at that point, and something like Doryani's Invitation (physical) will have to shore up the resists without losing too much damage. You could also go for a very nice rustic sash with a high life roll, but that can get pricey. If you do get a voidheart, and have a 6L, you could easily socket whatever you'd like in the remaining link. I haven't really found a best 6th socket in that case. Item Rarity, Blind, Melee on Full life (needs testing), Stun, Fortify (for totem tankiness), etc. There's really no bad option at that point as a 5L + Voidheart is a solid setup already, anything else is just icing on the cake. Auras and Curses: Hatred and Herald of Ash will be your reserved auras/buffs, and you'll use Vulnerability as your curse. Vulnerability is great for this build, as it buffs the physical damage from your attacks and buffs damage over time, which makes the poison effect far stronger. Gear: My personal gear is pretty mediocre, so this build can go much further with proper setup.
Videos: Note: I'm a bad player. Atziri Run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYd9L_zukuw&feature=youtu.be T14 Conservatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8zt5-zx5ig&feature=youtu.be T15 Abyss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss-l2XQaLTU&feature=youtu.be Notable Achievments: Cleared all map tiers, though some map bosses are still a bit scary. Killed Abaxoth. Killed Uber Izaro. Killed reg Atziri. Killed Pale Council. Final Thoughts: This is my first successful build that I've personally made myself, and i didn't expect it to be as strong as it is, but I also have to thank the community for giving me suggestions toward fleshing it out. Suggestions like Poison, and forgoing Blood Magic were fantastic. If you think you can do the build better with a different setup, such as a shield or different gear, or even a different skill, then more power to you, this is merely a framework for something more and I hope you all just enjoy the journey towards making something powerful of your own. That being said, if anyone needs assistance with the build or has questions, I'm almost always available to chat when I'm in game. My IGN is Bravo_Chief. Thanks for reading! IGN: Bravo_Thirsty Last edited by Darkblitz9#2193 on Jun 13, 2016, 7:40:30 AM Last bumped on Mar 21, 2017, 4:07:46 PM
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Revision History:
6-13-16: Added info to gem setup Added "Notable Achievements" section Added "Final Thoughts" section 6-9-16: Updated Gem Setup Added Detail to Progression section 6-8-16: Switched to poeplanner for tree Added lvl 90 tentative tree 6-7-16: Build updated with new tree Budget statement removed due to price changes for Abyssus Added T14 Gameplay vid 6-6-16: Added links information 6-5-16: Initial Build Posted IGN: Bravo_Thirsty Last edited by Darkblitz9#2193 on Jun 13, 2016, 7:42:09 AM
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Updated to include links (completely forgot)
IGN: Bravo_Thirsty
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If u use poison in your links the hinekora added fire damage will trigger all the time (coz the over time damage will kill your oponents not totems).
U can also get frenzy charges this way using blood rage. Maybe get rid of blood magic the totems are super cheap on mana cost anyway. Hope this helps. Last edited by xprimalfuryx#0878 on Jun 6, 2016, 4:01:41 AM
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Try out phase run it actually buffs the damage as long as it is up just place the Totems first ;)
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I'll try that for my 6L when/if I manage to get one. @Ferum That sounds pretty good I'll definitely try this ASAP. Thanks for the suggestions! Also: I've updated the build to use some new pathing which edged out some more damage while keeping about the same (if not more) AoE! If you're using the old build, it should only take about 10-13 respecs to get the newer version operating. The build is also no longer budget, as Mathil's Shield Charge build made the price of Abyssus skyrocket. The build is about 1.5ex total now. IGN: Bravo_Thirsty Last edited by Darkblitz9#2193 on Jun 7, 2016, 8:35:51 AM
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I'm loving this build so far is this the last time u gone change the passive tree or u are still testing ?
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" Glad you're enjoying it! That's most likely the last time the tree will change. I've been trying variations and I can't seem to find much else that really makes it stand out. Of course, it's only a lvl 80 tree. You can feel free to expand where you'd like for everything beyond 80. IGN: Bravo_Thirsty
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"I must say this build is the most fun i have ever played and i hope it will be good at higher levels right now im 52 thx for posting it. And who in the right mind put Abyssus Ezomyte Burgonet for 1ex on standard league is 1 aletarion :) |
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" Well, I'm in prophecy league so the supply is vastly limited. As for it doing better at high levels, currently the highest tier map I've managed to get is a tier 9, but I managed to walk all over the enemies and I'm only 83. The map had no regen, -max and added lightning damage to enemies. It does very well at higher levels, or so it seems =) Atziri is pretty easy with this build, mainly because regardless of what boss you fight, they will focus on the totems. This is thanks to totems taunting via Tukohama. IGN: Bravo_Thirsty Last edited by Darkblitz9#2193 on Jun 7, 2016, 1:20:15 PM
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