[2.2.1] Leth's Crit Posion Blast Pathfinder | Detailed Guide | Video Guide added
![]() Welcome to my Crit Poison Blast Pathfinder Guide VIDEO GUIDE -->Youtube Not only very effective, it's quite cheap to start of but scales very well with currency investment. Concept
With this build we focus on maximizing physical and chaos dmg, then apply poison stacks. Kinetic Blast and the Pathfinder fulfill this purpose perfectly, since KB hits a lot of times in rapid succession whereas the Pathfinder offers free poison on hit during flast effect. Through Ming's Heart and Atziri's Promise we aquire our chaos damage. Core Items These are the items, we gain our chaos damage from. Not nescessarily required but those make the build. They are cheap anyway. Pros and Cons
- High clear speed - Extreme DMG potential - Quite tanky - Purple - Cheap to start of - Can do most map mods - Very fun to play
- Not very suited for Atziri (probably possible, though) - Can't do Phys reflect - Requires thoughtful playstyle and positioning Stats My current stats
![]() Selfbuffed, Level 88
![]() Basalt Flask + Lightning Coil, Selfbuffed, Level 88 Gear
My current Gear
Gearing Guide
Wand 10+ Crit Imbued Wand with as high pDPS as possible. Imbued Wand is important, because we reach exactly 188 int with our passive tree Shield High evasion shield with high life and tripple resist is BiS. Sacrifice evasion if you're on a budget. Boots High movementspeed (!), life if possible and Resists. Remember, that you can craft up to 64 life with Haku. Gloves Get Shadows and Dust if possible. Those allow you to drop mana leech on the tree/other items. Facebreaker are BiS for damage. Helm Rat's Nest is the best option for clear speed. Use Starkonja's Head when on a budget. It's a really good helmet for what it costs. Body Lightning Coil is the absolute best in my opinion. Though, it makes getting resists on the already limited equipment quite hard. Belly of the Beast is a decent option aswell, as it offers a lot of %life to counter the -15% from Ming's. Other than that use a Tabula Rasa if you want a cheap 6L to start with. Belt Rare rustic sash with life and resists or the cheaper alternative : a physical Doryani's Invitation Rings For your second ring slot you are looking for a rare with life, resists and as high flat physical damage as possible. Accuracy can't hurt. We have no use for weapon elemental damage, making gearing in the ring and amulet slot a lot cheaper. Amulet Same as for ring, but drop the resist for global critical strike multiplier. Jewels Most important: %life, global critical strike multiplier Then choose from those : projectile damage, physical damage, damage, area damage, physical damage with wands Jewels can get quite expensive, so I'd recommend getting them last in your gearing progression. You also NEED a perfect 24 Int Fertile Mind, which you socket left from the ranger start. Gems Main Link - Kinetic Blast + GMP + Pierce + Physical Projectile Attack Damage + Increased Critical Strikes + Power charge on critical Wand - Frost Wall + Curse on Hit + Vulnerability Shield - Grace + Purity of Lightning + Enlighten Helm - Vaal Haste + Increased Duration + Faster Casting + Summon Ice Golem Boots - Cast when Damage Taken + Immortal Call + Increased Duration + Blood Rage Gloves - Wither + Spell Totem + Faster Casting + Increased Duration Use frost wall for bosses or isolated rares. Purity of Lightning to counter the -60 lightning resist from Lightning Coil. Wither totem for bosses. Bandits Kraityn Kraityn Alira Passives
Endgame Tree
Stage one Make sure, you pick up the jewel socket to the left. You need to socket a perfect 24 int Fertile Mind into it. That solves our int problems completly. Stage two Ascendancies For our ascendancies we pick 1. Master Herbalist 2. Nature's Adrenaline 3. Master Surgeon Leveling I started of with EK. Swapped to KB, when I got my Twyzel. Proceeded then to use it. Pretty straight forward. Videos
227 Mio Exp/h Dried Lake run
8 Mod Promenade
Youtube 2 additional exiles more magic monsters 20% less recovery crit LMP Fire resist 20% physical reduction poison
T7 Terrace
2:24 Gorge Run
T10 Plateau
Facerolling Olmec's Sanctum
Insane Malformation
Merciless Labyrinth Run
T11 Insane Precinct with Ghosted Onslaught Boss
Youtube -max 40% less regen onslaught 30% phys dmg reduction 75% added dmg as fire 85% added dmg as cold ______________________________________________________________ Thanks for reading this guide. If you have any questions, feel welcome to PM me ingame or in the forum. Last edited by Lethmyr#0950 on Apr 9, 2016, 2:33:25 AM Last bumped on Apr 20, 2016, 8:32:18 PM
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Sechsay - thank you
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Looks awesome. I'm going to give it a shot.
What are your thoughts on hardcore? |
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" Thanks. Mixed feelings about hardcore. The usage of Ming's and the position in the down right area of the skill tree makes achieving high life pretty tough. That said, from going into maps till lvl 89 I only died 3 times so far and all 3 deaths were mistakes on my end and totally avoidable. |
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" Agreed in respect to the life difficulties; I'm around 81 in HC perandus at the moment. Build is still a blast though, pun not intentional |
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could this work with power syphon`?
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" No. Well yes but not any close to KB. You'd need chain, drop pierce and sacrifice most of the poison part which really is what makes this build. Since PS will hit any given target like 2-4 times max there wouldn't be much of a reason to go poison. KB has more dmg, faster clear speed and more poison stacks. If you really want to use PS, you want to go the typical phys/ele wander build.. and even then KB will be better at everything. |
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Going to try this in Perandus HC only going to use the mings and lightning coil. Other unique are nice, but I am doing another crit build COC Quillrain. It seems to be doing fine. I would rather take less damage over livability. I will let you know how it goes!
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