The lore:
I watched countless elders leaving this earth, departing in solitude. My function was to attend to their medical needs. You see, I was a man of science. I used to think highly of my occupation: a well educated man serving a noble care to the wise.
I have grown cynical.
The so-called wise unleashed upon me more stories on their death bed than I could possibly handle. I had heard too much about the corruption. I couldn't leave like them, into solitude and despair. I simply couldn't accept it. I had no choice, my time was almost up. The world was ending into madness, if I were to survive the chaos, I knew the answer lied whithin the gems, I had discovered something, I had carefully studied them for a long time. I knew how dangerous they were.
It cost me my flesh.
A trade with the corruption, an eternity to walk this earth and survive its atrocity.
I couldn't accept to embrace the corruption, yet I desperatly needed its power. The screams, the flames, the blood, all getting closer, I was runing out of time.
I sat, back to the wall, facing the mirror. I grabbed the axe with my right hand, and landed the first blow on my left shoulder. There is no word to discribe the pain, the blade barely penetrated my skin, yet crushed my bones. It took dedication, time streches in these moments. The risk was high, if I were to faint or to loose too much blood, it would be over. I was desperate, but not ready to die as such. Ultimatly, I separated my left arm from the rest of my body.
I imbued the gem with the remains of my living arm, for it would serv as corruption material, without hurting me further. Finally, I swollowed the gem.
I traded my left arm for a corruption-free and near-eternal life.
The item:

created with:
"Can't use left hand":
you can only use a One Handed Weapon,
no Shield, no Two Handed Weapons, no Dual Wielding,
the left hand slot is empty.
"Unarmed Damage is Zero":
As a one-handed man, you are at your disadvantage in unarmed combat, you need that one handed weapon.
(prevent the item to be used in unarmed builds)
In-game visual effect upon equipment:
Your left arm disappear (transparent)
final note:
english is not my native language, so if you have any suggestion, I'm listening.
Thanks for reading!